// This simple script contains 2 functions that are used in the FreqAnalysis_porc.hoc
// They can be called anytime: mysin(), err() 
// V. Delattre(2007)
// Brain Mind Institute, EPFL, 


// A generic sinusoid is defined and parametrized..
// It accepts 4 input arguments ($1, ..$4)..
// $1 is the time (axis), $2 is the amplitude, $3 is the phase, $4 is the offset

func mysin() {                                                    
  return $2 * sin(2 * PI * (freq * $1 - $3/360.)) + $4           


//Computes the error function of the fitting

objref myhist, indepvar

func err() {                                                      
a = 0
for(i = 0; i < myhist.size(); i=i+1 ){ 
    y = (myhist.x[i] - mysin(indepvar.x[i], $&2[0], $&2[1], $&2[2]))
    a = a + y * y
a = sqrt(a) 
return a