from neuron import h, init
# h.load_file("/usr/local/nrn//share/nrn/lib/hoc/stdrun.hoc")
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import chirp
from pylab import fft, convolve
from import savemat
import json
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
# get chirp stim: based on sam's code form evoizhi/
def getChirp(f0, f1, t0, amp, Fs, delay):
time = np.linspace(0,t0+delay*2, (t0+delay*2)*Fs*40+1)
chirp_time = np.linspace(0, t0, (t0)*Fs*40+1)
ch = chirp(chirp_time, f0, t0, f1, method='linear',phi=-90)
ch = np.hstack((np.zeros(Fs*40*delay), ch, np.zeros(Fs*40*delay)))
vch = h.Vector(); vch.from_python(ch); vch.mul(amp)
vtt = h.Vector(); vtt.from_python(time); vtt.mul(Fs)
return vch, vtt
def getChirpHighFs(f0, f1, t0, amp, Fs, delay):
time = np.linspace(0,t0+delay*2, (t0+delay*2)*Fs*500+1)
chirp_time = np.linspace(0, t0, (t0)*Fs*500+1)
ch = chirp(chirp_time, f0, t0, f1, method='linear',phi=-90)
ch = np.hstack((np.zeros(Fs*500*delay), ch, np.zeros(Fs*500*delay)))
vch = h.Vector(); vch.from_python(ch); vch.mul(amp)
vtt = h.Vector(); vtt.from_python(time); vtt.mul(Fs)
return vch, vtt
# get chirp stim: based on sam's code form evoizhi/
def getChirpLog(f0, f1, t0, amp, Fs, delay):
time = np.linspace(0,t0+delay*2, (t0+delay*2)*Fs*40+1)
chirp_time = np.linspace(0, t0, (t0)*Fs*40+1)
ch = chirp(chirp_time, f0, t0, f1, method='log',phi=-90)
ch = np.hstack((np.zeros(Fs*40*delay), ch, np.zeros(Fs*40*delay)))
vch = h.Vector(); vch.from_python(ch); vch.mul(amp)
vtt = h.Vector(); vtt.from_python(time); vtt.mul(Fs)
return vch, vtt
#calculate path length between two sections
def fromtodistance(origin_segment, to_segment):
h.distance(0, origin_segment.x, sec=origin_segment.sec)
return h.distance(to_segment.x, sec=to_segment.sec)
# comput impedance measures
def zMeasures(current, v, delay, sampr, f1, bwinsz=1):
## zero padding
current = current[int(delay*sampr - 0.5*sampr+1):-int(delay*sampr- 0.5*sampr)]
current = np.hstack((np.repeat(current[0],int(delay*sampr)),current, np.repeat(current[-1], int(delay*sampr))))
current = current - np.mean(current)
v = v[int(delay*sampr - 0.5*sampr)+1:-int(delay*sampr - 0.5*sampr)]
v = np.hstack((np.repeat(v[0],int(delay*sampr)), v, np.repeat(v[-1], int(delay*sampr))))
v = v - np.mean(v)
## input and transfer impedance
f_current = (fft(current)/len(current))[0:int(len(current)/2)]
f_cis = (fft(v)/len(v))[0:int(len(v)/2)]
z = f_cis / f_current
## impedance measures
Freq = np.linspace(0.0, sampr/2.0, len(z))
zAmp = abs(z)
zPhase = np.arctan2(np.imag(z),np.real(z))
zRes = np.real(z)
zReact = np.imag(z)
## smoothing
fblur = np.array([1.0/bwinsz for i in range(bwinsz)])
zAmp = convolve(zAmp,fblur,'same')
zPhase = convolve(zPhase, fblur, 'same')
## trim
mask = (Freq >= 0.5) & (Freq <= f1)
Freq, zAmp, zPhase, zRes, zReact = Freq[mask], zAmp[mask], zPhase[mask], zRes[mask], zReact[mask]
## resonance
zResAmp = np.max(zAmp)
