//genesis setclock 0 50e-6 setclock 1 5e-5 float tmax = 0.5 //Make prototype channels and compartments in library include L5P_const.g create neutral /library disable /library pushe library include L5P_chans.g include L5P_comps.g pope //Set up multicompartmental model in Hines solver mode based on reconstructed morphology readcell DS1_141099_rot2_sc_defmesh.p /L5P -hsolve //Set up differential distributions of Rm and h-channels include DiffRm.g include Hgradient.g DiffRm /L5P 4.0 0.27 500e-6 50e-6 Hgradient /L5P H 0.15 6.0 500e-6 50e-6 //Set up current injection input based on experimentally used current injections include L5P_input.g include ExpInjCur.g //Set up graphical and ascii output include L5P_graph.g include L5P_ascout.g setfield /L5P path /L5P/##[][TYPE=compartment] setfield /L5P chanmode 1 call /L5P SETUP setmethod 11 reset //Main simulation: Loop through all levels of current injections int count I_inj = 250.0e-12 for (count = 0; count <= 17; count = count + 1) reset str inj_label = {count} setfield /input/pulse level1 {getfield /InjCur table->table[{count}]} width1 0.20 delay1 0.05035 level2 0.0 width2 0.003 delay2 1.0 baselevel 0.0 trig_mode 0 asc_file_name = {"L5P_" @ {inj_label} @ "_somaVm.dat"} setfield /output/{asc_name} filename {asc_file_name} initialize 1 append 0 leave_open 1 reset echo {getfield /input/pulse level1} step {tmax} -t end quit