create soma // This creates a single-compartmental neuron..
// ---> SOMA <---
soma {
L = 65 // [um] length of a cilindrical cable
diam = 65 // [um] diameter of a cilindrical cable
nseg = 1 // number of segments - see the documentation
insert pas // inserts passive mechanisms (means leak currents, voltage-indep.)
g_pas = 1e-4
e_pas = -67. // [mV] - Leak currents, reversal potential
cm = 1. // [uF/cm^2] - specific membrane capacitance
Ra = 35.4 // [ohm cm] - axial/cytosolic resistivity - useless in a single-compartmental model
insert wb
gnabar = .007 //
gkbar = .009 //
} // end soma