Customizing the model: (back to readme)
The comments included in plot_struct.m should provide sufficient
information for easy customization of the script. Below, we will draw
attention to several variables that users may wish to modify.

plot_raw = 1;
plot_meanbar = 1;
Turns on plot of raw traces and also bar graphs showing mean value of
raw traces (0=off, 1=on).

channel_list = {'hill2', ...}
Cell array "channel_list" contains the names of all the channels
implemented in our minimal model. To select a channel to simulate,
change X to the corresponding number (X=1-6). Choices are:
'hill2s' - Hill equation determining nonstationary gating of SK2
'vTau2s' - A typical 2-state Markov process.
'sAHP5s' - Implementation of the sAHP channel (eqn 11 in
	Stanley et al), without the final O state
'sAHP6s' - Full implementation of sAHP (eqn 11)
'SK2_6s' - SK2 channel kinetic scheme for low open probability
	gating regime (eqn 6)
'SK2h_6s' - SK2 channel kinetic scheme for high open probability
	gating regime (eqn 7)

scalingfactors = [1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128];
Specifies scaling factor by which to scale pulse height and spacing.
See "Model details" section above and comments in plot_struct.m. = 10;
This is the stop time (in seconds) of the simulation. Here we use 10
seconds. Default for Figure 9 is 180 seconds (very slow).

p.stats_start = 3.1;
When calculating the mean current through a channel, the first
3.1 seconds are discarded to allow for initial settling time. This
value should be changed according to the settling time of the
channel under consideration.

p.rate_scale = 1;
Scales all rate constants of the channel's kinetic scheme by this
value. Setting this to 100 generates the "fast" traces in
Figure 9b and 9c.

Good luck and have fun!