function y = circularCdfWrappedCauchy(th, mu, rho)
%< circularCdfWrappedCauchy >
%  Returns cumulative distribution function value of Wrapped Cauchy distribution.
%  circularCdfWrappedCauchy(th, mu, rho)
%       th:  variable
%       mu:  mean direction
%       rho: mean resultant length
%  Unit is radian.
%  Note: If rho==0 -> unifrom dist. If rho=1 -> point distribution at mu.

if rho<0 | rho>1
    warning('rho is out of range. 0<=rho<=1. Terminaing...')

th = mod(th,2*pi);
mu = mod(mu,2*pi);

y = 1/2/pi*acos(  ((1+rho^2)*cos(th-mu)-2*rho)/(1+rho^2-2*rho*cos(th-mu))  );