function STDE_Shen_batch(s_sim_general_struct, s_xpt_structure, ...
s_ctx_and_stim_struct, s_stdp_elgibility, s_dopamine, s_msn, s_pattern)
% Batched response for many single MSNs to user defined sequence of inputs over a series of trials
% The structures in teh parameter list will usually be produced using
% More details of those parameters are given there.
% A cell array of spike times - one vector in the array
% for each trial is saved to the
% results file 'RESULTS#', where # is the value of the parameter 'XPT_NO'
% (one of the general_sim parameters)
% Also saved in RESULTS# is STRONG_AFF_INDS, a row vector of indices
% specifying the strong afferents to the MSN
% Further variables are recorded depending on setting of flags.
% Thus, if SPIKE_DIAG is set then all the afferent
% spikes are saved in the array T_SPIKES_SS with
% dimesnions N_synapses x N_timesteps
% If DIAG_G_SYN is set, arrays of synaptic conductances for the entire
% experiment are saved in G_SYN_SS (for ampa) and G_SYN_NMDA_SS, G_SYN_GABA_SS (nmda and gaba resp)
% with dimension N_trials x N_synapses. The
% g_syn are recorded at the ned of each trial
% If DIAG_ELIG_SYNAPSE is set to a non-zero value N, then the eligibility
% traces and kernel values for synapes N are recorded. if N = 0, then no
% recording takes place.
% Eligibility traces are recorded in DIAG_POS_ELIGS_SS and DIAG_NEG_ELIGS_SS
% kernesl are stored in DIAG_POS_PLAS_SS and DIAG_NEG_PLAS_SS. These all
% have dimension of N_trials x N_timesteps
% Note taht some diagnostics can have huge memory demands - use carefully!
% If no saving to a results file is required, tehn comment out thesave line
% at the end of the file
% make all_pars for saving later
all_pars = {s_sim_general_struct, s_xpt_structure, ...
s_ctx_and_stim_struct, s_stdp_elgibility, s_dopamine, s_msn, s_pattern};
%% experimental structure
neuron_type = s_xpt_structure.neuron_type;
phases = s_xpt_structure.phases;
xpt_ints = s_xpt_structure.intervals;
half_period = s_xpt_structure.half_period;
stim_duration = s_xpt_structure.stim_duration;
time_DA = s_xpt_structure.DA_time;
%% general sim pars
dt = s_sim_general_struct.dt;
seed = s_sim_general_struct.rseed;
xpt_no = s_sim_general_struct.xpt_no;
spike_diag = s_sim_general_struct.spike_diag;
diag_elig_synapse = s_sim_general_struct.diag_elig_synapse;
diag_g_syn = s_sim_general_struct.diag_g_syn;
% stimulus and cortex
background_rate = s_ctx_and_stim_struct.background_rate;
% slow wave
freq_slow_wave = s_ctx_and_stim_struct.freq_slow_wave;
A_depth = s_ctx_and_stim_struct.A_depth;
sw_alpha_star = s_ctx_and_stim_struct.sw_alpha_star;
mean_sw_rate = s_ctx_and_stim_struct.mean_sw_rate;
sw_stim_reset_period_type = s_ctx_and_stim_struct.sw_stim_reset_period_type;
half_period_frac = s_ctx_and_stim_struct.half_period_frac;
stim_rate = s_ctx_and_stim_struct.stim_rate;
correlation_in_stim = s_ctx_and_stim_struct.correlation;
% STDP and eligibility
tau_elig_pos = s_stdp_elgibility.tau_elig_pos;
tau_elig_neg = s_stdp_elgibility.tau_elig_neg;
tau_pos = s_stdp_elgibility.tau_pos;
tau_neg = s_stdp_elgibility.tau_neg;
k_hat_pos_hi = s_stdp_elgibility.k_hat_pos_hi;
k_hat_pos_lo = s_stdp_elgibility.k_hat_pos_lo;
k_hat_neg_hi = s_stdp_elgibility.k_hat_neg_hi;