zResFreq = Freq[np.argmax(zAmp)]
Qfactor = zResAmp / zAmp[0]
fVar = np.std(zAmp) / np.mean(zAmp)
return Freq, zAmp, zPhase, zRes, zReact, zResAmp, zResFreq, Qfactor, fVar
# voltage attenuation
def Vattenuation(ZinAmp, ZcAmp):
out = (ZinAmp-ZcAmp) / ZinAmp
return out
# phase lag
def phaseLag(ZinPhase, ZcPhase):
out = ZinPhase - ZcPhase
return out
# apply chirp stimulus to segment
def applyChirp(I, t, seg, soma_seg, t0, delay, Fs, f1, out_file_name = None):
## place current clamp on soma
stim = h.IClamp(seg)
stim.amp = 0
stim.dur = (t0+delay*2) * Fs + 1, t)
## Record time
t_vec = h.Vector()
## Record soma voltage
soma_v = h.Vector()
cis_v = h.Vector()
## run simulation
h.celsius = 34
h.tstop = (t0+delay*2) * Fs + 1
soma_np = soma_v.as_numpy()
current_np = np.interp(np.linspace(0, (t0+delay*2) * Fs, soma_np.shape[0], endpoint=True),
np.linspace(0,(t0+delay*2) * Fs,(t0+delay*2) * Fs * 40 + 1,endpoint=True), I.as_numpy())
time = t_vec.as_numpy()
cis_np = cis_v.as_numpy()
samp_rate = (1 / (time[1] - time[0])) * Fs
## calculate impedance
Freq, ZinAmp, ZinPhase, ZinRes, ZinReact, ZinResAmp, ZinResFreq, QfactorIn, fVarIn = zMeasures(current_np, cis_np, delay, samp_rate, f1, bwinsz=5)
_, ZcAmp, ZcPhase, ZcRes, ZcReact, ZcResAmp, ZcResFreq, QfactorTrans, fVarTrans = zMeasures(current_np, soma_np, delay, samp_rate, f1, bwinsz=5)
freqsIn = np.argwhere(ZinPhase > 0)
if len(freqsIn) > 0:
ZinSynchFreq = Freq[freqsIn[-1]]
ZinPhaseL = np.trapz([float(ZinPhase[ind]) for ind in freqsIn],
[float(Freq[ind]) for ind in freqsIn])
ZinSynchFreq = 0
ZinPhaseL = 0
freqsC = np.argwhere(ZcPhase > 0)
if len(freqsC) > 0:
ZcSynchFreq = Freq[freqsC[-1]]
ZcPhaseL = np.trapz([float(ZcPhase[ind]) for ind in freqsC],
[float(Freq[ind]) for ind in freqsC])
ZcSynchFreq = 0
ZcPhaseL = 0
v_attenuation = Vattenuation(ZinAmp, ZcAmp)
phase_lag = phaseLag(ZinPhase, ZcPhase)
dist = fromtodistance(seg, soma_seg)
## generate output
out = {'Freq' : Freq,
'ZinRes' : ZinRes,
'ZinReact' : ZinReact,
'ZinAmp' : ZinAmp,
'ZinPhase' : ZinPhase,
'ZcRes' : ZcRes,
'ZcReact' : ZcReact,
'ZcAmp' : ZcAmp,
'ZcPhase' : ZcPhase,
'ZinSynchFreq' : ZinSynchFreq,
'ZinPhaseL' : ZinPhaseL,
'ZcSynchFreq' : ZcSynchFreq,
'ZcPhaseL' : ZcPhaseL,
'phase_lag' : phase_lag,
'Vattenuation' : v_attenuation,
'ZinResAmp' : ZinResAmp,
'ZinResFreq' : ZinResFreq,
'ZcResAmp' : ZcResAmp,
'ZcResFreq' : ZcResFreq,
'QfactorIn' : QfactorIn,
'QfactorTrans' : QfactorTrans,
'fVarIn' : fVarIn,
'fVarTrans' : fVarTrans,
'dist' : dist}
out2 = {'soma_np' : soma_np,
'cis_np' : cis_np,
'time' : time,
'current_np' : current_np}
if out_file_name:
savemat(out_file_name + '.mat', out)
savemat(out_file_name + '_traces.mat', out2)
return out
# apply chirp stimulus to segment
def applyChirpHighFs(I, t, seg, soma_seg, t0, delay, Fs, f1, out_file_name = None):
h.dt = 0.005
## place current clamp on soma
stim = h.IClamp(seg)
stim.amp = 0
