function y = model(x)
% This assumes that the following data structures are declared as global vars:
% time --> a vector containing the time axis (e.g. time = 0:dt:Tmax, in [s]
% pars --> a vector or parameters
% Nz --> the number of parameters called zeros
% Np --> the number of parameters called poles
% The function expects as input
% a vector, same size of time, containing the input waveform to the 'model'
global time; % time axis is a global var..
global pars Nz Np; % such as the model-fit parameters, and their number
N = length(time); % Total number of samples is determined..
dt = time(2) - time(1); % the sampling interval is determined.. [s]
omega = 1./(N*dt); % The sampling intervalin the frequency domain is determined [Hz]..
f = omega*(0:(N-1))'; % The frequency-axis is generated here..
xx = (x - mean(x))/1000.; % Preprocessing of the input waveform
% i.e. removing its offset and rescaling
% This is of course equivalent to rescaling
% the zero-frequency gain of the 'model'
% It was used here for convenience.
%--------------- STATIC NON-LINEARITY is defined here --------------------
xx = (xx - pars(1));
xx = pars(2) * (1./ (1 + exp(-xx * pars(3))));
% Our convention here is that 'pars' contains a total of (Nz+Np+2) + 1 pars
% The first 4 elements of 'pars' defines the sigmoid (see above)
% then the 5th element is the DC-gain, the 6th is the fixed time-delay
% From the 7th element on, Nz zeros are indicated and Np poles follow..
pars(6) = abs(mod(pars(6),0.1)); % Let's check that the delay is > 0
% and that its step increase is 0.1
NUM = 1; % I will use NUM and DEN to 'accumulate'
DEN = 1; % the filter, in the frequency domain
G = 1; % See the definition in the Fourier..
FF = zeros(size(f)) + sqrt(-1) * f;% FF = j * f
if (Nz > 0), for h=7:(Nz+7-1),
NUM = NUM .* (FF + pars(h));
G = G * (+pars(h));
end; end;
% i.e.
% NUM = (j*f + zero_1) * (j*f + zero_2) * ....
if (Np > 0), for h=(Nz+7-1+1):(Nz+Np+7-2+1),
DEN = DEN .* (FF + pars(h));
G = G * (+1./pars(h));
end; end;
% i.e.
% DEN = (j*f + pole_1) * (j*f + pole_2) * ....
PHASELAG = - f * pars(6); % Constant time-delay <=> linear frequency phase
% i.e. (j*f + zero_1) * (j*f + zero_2) * .... * (1/zero_1)*(1/zero_2)*..
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
% (j*f + pole_1) * (j*f + pole_2) * .... * (1/pole_1)*(1/pole_2)*..
T = (pars(5)/G) * NUM ./ DEN;
mT = abs(T);
pT = angle(T);;
% In order to anti-transform and go back to the time-domain, I need to
% respect the Hilbert-symmetry for real signals..
k1 = 2;
k2 = N/2;
k3 = N;
mT((k1+k2):N) = mT(k2:-1:k1);
pT((k1+k2):N) = -pT(k2:-1:k1);
PHASELAG((k1+k2):N) = - PHASELAG(k2:-1:k1);
% Finally the filter (in the Fourier Domain)
T = mT .* exp(sqrt(-1) * (pT+PHASELAG));
tmp = fft(xx) .* T; % I/O Filtering in the frequency-domain is here!
y = real(ifft(tmp)); % Let's go back to the time-domain
y = y + pars(4); % Last addition to the model (the DC level)