// FrequencyDomainAnalysis()
// Freqency Domain Analysis
// This defines a user-function FrequencyDomainAnalysis(), taking 1 input parameter...
// V. Delattre, Brain Mind Institute, EPFL, Nov 2007
objref outspikes, indepvar, myhist, fitsine, vec
objref pnm1
proc FrequencyDomainAnalysis() {
freq = $1 //
//print "ID= ", pnm1.myid, "Loop Number: ", Kfreq, " / ", Number_Of_Loops, ", Frequence = ", freq
if(freq > 20) {
T = T2}
if(freq > 180) {
T = T3}
fl.m = 0. // During the first Tdelay [ms] - no stimulation takes place.
fl.s = 0. // During the first Tdelay [ms] - no stimulation takes place.
t = 0. // ms - The current simulation time is set to 0.
tstart = 0. // ms
tstop = Tdelay // ms
N = 0 // Number of spike
R0 = 0. // Mean Firing rate
InjectSinuNoisy(mu, sigma, tau, Amp, freq) // Sinusoidal Noisy current injection (Point Process) - utility procedure
// Reminder
//mu = $1 // nA, DC offset of the overall current
//sigma = $2 // nA, square root of the steady-state variance of the (noisy) stimulus component
//tau = $3 // ms, steady-state correlation time-length of the (noisy) stimulus component
//amp = $4 // nA, amplitude of the (sinusoidal) stimulus component
//freq = $5 // Hz, steady-state correlation time-length of the (noisy) stimulus component
fl.m = mu //
fl.s = sigma //
tstop = t + T1 // ms - We advance the simulation of T1, while stimulating..
apc.n = 0 // We discard the count of the spikes emitted during the previous interval..
tstop = t + T // ms - We advance the simulation of T, during which we count the spikes..
apc.record(outspikes) // This statement attaches to the spike counter 'myapc' a vector to collect spike times..
N = apc.n // N spikes have been counted.
i = 0
while (i < N) { // I go through each spike time, one by one..
spk = outspikes.x[i] / 1000
tmp = int(spk * freq) // tmp now contains the integer part of the division spk /period..
outspikes.x[i] = spk - tmp / freq // Then this makes it as the reminder of the division spk / period (by definition)..
i = i + 1 // Next spike incrementing the current index 'I'...
} // end while()
////////////////////////////BUILDING HISTOGRAM///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
myhist = new Vector() // contains the histogram
R0 = 1000 * N / T // This is the mean firing rate [spikes/s]
Ncycles = 0.001 * freq * T // This will be used for the normalization
binW = 1 / freq * 1 / 33 // Bin width
binL = 0 // Low born of the histogram
myhist = myhist.hist(outspikes,binL,33,binW) // We want to histogram into an estimate of the instantaneous firing rate, so we need to make a normalization..
myhist.div(Ncycles * binW) // 'div' is a fast way to divide each member of the vector by the same normalization factor: Ncycles * width.
Mbins = myhist.size() // Number of bins
// Now elements are measured in [Hz]..
indepvar = new Vector() // Let's now create an index vector (our x-axis) with appropriately
indepvar.indgen(binW * .5, 1 / freq - binW * 0.5, binW) // spaced points..
///////////////////////////////////FITTING A FUNCTION////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
fitsine = new Vector(Mbins) // The best fitted sinusoid
vec = new Vector(3) // Contains the parameters to be fitted
vec.x[0]= (myhist.max()-myhist.min()) // The amplitude r1
vec.x[1]= indepvar.x[myhist.max_ind()] * (360. * freq) - 90. // The phase ph
vec.x[2]= R0 // The offset
attr_praxis(0.01, 1000, 0) // Set the fitting attributes: tolerance...
fit_praxis(3,"err",&vec.x[0]) // Do the fitting
r1 = vec.x[0]
ph = vec.x[1]
ro = vec.x[2]
if (r1 < 0) { //
r1 = -r1 // You never know what the fitting procedure will choose
ph = ph - 180. // and you want to refer to 'r1' as a positive number..
if (ph < 0) { // We want 0 < ph < 360
while(ph < 0) {
ph = ph + 360
}else {
while(ph > 360) {
ph = ph - 360
gain = r1 // Amp // Contains the sum of all the r1 / Amp found at this frequency
phase = ph
} // end FrequencyDomainAnalysis()