stim.dur = (t0+delay*2) * Fs + 1, t)
## Record time
t_vec = h.Vector()
## Record soma voltage
soma_v = h.Vector()
cis_v = h.Vector()
## run simulation
h.celsius = 34
h.tstop = (t0+delay*2) * Fs + 1
soma_np = soma_v.as_numpy()
current_np = np.interp(np.linspace(0, (t0+delay*2) * Fs, soma_np.shape[0], endpoint=True),
np.linspace(0,(t0+delay*2) * Fs,(t0+delay*2) * Fs *500 + 1,endpoint=True), I.as_numpy())
time = t_vec.as_numpy()
cis_np = cis_v.as_numpy()
samp_rate = (1 / (time[1] - time[0])) * Fs
## calculate impedance
Freq, ZinAmp, ZinPhase, ZinRes, ZinReact, ZinResAmp, ZinResFreq, QfactorIn, fVarIn = zMeasures(current_np, cis_np, delay, samp_rate, f1, bwinsz=5)
_, ZcAmp, ZcPhase, ZcRes, ZcReact, ZcResAmp, ZcResFreq, QfactorTrans, fVarTrans = zMeasures(current_np, soma_np, delay, samp_rate, f1, bwinsz=5)
freqsIn = np.argwhere(ZinPhase > 0)
if len(freqsIn) > 0:
ZinSynchFreq = Freq[freqsIn[-1]]
ZinPhaseL = np.trapz([float(ZinPhase[ind]) for ind in freqsIn],
[float(Freq[ind]) for ind in freqsIn])
ZinSynchFreq = 0
ZinPhaseL = 0
freqsC = np.argwhere(ZcPhase > 0)
if len(freqsC) > 0:
ZcSynchFreq = Freq[freqsC[-1]]
ZcPhaseL = np.trapz([float(ZcPhase[ind]) for ind in freqsC],
[float(Freq[ind]) for ind in freqsC])
ZcSynchFreq = 0
ZcPhaseL = 0
v_attenuation = Vattenuation(ZinAmp, ZcAmp)
phase_lag = phaseLag(ZinPhase, ZcPhase)
dist = fromtodistance(seg, soma_seg)
## generate output
out = {'Freq' : Freq,
'ZinRes' : ZinRes,
'ZinReact' : ZinReact,
'ZinAmp' : ZinAmp,
'ZinPhase' : ZinPhase,
'ZcRes' : ZcRes,
'ZcReact' : ZcReact,
'ZcAmp' : ZcAmp,
'ZcPhase' : ZcPhase,
'ZinSynchFreq' : ZinSynchFreq,
'ZinPhaseL' : ZinPhaseL,
'ZcSynchFreq' : ZcSynchFreq,
'ZcPhaseL' : ZcPhaseL,
'phase_lag' : phase_lag,
'Vattenuation' : v_attenuation,
'ZinResAmp' : ZinResAmp,
'ZinResFreq' : ZinResFreq,
'ZcResAmp' : ZcResAmp,
'ZcResFreq' : ZcResFreq,
'QfactorIn' : QfactorIn,
'QfactorTrans' : QfactorTrans,
'fVarIn' : fVarIn,
'fVarTrans' : fVarTrans,
'dist' : dist}
out2 = {'soma_np' : soma_np,
'cis_np' : cis_np,
'time' : time,
'current_np' : current_np}
if out_file_name:
savemat(out_file_name + '.mat', out)
savemat(out_file_name + '_traces.mat', out2)
return out
# apply chirp stimulus to segment
def applyChirpVarDt(I, t, seg, soma_seg, t0, delay, Fs, f1, out_file_name = None):
## place current clamp on soma
stim = h.IClamp(seg)
stim.amp = 0
stim.dur = (t0+delay*2) * Fs + 1, t)
# ## Record time
# t_vec = h.Vector()
# t_vec.record(h._ref_t)
t_vec = h.CVode().record(h._ref_t)
## Record soma voltage
soma_v = h.Vector()
# soma_v.record(soma_seg._ref_v)
cis_v = h.Vector()
# cis_v.record(seg._ref_v)
h.CVode().record(soma_seg._ref_v, soma_v, t_vec)
h.CVode().record(seg._ref_v, cis_v, t_vec)
## run simulation
h.celsius = 34
h.tstop = (t0+delay*2) * Fs + 1
while h.t < h.tstop:
h.t = h.t + h.dt
soma_np = soma_v.as_numpy()
current_np = np.interp(np.linspace(0, (t0+delay*2) * Fs, soma_np.shape[0], endpoint=True),