k_hat_neg_lo = s_stdp_elgibility.k_hat_neg_lo;
LR = s_stdp_elgibility.LR;
%% dopamine
da_tonic = s_dopamine.tonic;
da_phasic = s_dopamine.phasic;
reduced_phasic_factor = s_dopamine.reduced_phasic_factor;
tau_phi = s_dopamine.tau_phi;
DA_hi = s_dopamine.DA_hi;
DA_lo = s_dopamine.DA_lo;
DA_std = s_dopamine.DA_std;
DA_fn_type = s_dopamine.DA_fn_type;
NK_rho = s_dopamine.NK_rho;
NK_theta = s_dopamine.NK_theta;
NK_max = s_dopamine.NK_max;
phi_max = s_dopamine.phi_max;
phi_rho = s_dopamine.phi_rho;
phi_theta = s_dopamine.phi_theta;
%%% MSN
N = s_msn.N; % Number of cortical afferents
syn_scaling = s_msn.syn_scaling; % scales all synaptic conductances from original DA_Iz model
std_syn_frac = s_msn.std_syn_frac; % std dev of synaptic strength at start id std_syn_frac * mean
init_min_syn_frac = s_msn.init_min_syn_frac; % minimum initial synaptic strength as fraction of mean
max_syn_frac = s_msn.max_syn_frac; % maximum synaptic weight as fraction of mean
%tau_syn = s_msn.tau_syn; % synaptic time constant
% V_syn = s_msn.V_syn; % synaptic reversal potential
randp = s_msn.strong_perm; % sets strong afferent set
%% pattern matching input
No_strong_affs = s_pattern.No_strong_affs;
rate_hi = s_pattern.rate_hi; % rate of firing on the strong afferents
rate_lo = s_pattern.rate_lo; % rate of firing on the weak afferents
alpha_hi = s_pattern.alpha_hi; % correlation between strong
% afferents
alpha_lo = s_pattern.alpha_lo; % correlation between weak
% afferents
salience_time = s_pattern.salience_time; % duration of salientinput
tau_da_habituate = s_pattern.tau_da_habituate; % time constant for
% habituation of phasic DA
%% uses seconds and Volts
rand('state', seed);
randn('state', seed);
%%% possible phases of a trial
%%% Experiment structure
No_phases = length(phases);
for i = 1:No_phases
xpt_phases(1,i) = phases(i);
xpt_phases(2,i) = xpt_ints(i);
trial_counts = xpt_phases(2,:);
%%% New DA Iz model pars %%%%%%%%%%%%
%% temporary assignmnst while debugging code
% D1 = 0.8;
% D2 = 0.8;
%load new_Iz_DA_pars
% MS neuron parameters in saved file
%k = izipars(1); a = izipars(2); b = izipars(3); c = izipars(4); vr = izipars(5); vpeak = izipars(6);
k0 = 1.0;
a = 0.01;
b = -20.0;
c = -55.0;
vr0 = -80.0;
vpeak = 40.0;
% found MS parameters: X = [C,vt,d]
%C = X(1); vt =X(2); d = X(3);
C = 15.2294;
vt = -29.7303;
d0 = 90.9096;
% extra DA model parameters in saved file
% KIR = XD1(1); % KIR modifier
% LCA = XD1(2); % LCA modifier
KIR = 0.0289;
LCA = 0.3308;
DA_conc = da_tonic;
phi_nk1 = DA_conc .^ phi_rho;
D1 = phi_max .* phi_nk1 ./ (phi_nk1 + phi_theta .^ phi_rho);
D2 = D1;
vrD1 = vr0 .* (1 + D1 .* KIR);
dD1 = d0 .* (1 - D1 .* LCA);
% D2 - intrinsic
% alpha = XD2;
alpha = 0.032;
kD2 = k0 .* (1 - alpha .* D2);
% synaptic
% cD1 = Xd1all;
% cD2 = Xd2all;
cD1 = 6.3;
cD2 = 0.215;
% all PSP parameters in saved file
Egaba = -60;
Enmda = 0;
Eampa = 0;
% these should stay in the same ratio
% PSPampa = Xsyn; %%
PSPampa = 6.8687; %
ampa_nmda = 2.0;
ampa_gaba = 1.4;
ts_ampa = 6.0;
ts_nmda = 160.0;
ts_gaba = 4.0;
PSPnmda = PSPampa ./ ampa_nmda;
PSPgaba = PSPampa ./ ampa_gaba;
PSPampa = PSPampa ./ ts_ampa; % normalisation used inline in original code
PSPnmda = PSPnmda ./ ts_nmda; % ditto
PSPgaba = PSPgaba ./ ts_gaba; % ditto
