from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
import moose
import random

from . import logutil
from .util import distance_mapping
from .add_channel import addOneChan
log = logutil.Logger()

#NAME_NECK and NAME_HEAD are used in to add calcium objects to spines
#If you get rid of them, you have to change
NAME_NECK = "neck"
NAME_HEAD = "head"

'''Need to decide whether Rm represents the compensated no spine case 
(in which case adding spines needs to be decompensated)
or whether Rm represents the case with spines 
(in which case lack of spines needs to be compensated in a different place)

def setSpineCompParams(model, comp,compdia,complen,RA,RM,CM):
    comp.diameter = compdia
    comp.length = complen
    XArea = np.pi*comp.diameter*comp.diameter/4
    circumf = np.pi*compdia
    log.debug('Xarea,circumf of {}, {}, {} CM {} {}',
              comp.path, XArea, circumf,
    comp.Ra = 4*RA*comp.length/XArea
    comp.Rm = RM/(np.pi*comp.diameter*comp.length)
    cm = CM*np.pi*comp.diameter*comp.length
    if cm < 1e-15:
        cm = 1e-15
    comp.Cm = cm
    comp.Em = model.SpineParams.spineELEAK
    comp.initVm = model.SpineParams.spineEREST

def makeSpine(model, parentComp, compName,index,frac,SpineParams):
    #frac is where along the compartment the spine is attached
    #unfortunately, these values specified in the .p file are not accessible
    neck_path = '{}/{}{}{}'.format(parentComp.path, compName, index, NAME_NECK)
    neck = moose.Compartment(neck_path)
    log.debug('{} at {} x,y,z={},{},{}', neck.path, frac, parentComp.x, parentComp.y, parentComp.z)
    #evenly distribute the spines along the parent compartment
    x=parentComp.x0+ frac * (parentComp.x - parentComp.x0)
    y=parentComp.y0+ frac * (parentComp.y - parentComp.y0)
    z=parentComp.z0+ frac * (parentComp.z - parentComp.z0)
    neck.x0, neck.y0, neck.z0 = x, y, z
    #could pass in an angle and use cos and sin to set y and z
    neck.x, neck.y, neck.z = x, y + SpineParams.necklen, z
    setSpineCompParams(model, neck,SpineParams.neckdia,SpineParams.necklen,SpineParams.neckRA,SpineParams.spineRM,SpineParams.spineCM)

    head_path = '{}/{}{}{}'.format(parentComp.path, compName, index, NAME_HEAD)
    head = moose.Compartment(head_path)
    moose.connect(neck, 'raxial', head, 'axial', 'Single')
    head.x0, head.y0, head.z0 = neck.x, neck.y, neck.z
    head.x, head.y, head.z = head.x0, head.y0 + SpineParams.headlen, head.z0

    setSpineCompParams(model, head,SpineParams.headdia,SpineParams.headlen,SpineParams.headRA,SpineParams.spineRM,SpineParams.spineCM)

    return head, neck

def compensate_for_spines(comp,total_spine_surface,surface_area):
    old_Cm = comp.Cm
    old_Rm = comp.Rm
    scaling_factor = (surface_area+total_spine_surface)/surface_area

    comp.Cm = old_Cm/scaling_factor
    comp.Rm = old_Rm*scaling_factor

def decompensate_compensate_for_spines(comp,total_spine_surface,surface_area,compensation_spine_surface):
    old_Cm = comp.Cm
    old_Rm = comp.Rm
    new_scaling_factor = (surface_area+total_spine_surface)/surface_area
    old_scaling_factor = (surface_area+compensation_spine_surface)/surface_area
    comp.Cm = old_Cm/old_scaling_factor*new_scaling_factor
    comp.Rm = old_Rm*old_scaling_factor*new_scaling_factor

def spine_surface(SpineParams):
    headdia = SpineParams.headdia
    headlen = SpineParams.headlen
    neckdia = SpineParams.neckdia
    necklen = SpineParams.necklen
    surface = headdia*headlen + neckdia*necklen

    return surface*np.pi

def getChildren(parentname,childrenlist):
    children = moose.element(parentname).neighbors['axialOut']
    if len(children):
        for child in children:

def addSpines(model, container,ghkYN,name_soma):
    SpineParams = model.SpineParams
    suma = 0

    modelcond = model.Condset[container]
    single_spine_surface = spine_surface(SpineParams)
    parentComp = container+'/'+SpineParams.spineParent
    compList = [SpineParams.spineParent]

    for comp in moose.wildcardFind(container + '/#[TYPE=Compartment]'):
        dist = (comp.x**2+comp.y**2+comp.z**2)**0.5
        if name_soma not in comp.path and in compList and (SpineParams.spineEnd > dist > SpineParams.spineStart):
            #determine the number of spines
            numSpines = int(np.round(SpineParams.spineDensity*comp.length))

            #if spine density is low (less than 1 per comp) use random number to determine whether to add a spine
            if not numSpines:
                 rand = random.random()
                 if rand > SpineParams.spineDensity*comp.length:
                     numSpines = 1
                     suma += 1
            #calculate total surface area of the added spines
            total_spine_surface = numSpines*single_spine_surface
            surface_area = comp.diameter*comp.length*np.pi
            # if SpineParams.compensationSpineDensity:
            #     compensation_spine_surface = int(np.round(SpineParams.compensationSpineDensity*comp.length))*single_spine_surface
            #     decompensate_compensate_for_spines(comp,total_spine_surface,surface_area,compensation_spine_surface)
            # else:
            #increase resistance according to the spines that should be there but aren't
            #spineSpace = comp.length/(numSpines+1)
            #for each spine, make a spine and possibly compensate for its surface area
            for index in range(numSpines):
                frac = (index+0.5)/numSpines
                #print comp.path,"Spine:", index, "located:", frac
                head,neck = makeSpine(model, comp, 'sp',index, frac, SpineParams)

                #now decrease resistance of compartment back to original value?!?!
                if SpineParams.compensationSpineDensity:
                    #why are we altering head and neck resistance?!?!
                if SpineParams.spineChanList:
                    if ghkYN:
                    chan_list = []
                    for c in SpineParams.spineChanList:
                    for chanpath in chan_list:
                        cond = distance_mapping(modelcond[chanpath],head)
                        if cond > 0:
                            log.debug('Testing Cond If {} {}', chanpath, cond)
                            calciumPermeable = model.Channels[chanpath].calciumPermeable
            #end for index
    #end for comp'{} spines created in {}', len(headarray), container)
    return headarray