from moose_nerp.prototypes.util import NamedList
from moose_nerp.prototypes.util import NamedDict
from moose_nerp.prototypes.calcium import CalciumConfig, SingleBufferParams, PumpParams, CellCalcium, ShapeParams
#to change the type of calcium model, change CaShellModeDensity
#if using CAPOOL, may want to adjust CalciumParams.tau (decay time constant) or BufferCapacityDensity
#if using SHELL or POOL, optionally change:
#which_dye to specify one of a set of buffer parameters
#BufferTotals to change buffer quantitites (or add additional lines)
#PumpDensity or PumpVmax to change those parameters
#parameters in tree_shape, etc to change size of subcompartments
CAPOOL = -1 #single time constant of decay
#difshell types
SLAB = 1
#region/distance definitions
soma = (0,141e-6)
dend = (14.100000000000000001e-6,1000e-6)
everything = (0.,1.)
spines = (0.,1.,'sp')
heads = (0.,1.,'head')
necks = (0.,1.,'neck')
#difshell increase mode
#intrinsic calcium params
#diffusion constant from Allbritton et al.1992. Tau is used only if using single time constant of decay instead of pumps and buffers
CaBasal = 50e-6
CalciumParams = CellCalcium(CaName='Shell',Ceq=CaBasal,DCa=200e-12,tau=20e-3)
#shellMode: CaPool = -1, Shell = 0, SLICE/SLAB = 1, userdef = 3. If shellMode=-1 caconc thickness is outershell_thickness, and BuferCapacityDensity is used
#increase_mode linear = 0, geometric = 1
#kinetic parameters of various calcium Buffers / indicators
#Calbindin binding rates from Schmidt et al. 2007 J Physiol
calbindin = SingleBufferParams('Calbindin', kf=0.028e6, kb=19.6, D=66e-12)
#Calmodulin binding rates from Brown SE, Martin SR, Bayley PM (1997) J Biol Chem and Putkey JA, Kleerekoper Q, Gaertner TR, Waxham MN (2003) J Biol Chem
camc = SingleBufferParams('CaMC', kf=0.006e6, kb=9.1, D=66.0e-12)
camn = SingleBufferParams('CaMN', kf=0.1e6, kb=1000., D=66.0e-12)
fixed_buffer = SingleBufferParams('Fixed_Buffer', kf=0.4e6, kb=20e3, D=0)
Fura2 = SingleBufferParams('Fura-2', kf=1000e3, kb=185, D=6e-11)
Fluo5F = SingleBufferParams('Fluo5f_Wickens', kf=2.36e5, kb=82.6, D=6e-11)
Fluo4 = SingleBufferParams('Fluo4', kf=2.36e5, kb=82.6, D=6e-11)
Fluo4FF = SingleBufferParams('Fluo4FF', kf=.8e5, kb=776, D=6e-11)
#Buffer params dictionary
BufferParams = NamedDict('BufferParams',Calbindin=calbindin,CaMN=camn,CaMC=camc,FixedBuffer=fixed_buffer,Fura2=Fura2,Fluo5F=Fluo5F,Fluo4=Fluo4,Flou4FF=Fluo4FF)
#Kinetic parameters for calcium extrusion (pump) mechanisms
#PMCA (mmpump) Km from sedova, Blatter 1999 cell calcium, Km=150-320
MMPump = PumpParams('MMpump',Kd=0.3e-3)
#NCX affinity from Gall et al. 1999 Biophys J, Km=1.5 uM
NCX = PumpParams("NCX",Kd=1e-3)
#Pump params dictionary
PumpKm = {'MMPump':MMPump,'NCX':NCX}
#dye used in simulations
which_dye = "no_dye"
#Quantity of calcium buffers. "no_dye" is specifies the exogenous buffer quantity.
#Other possible dye sets are for replicating calcium imaging experiments, and assume the diffusible buffers are dialyzed
#Quantities of calcium indicators taken directly from experimental papers
#possible dye sets used in experiments
BufferTotals ={"no_dye":{'Calbindin':80e-3,'CaMC':15e-3,'CaMN':15e-3,'FixedBuffer':1}, #endogenous immobile low affinity buffer (e.g. see Matthews, Scoch, & Dietrich, J. Neuro, 2013 (hippocampus))
"Fura_2":{'Fura2':100e-3,'FixedBuffer':1}, #Kerr
"Fluo5F Shindou":{'Fluo5F':300.0e-3,'FixedBuffer':1},
"Fluo4":{'Fluo4':100.e-3,'FixedBuffer':1}, #Plotkin use 100uM or 200
"Fluo4FF":{'Fluo4FF':500e-3,'FixedBuffer':1}, #500 uM used by Plotkin
"Fluo5F Lovinger and Sabatini":{'Fluo5F':100e-3,'FixedBuffer':1},
#Pump Vmax, NCX distribution from Lorincz et al. 2007 PNAS
#*************Change this to 1st specify PumpVmaxNCX, and PumpVmaxPMCA, and then collect PumpDensities below.
#*******Or have single spec as in param_cond
PumpVmaxDend = {'NCX':0.,'MMPump':8e-8}
PumpVmaxSoma = {'MMPump':85e-8}
PumpVmaxSpine = {'NCX':8.e-8,'MMPump':1e-8}
#Buffer density specification -- this is used with difshells
BufferDensity = {everything:BufferTotals[which_dye]}
#Pump density specification -- used with diffshells
PumpDensity = {soma:PumpVmaxSoma,dend:PumpVmaxDend,spines:PumpVmaxSpine}
#Buffer capacity specification -- this is used with CaConc (single time constant of Ca decay)
BufferCapacityDensity = {soma:20.,dend:20.}
#Ca dynamics specification
#CAPOOL implements single time constant of Ca decay,
#SHELL subdivides dendrite in cylinderical sheels, with diffusion between outer/submembrane shell and central core
#SLAB subdivides spines (or dendrite) into slices, with diffusion in the axial dimension
CaShellModeDensity = {soma:CAPOOL, dend:CAPOOL, spines:CAPOOL}
#Specificy the size of the smaller calcium compartments
#When subdividing dendrite or spine, can have the PSD or submembrane shell thinner than inner shells with a thickness increase.
tree_shape = ShapeParams(OutershellThickness=.1e-6,ThicknessIncreaseFactor=2,ThicknessIncreaseMode=GEOMETRIC,MinThickness=.11e-6)
head_shape = ShapeParams(OutershellThickness=.07e-6,ThicknessIncreaseFactor=2.,ThicknessIncreaseMode=LINEAR,MinThickness=.06e-6)
neck_shape = ShapeParams(OutershellThickness=.1667e-6,ThicknessIncreaseFactor=1.,ThicknessIncreaseMode=LINEAR,MinThickness=.13e-6)
ShapeConfig = {everything:tree_shape,heads:head_shape,necks:neck_shape}
#################### Plasticity ##########################
#These thresholds are applied to calcium concentration
##Note that these must be much larger if there are spines
PlasParams = NamedList('PlasParams','''
timeStepFactor = 100.0
lowThreshold = 0.15e-3
highThreshold = 0.3e-3
Plas_syn = PlasParams(Name='ampa',highThreshold=highThreshold,lowThreshold=lowThreshold, highDurationThreshold = 0.005,lowDurationThreshold=0.025,highFactor='(0.5/'+str(timeStepFactor)+')*',lowFactor = '/'+str(lowThreshold-highThreshold)+'/'+str(timeStepFactor))