D1_syn_fact = (1 + cD1 .* D1);
D2_syn_fact = (1 - cD2 .* D2);
Mg = 1.0;
ms_dt = 1000 .* dt; % dt im milliseconds
dt_over_C = ms_dt ./ C; % because membrame equation assumes ms
if strcmp(neuron_type, 'D1')
vr = vrD1;
d = dD1;
k = k0;
elseif strcmp(neuron_type, 'D2')
vr = vr0;
d = d0;
k = kD2;
error('STDP_Shen_batch:neuron_type', 'Invalid neurontype (D1 or D2)')
SynExp_ampa = exp(-ms_dt / ts_ampa);
SynExp_nmda = exp(-ms_dt / ts_nmda);
SynExp_gaba = exp(-ms_dt / ts_gaba);
%%%%%%%%% general parameters
%%% spikes and stimulus
rates_stim = [background_rate stim_rate background_rate]; % mean firing rate during stim trials
rates_no_stim = [background_rate background_rate background_rate]; % mean firing rate during non-stim trials
periods = [half_period stim_duration half_period]; % phases of cortical activity within a trial
alphas_stim = [0 correlation_in_stim 0]; % correlation in each phase for stim trials
alphas_no_stim = [0 0.0 0]; % correlation in each phase for non-stim trials
%%% synaptic conductances
g_syn_ampa_mean = syn_scaling .* PSPampa;
std_ampa = std_syn_frac .* g_syn_ampa_mean;
g_syn_ampa = g_syn_ampa_mean .* ones(1, N) + std_ampa .* randn(1, N);
g_syn_ampa(g_syn_ampa <= 0) = init_min_syn_frac .* g_syn_ampa_mean; % don't let any synapses be less than init_min_g_syn
live_syn_ampa = true(1,N); % live synapses - synapses that are reduced below zero
% are set to sero and are killed off. They
% can no longer be altered
max_syn_ampa = g_syn_ampa_mean .* max_syn_frac;
g_syn_nmda_mean = syn_scaling .* PSPnmda;
std_nmda = std_syn_frac .* g_syn_nmda_mean;
g_syn_nmda = g_syn_nmda_mean .* ones(1, N) + std_nmda .* randn(1, N);
g_syn_nmda(g_syn_nmda <= 0) = init_min_syn_frac .* g_syn_nmda_mean; % don't let any synapses be less than init_min_g_syn
g_syn_gaba_mean = syn_scaling .* PSPgaba;
std_gaba = std_syn_frac .* g_syn_gaba_mean;
g_syn_gaba = g_syn_gaba_mean .* ones(1, N) + std_gaba .* randn(1, N);
g_syn_gaba(g_syn_gaba <= 0) = init_min_syn_frac .* g_syn_gaba_mean; % don't let any synapses be less than init_min_g_syn
%%%%% STDP
msn6 = dt ./ tau_neg;
msn7 = dt ./ tau_pos;
%%% eligibility traces
msn10 = dt ./ tau_elig_pos;
msn11 = dt ./ tau_elig_neg;
%%%% DA
% d[DA]/dt = -[DA] + m_0
da_time = round(time_DA ./ dt); % time for phasic dopamine in time steps
msn5 = dt ./ tau_phi; % optimisation
%%%% LR = 20; % "learn rate" parameter in the old code with single DA pulse
%%%% DA old formulation
% phi_0 = LR ./ tau_phi; % to give same effective (integrated) effect
% m_0 = phasic_tonic_ratio .* phi_0 .* (tau_phi ./ tau_elig_ltp);
%%%% DA new (simplified formulation)
msn8 = da_tonic .* (dt ./ tau_phi);
% DA_conc now defined above when defining factors for DA modulation
%%%% pattern matching
strong_aff_perm = randp;
strong_aff_inds = find(strong_aff_perm <= No_strong_affs);
%%%%%%%%%% end parameters
%%%%%%%%%% initialise
g_syn_ss = []; % stores over trials
diag_pos_eligs_ss = [];
diag_neg_eligs_ss = [];
diag_pos_plas_ss = [];
diag_neg_plas_ss = [];
V = vr;
u = 0;
S_neg = 0;
S_pos = 0;
pos_eligs = zeros(N,1);
neg_eligs = zeros(N,1);
total_trial_count = 1;
%% start
%% slow wave pars
period_slow_wave = 1 ./ freq_slow_wave;
N_half_period_sw = round(0.5 .* period_slow_wave ./ dt);
Ttrial_time = sum(periods);
