% Matlab 2008b
% David Arthur Stanley
% david.A.stanley@asu.edu
% Arizona State University, Feb 28, 2011
% Units:
% Time is measured in seconds
% Calcium concentration is measured in Mols
% Channel activation is given in probabilities, with 1.0 being open.
clc; clear all;
resimulate = 1;
if set_values && resimulate
plot_on = 1; % Turns plotting on or off - useful to turn it off when using a script
plot_raw = 1; % Plot raw time series data
plot_PSD = 0; % Plot power spectral density (not yet implemented)
plot_meanbar = 1; % Plot a bar graph of standard deviations
exps_to_plot=[0]; % Leave this as default. This is used when embedding plot_struct within a larger script file
% to enable multiple subsets of scalingfactors to be run
plot_across_experiments = 1; % Plot one channel type under many different pulse protocols
scalingfactors = [1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128]; % Scaling factor for calcium pulse height (p.Ca_level, defined below) is scaled by each of these values.
% Briefly, the calcium signal associated with scalingfactors=[1] is fixed at p.Ca_level (default 75nM).
% The calcium signal for scalingfactors=[2] is a 14msec pulse of height 150nM, followed by
% 14msec when calcium is zero. This preserves the mean Ca level at 75nM. Similarly for scalingfactors > 2.
channel_list= {'hill2s','vTau2s','sAHP5s','sAHP6s','SK2_6s','SK2h_6s'}; % List of possible channels we have implemented
exp_channel=channel_list{5}; % Channel name to plot; #5 is SK2 (in sLPo state)
plot_theory = 0; % Plot analytical curves, rather than those calculated numerically (not implemented for all channels)
% % % Period, duty cycle of Ca, and total sim time
p.period_scale = 1.0; % Scale the period of the pulse protocol (time-scales the input signal by this value)
p.rate_scale = 1; % Scale the rate constants of the channel by this value
p.ti = 0; % Simulation start time (seconds)
p.tf = 10; % Simulation stop time (default=180 sec, very slow)
p.per = 0.014; % Period of the default pulse protocol (seconds)
p.dc = 1.0; % Duty cycle of the defualt pulse
p.Ca_level = 75e-9; % Pulse height (default)
p.per = p.per*p.period_scale; % Implement period scale
p.tf = p.tf * p.period_scale; % Implement period scale
p.stats_start = 3.1; % Settling time to wait before calculating stats. Should be adjusted depending on settling time of channel
for i = scalingfactors
p.factor = i; % Sets the factor by which to scale pulse height and total pulse length
if resimulate; [tempdat2{i}, p] = exp_build(p,exp_channel); end
tempdat2{i} = exp_stats(p,tempdat2{i});
% Plot single channel, multiple experiments
for jj = exps_to_plot
if plot_across_experiments
scalingfactors = [(scalingfactors+jj)];
col_num = find_columns( tempdat2{scalingfactors(1)}.column_names,{exp_channel}); col_numstr=num2str(col_num);
titlestr = strrep (tempdat2{scalingfactors(1)}.column_names{col_num},'_',' ');
if plot_raw
[plotmat leg_arr]= struct2matrix({tempdat2{scalingfactors}},['column{' col_numstr '}.data'], 'varname');
if plot_theory; [plotmat_theory leg_arr]= struct2matrix({tempdat2{scalingfactors}},['column{' col_numstr '}.theory.y'], 'varname'); end
t = tempdat2{scalingfactors(1)}.column{col_num}.datatimes;
if plot_theory; t_theory = tempdat2{scalingfactors(1)}.column{col_num}.theory.t; end
clear pso; pso.shift = -0.0e-11; pso.ds=1; pso.zero_means=0;
if plot_on;
plot_matrix (t, plotmat, pso, leg_arr);
if plot_theory; hold on; plot_matrix(t_theory, plotmat_theory, pso); end
title (['Plotting ' titlestr]);
ylabel('Open probability');
if plot_PSD
[plotmat leg_arr]= struct2matrix({tempdat2{scalingfactors}},['column{' col_numstr '}.fft.psd'], 'varname');
% plotmat=abs(plotmat).^2;
f = tempdat2{scalingfactors(1)}.column{col_num}.fft.f;
clear pso; pso.plotloglog=1;
if plot_on; figure; plot_matrix (f, plotmat, pso, leg_arr); title (['Plotting ' titlestr]); end
if plot_meanbar
[plotmat leg_arr] = struct2matrix({tempdat2{scalingfactors}},['column{' col_numstr '}.' statsdata_val],'varname');
[plotmat_err leg_arr] = struct2matrix({tempdat2{scalingfactors}},['column{' col_numstr '}.' statsdata_err],'varname');
if strcmp(tempdat2{scalingfactors(1)}.column_names{col_num},'vTau2s')
[plotmat2 leg_arr] = struct2matrix({tempdat2{scalingfactors}},['column{' col_numstr '}.statsdata.theoreticalmean'],'varname');
if plot_on; figure; plot_bar([plotmat'], plotmat_err', leg_arr); title (['Plotting ' titlestr]); xlabel('Pulse scaling factor'); ylabel('Mean open probability'); end