if Ttrial_time < 0.5 .* period_slow_wave
error('STDP_stim:trialtime', 'Trial time is less than half a slow wave')
sw_stim_reset_phase = round(half_period_frac .* (0.5 ./ freq_slow_wave) ./ dt);
fractional_phase_slow_wave = 0; % integral number of increments of dt
% into a half cycle
slow_wave_half_cycle_type = 1; % 'up' state is 1, down state is 0
p_up = (1 + A_depth) .* mean_sw_rate .* dt;
p_down = (1 - A_depth) .* mean_sw_rate .* dt;
sw_alpha = A_depth .* sw_alpha_star;
T_spikes_ss = []; % all spikes in a run - only use if diagnsotic on
Gampa = 0;
Gnmda = 0;
Ggaba = 0;
for xpt_phase = 1:No_phases
No_trials = trial_counts(xpt_phase);
trial_type = xpt_phases(1, xpt_phase);
switch trial_type
phi = 0;
phi = 0;
phi = da_phasic;
phi = da_phasic;
phi = reduced_phasic_factor .* da_phasic;
phi = da_phasic;
phi = 0;
phi = 0;
phi = da_phasic;
phi = da_phasic;
error('STDP_stim:XptPhasesInvalid', 'Invalid expt phase');
for trial = 1:No_trials
% make spikes
Tspikes = [];
switch trial_type
case NO_STIM_NO_PHASIC_DA % cortical slow wave only
tspan = 0:dt:Ttrial_time;
lt = length(tspan);
[Tspikes, fractional_phase_slow_wave, slow_wave_half_cycle_type] = ...
make_slow_wave_stim(lt, N_half_period_sw, ...
fractional_phase_slow_wave, slow_wave_half_cycle_type, ...
N, dt, sw_alpha, p_up, p_down);
case WITH_STIM_NO_PHASIC_DA % cortical slow wave and stim
tspan = 0:dt:half_period;
lt = length(tspan);
[spikes, fractional_phase_slow_wave, slow_wave_half_cycle_type] = ...
make_slow_wave_stim(lt, N_half_period_sw, ...
fractional_phase_slow_wave, slow_wave_half_cycle_type, ...
N, dt, sw_alpha, p_up, p_down);
Tspikes = [Tspikes spikes];
%%%%%%%%%%%% stim %%%%%%%%%%%%%
tspan = 0:dt:stim_duration;
seg = length(tspan);
p = stim_rate .* dt;
T = make_spikes(N, seg, p, correlation_in_stim);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
%%%%%%%%%%% final period after reset %%%%%%%%%%%%
slow_wave_half_cycle_type = sw_stim_reset_period_type;
fractional_phase_slow_wave = sw_stim_reset_phase;
tspan = 0:dt:half_period;
lt = length(tspan);
[spikes, fractional_phase_slow_wave, slow_wave_half_cycle_type] = ...
make_slow_wave_stim(lt, N_half_period_sw, ...
fractional_phase_slow_wave, slow_wave_half_cycle_type, ...
N, dt, sw_alpha, p_up, p_down);
Tspikes = [Tspikes spikes];
% no slow wave (activated state) and stim
for i=1:length(periods)
tspan = 0:dt:periods(i);
seg = length(tspan);
alpha = alphas_stim(i);
rate = rates_stim(i);
p = rate .* dt;
T = make_spikes(N, seg, p, alpha);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
case NO_STIM_WITH_PHASIC_DA % no slow wave (activated state) no stim
for i=1:length(periods)
tspan = 0:dt:periods(i);
seg = length(tspan);
alpha = alphas_no_stim(i);
rate = rates_no_stim(i);
p = rate .* dt;
T = make_spikes(N, seg, p, alpha);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
%% background activity
tspan = 0:dt:half_period;
lt = length(tspan);
alpha = alpha_lo;
p = rate_lo .* dt;
T = make_spikes(N, lt, p, alpha);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
%%% burst of salience
tspan = 0:dt:salience_time;
lt = length(tspan);
p_hi = rate_hi .* dt;
p_lo = rate_lo .* dt;
strong_af_T = make_spikes(No_strong_affs, lt, p_hi, ...
weak_af_T = make_spikes(N - No_strong_affs, lt, p_lo, ...
all_T = [strong_af_T; weak_af_T];
T = all_T(strong_aff_perm, :);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
%% background activity
tspan = 0:dt:half_period;
lt = length(tspan);
alpha = alpha_lo;
p = rate_lo .* dt;
T = make_spikes(N, lt, p, alpha);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
%% background activity
tspan = 0:dt:half_period;
lt = length(tspan);
alpha = alpha_lo;
p = rate_lo .* dt;
T = make_spikes(N, lt, p, alpha);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
%%% burst of salience
tspan = 0:dt:salience_time;
lt = length(tspan);
p_hi = rate_hi .* dt;
p_lo = rate_lo .* dt;
strong_af_T = make_spikes(No_strong_affs, lt, p_hi, ...
weak_af_T = make_spikes(N - No_strong_affs, lt, p_lo, ...
all_T = [strong_af_T; weak_af_T];
aff_perm = randperm(N);
T = all_T(aff_perm, :);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
%% background activity
tspan = 0:dt:half_period;
lt = length(tspan);
alpha = alpha_lo;
p = rate_lo .* dt;
T = make_spikes(N, lt, p, alpha);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
%% background activity
tspan = 0:dt:half_period;
lt = length(tspan);
alpha = alpha_lo;
p = rate_lo .* dt;
T = make_spikes(N, lt, p, alpha);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
%%% burst of salience
tspan = 0:dt:salience_time;
lt = length(tspan);
p_hi = rate_hi .* dt;
p_lo = rate_lo .* dt;
% randomisation of strong afferents
% The following code keeps a fraction of the original
% permuation fixed and randonly re-permutes the rest
% Thus when frac_olap = 1, the originalk perm is kept and
% when frac_olpa = 0, none of themn are preserved.
% see test_overlap_st_af_code.m for a demo
frac_olap = trial ./ No_trials; % No_trials is for this phase only
rds = rand(1,N); % N is total number of afferents
id_olap = rds < frac_olap;
s_fixed = strong_aff_perm .* id_olap; % strong_aff_perm is rand perm of all N synpses
s_new_perm = s_fixed;
non_fix = setdiff(strong_aff_perm, s_fixed);
newp = randperm(length(non_fix));
non_fix = non_fix(newp);
id_nolap = ~id_olap;
s_new_perm(find(id_nolap)) = non_fix;
strong_af_T = make_spikes(No_strong_affs, lt, p_hi, ...
weak_af_T = make_spikes(N - No_strong_affs, lt, p_lo, ...
all_T = [strong_af_T; weak_af_T];
T = all_T(s_new_perm, :);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
%% background activity
tspan = 0:dt:half_period;
lt = length(tspan);
alpha = alpha_lo;
p = rate_lo .* dt;
T = make_spikes(N, lt, p, alpha);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
%% background activity
tspan = 0:dt:half_period;
lt = length(tspan);
alpha = alpha_lo;
p = rate_lo .* dt;
T = make_spikes(N, lt, p, alpha);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
%%% burst of salience
tspan = 0:dt:salience_time;
lt = length(tspan);
p_hi = rate_hi .* dt;
p_lo = rate_lo .* dt;
% randomisation of strong afferents
% The following code keeps a fraction of the original
% permuation fixed and randonly re-permutes the rest
% Thus when frac_olap = 1, the originalk perm is kept and
% when frac_olpa = 0, none of themn are preserved.
% see test_overlap_st_af_code.m for a demo
frac_olap = 1 - trial ./ No_trials; % No_trials is for this phase only
rds = rand(1,N); % N is total number of afferents
id_olap = rds < frac_olap;
s_fixed = strong_aff_perm .* id_olap; % strong_aff_perm is rand perm of all N synpses
s_new_perm = s_fixed;
non_fix = setdiff(strong_aff_perm, s_fixed);
newp = randperm(length(non_fix));
non_fix = non_fix(newp);
id_nolap = ~id_olap;
s_new_perm(find(id_nolap)) = non_fix;
strong_af_T = make_spikes(No_strong_affs, lt, p_hi, ...
weak_af_T = make_spikes(N - No_strong_affs, lt, p_lo, ...
all_T = [strong_af_T; weak_af_T];
T = all_T(s_new_perm, :);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
%% background activity
tspan = 0:dt:half_period;
lt = length(tspan);
alpha = alpha_lo;
p = rate_lo .* dt;
T = make_spikes(N, lt, p, alpha);
Tspikes = [Tspikes T];
error('STDP_multi_syn_DA_dyn_batch:XptPhasesInvalid', 'Invalid expt phase');
end % generating spikes for the trial
if spike_diag
T_spikes_ss = [T_spikes_ss Tspikes];
% make gaba spikes
gaba_spikes = [];
tspan = 0:dt:half_period;
lt = length(tspan);
p = rate_lo .* dt;
T = make_spikes(N, lt, p, 0);
gaba_spikes = [gaba_spikes T];
%%% burst of salience
tspan = 0:dt:salience_time;
lt = length(tspan);
p_hi = rate_hi .* dt;
p_lo = rate_lo .* dt;
strong_af_T = make_spikes(No_strong_affs, lt, p_hi, 0);
weak_af_T = make_spikes(N - No_strong_affs, lt, p_lo, 0);
all_T = [strong_af_T; weak_af_T];
aff_perm = randperm(N);
T = all_T(aff_perm, :);
gaba_spikes = [gaba_spikes T];
%% background activity
tspan = 0:dt:half_period;
lt = length(tspan);
p = rate_lo .* dt;
T = make_spikes(N, lt, p, 0);
gaba_spikes = [gaba_spikes T];
%%%%%%%%%%%%% do MSN
post_spikes_times = [];
if diag_elig_synapse
diag_pos_eligs = zeros(1,trial_time);
diag_neg_eligs = zeros(1,trial_time);
diag_pos_plas = zeros(1,trial_time);
diag_pos_plas = zeros(1,trial_time);
% make trial-based noise for DA conc
DA_noise = DA_std .* randn;
trial_time = size(Tspikes,2);
for i = 1:trial_time
time = dt .* i;
%% set up any possible pos-timing plasticity
S_pos = S_pos + Tspikes(:,i); % set up potential pos-timing plasticity
% based on pre-synaptic activity
% waiting for a post-synaptic
% spike. Implicit multiplicative
% constant of 1, and scaling
% occurs elsewhere.
S_pos = S_pos - S_pos .* msn7; % decay the pos-timing potential
%%% new neg-timing eligibilities
neg_eligs = neg_eligs + S_neg .* Tspikes(:,i); % deploy the potential
% negative timing
% plasticity
neg_eligs = neg_eligs - neg_eligs .* msn11; % decay the
% neg-timing eligibilities
% find synaptic current using first order ODE method
% In the following the variables PSPX (X is ampa etc) are
% conductances in spite of their name!
Gampa = Gampa + (g_syn_ampa * Tspikes(:,i)); %normalisationwith ts_ampa done in init.
Gampa = Gampa * SynExp_ampa;
Gnmda = Gnmda + (g_syn_nmda * Tspikes(:,i));
Gnmda = Gnmda * SynExp_nmda;
Ggaba = Ggaba + (g_syn_gaba * gaba_spikes(:,i));
Ggaba = Ggaba * SynExp_gaba;
B_nmda = 1 ./ (1 + (Mg/3.57) * exp(-V .* 0.062));
I_nmda = B_nmda .* Gnmda .* (Enmda - V);
if strcmp(neuron_type, 'D1')
I_nmda = D1_syn_fact .* I_nmda;
I_ampa = Gampa .* (Eampa - V);
if strcmp(neuron_type, 'D2')
I_ampa = D2_syn_fact .* I_ampa;
I_gaba = Ggaba .* (Egaba - V);
I_syn = I_gaba + I_nmda + I_ampa;
% the main membrane dynamics
V = V + dt_over_C .* (k .* (V - vr) .* (V - vt) -u + I_syn);
u = u + ms_dt .* a .* (b .* (V - vr) - u);
% spikes?
if V >= vpeak
V = vpeak;
V = c;
u = u + d;
post_spikes_times = [post_spikes_times time];
%%% set up ltd
S_neg = S_neg + 1; % set up potential neg-timing plasticity
% awaiting pre-synaptic
% spikes. Use constant of 1
% as scaling will be
% absorbed in other
% parameters (k_hats and LR)
%% new pos-timing eligibilities
pos_eligs = pos_eligs + S_pos; % deploy the potential
% pos-timing eligibility
S_neg = S_neg - S_neg .* msn6; % decay the neg-timing potential
pos_eligs = pos_eligs - pos_eligs .* msn10; % decay the
% pos-timing eligibilities
%% update the DA
% This conditional code could be in the next outer loop (over
% trials) but leaving for now...
phi = da_phasic .* exp(-trial ./ tau_da_habituate);
% In the next possibility, DA_conc has to be interpreted as
% a 'virtual' concentration since we allow it go
% negative. This s kludge to make the DA dip behave like zero
% DA for an extended period. Things are fixed in the line
% commneted a %% ***** %%% below, where all negative DA concs get
% mapped into the same value of alpha
% see remark above about placement of this code too
if trial_type == PATTERN_MATCH_WITH_DA_DIP
phi = -da_phasic .* exp(-trial ./ tau_da_habituate);
% pattern discovery
if trial_type == PATTERN_DISCOVERY
do_phasic = rand < (trial ./ No_trials);
if do_phasic
phi = da_phasic;
phi = 0;
do_phasic = rand < (1 - trial ./ No_trials);
if do_phasic
phi = da_phasic;
phi = 0;
if i == da_time
phi = phi + DA_noise; % add noise to DA conc
DA_conc = DA_conc + phi;
DA_conc = DA_conc - DA_conc .* msn5 + msn8;
% find alpha_da (blend of two plasticity regimes)
if DA_fn_type == LINEAR
if DA_conc <= DA_lo %%% ***** %%%%
alpha_da = 0;
elseif (DA_conc > DA_lo) && (DA_conc < DA_hi)
alpha_da = (DA_conc - DA_lo) ./ (DA_hi - DA_lo);
alpha_da = 1;
elseif DA_fn_type == NAKA_RUSHTON
if DA_conc <= DA_lo %%% ***** %%%%
alpha_da = 0;
NK1 = (DA_conc - DA_lo) .^ NK_rho;
alpha_da = NK_max .* NK1 ./ (NK1 + NK_theta .^ NK_rho);
error('STDE_Shen:Invalidalphafn', 'Invalid alpha definition function');
alpha_da(alpha_da > 1) = 1;
% update the phi factors in the full DA model
if DA_conc <= 0
D1 = 0;
phi_nk1 = DA_conc .^ phi_rho;
D1 = phi_max .* phi_nk1 ./ (phi_nk1 + phi_theta .^ phi_rho);
D2 = D1;
if strcmp(neuron_type, 'D1')
vr = vr0 .* (1 + D1 .* KIR);
d = d0 .* (1 - D1 .* LCA);
D1_syn_fact = (1 + cD1 .* D1);
elseif strcmp(neuron_type, 'D2')
k = k0 .* (1 - alpha .* D2);
D2_syn_fact = (1 - cD2 .* D2);
error('STDP_Shen_batch:neuron_type', 'Invalid neurontype (D1 or D2)')
% The following assumes that he sign of plastic change is
% built into the k_hat values
pos_plasticity = alpha_da .* k_hat_pos_hi + ...
(1 - alpha_da) .* k_hat_pos_lo;
neg_plasticity = alpha_da .* k_hat_neg_hi + ...
(1 - alpha_da) .* k_hat_neg_lo;
elig = pos_eligs(live_syn_ampa) .* pos_plasticity + neg_eligs(live_syn_ampa) .* neg_plasticity;
g_syn_ampa(live_syn_ampa) = g_syn_ampa(live_syn_ampa) + LR .* elig' .* dt;
zs = find(g_syn_ampa < 0);
g_syn_ampa(zs) = 0;
% live_syn_ampa(zs) = false;
g_syn_ampa(g_syn_ampa > max_syn_ampa) = max_syn_ampa;
if diag_elig_synapse
diag_pos_eligs(i) = pos_eligs(diag_elig_synapse);
diag_neg_eligs(i) = neg_eligs(diag_elig_synapse);
diag_pos_plas(i) = pos_plasticity;
diag_neg_plas(i) = neg_plasticity;
if diag_g_syn
g_syn_ss = [g_syn_ss; g_syn_ampa];
if diag_elig_synapse
diag_pos_eligs_ss = [diag_pos_eligs_ss diag_pos_eligs];
diag_neg_eligs_ss = [diag_neg_eligs_ss diag_neg_eligs];
diag_pos_plas_ss = [diag_pos_plas_ss diag_pos_plas];
diag_neg_plas_ss = [diag_neg_plas_ss diag_neg_plas];
post_spikes_ss{total_trial_count} = post_spikes_times;
total_trial_count = total_trial_count + 1;
basename = 'results';
fname = [basename num2str(xpt_no)];
eval(['save ' fname ' all_pars strong_aff_inds post_spikes_ss g_syn_ss g_syn_nmda g_syn_gaba T_spikes_ss diag_pos_eligs_ss diag_neg_eligs_ss diag_pos_plas_ss diag_neg_plas_ss']);