np.linspace(0,(t0+delay*2) * Fs,(t0+delay*2) * Fs * 40 + 1,endpoint=True), I.as_numpy())
time = t_vec.as_numpy()
cis_np = cis_v.as_numpy()
samp_rate = (1 / (time[1] - time[0])) * Fs
## calculate impedance
Freq, ZinAmp, ZinPhase, ZinRes, ZinReact, ZinResAmp, ZinResFreq, QfactorIn, fVarIn = zMeasures(current_np, cis_np, delay, samp_rate, f1, bwinsz=5)
_, ZcAmp, ZcPhase, ZcRes, ZcReact, ZcResAmp, ZcResFreq, QfactorTrans, fVarTrans = zMeasures(current_np, soma_np, delay, samp_rate, f1, bwinsz=5)
freqsIn = np.argwhere(ZinPhase > 0)
if len(freqsIn) > 0:
ZinSynchFreq = Freq[freqsIn[-1]]
ZinPhaseL = np.trapz([float(ZinPhase[ind]) for ind in freqsIn],
[float(Freq[ind]) for ind in freqsIn])
ZinSynchFreq = 0
ZinPhaseL = 0
freqsC = np.argwhere(ZcPhase > 0)
if len(freqsC) > 0:
ZcSynchFreq = Freq[freqsC[-1]]
ZcPhaseL = np.trapz([float(ZcPhase[ind]) for ind in freqsC],
[float(Freq[ind]) for ind in freqsC])
ZcSynchFreq = 0
ZcPhaseL = 0
v_attenuation = Vattenuation(ZinAmp, ZcAmp)
phase_lag = phaseLag(ZinPhase, ZcPhase)
dist = fromtodistance(seg, soma_seg)
## generate output
out = {'Freq' : Freq,
'ZinRes' : ZinRes,
'ZinReact' : ZinReact,
'ZinAmp' : ZinAmp,
'ZinPhase' : ZinPhase,
'ZcRes' : ZcRes,
'ZcReact' : ZcReact,
'ZcAmp' : ZcAmp,
'ZcPhase' : ZcPhase,
'ZinSynchFreq' : ZinSynchFreq,
'ZinPhaseL' : ZinPhaseL,
'ZcSynchFreq' : ZcSynchFreq,
'ZcPhaseL' : ZcPhaseL,
'phase_lag' : phase_lag,
'Vattenuation' : v_attenuation,
'ZinResAmp' : ZinResAmp,
'ZinResFreq' : ZinResFreq,
'ZcResAmp' : ZcResAmp,
'ZcResFreq' : ZcResFreq,
'QfactorIn' : QfactorIn,
'QfactorTrans' : QfactorTrans,
'fVarIn' : fVarIn,
'fVarTrans' : fVarTrans,
'dist' : dist}
out2 = {'soma_np' : soma_np,
'cis_np' : cis_np,
'time' : time,
'current_np' : current_np}
if out_file_name:
savemat(out_file_name + '.mat', out)
savemat(out_file_name + '_traces.mat', out2)
return out
# setup gaussian white noise for STA
def getNoise(avg, std, t0, amp, Fs, delay):
time = np.linspace(0,t0+delay*2, (t0+delay*2)*Fs+1)
means = np.zeros(t0*Fs+1)
stds = np.repeat(std,t0*Fs+1)
ch = np.random.normal(means, stds, (t0)*Fs+1)
ch = np.hstack((np.zeros(Fs*delay), ch, np.zeros(Fs*delay)))
vch = h.Vector(); vch.from_python(ch); vch.mul(amp)
vtt = h.Vector(); vtt.from_python(time); vtt.mul(Fs)
return vch, vtt
def STA(pks, I, V, sampr, delay):
currents = []
voltages = []
out = {}
for i in range(len(pks)):
if i == 0:
if pks[i] > sampr * (delay+1):
currents.append(I[int(pks[i]-sampr) : int(pks[i])])
voltages.append(V[int(pks[i]-sampr) : int(pks[i])])
if (pks[i]-pks[i-1]) > sampr:
currents.append(I[int(pks[i]-sampr) : int(pks[i])])
voltages.append(V[int(pks[i]-sampr) : int(pks[i])])
if len(currents):
currents = np.array(currents)
avgI = np.mean(currents, axis=0)
f_current = (fft(avgI)/len(avgI))[0:int(len(avgI)/2)]
Freq = np.linspace(0.0, sampr/2.0, len(f_current))
out = {'currents' : currents, 'voltages' : voltages, 'f_current' : f_current, 'Freq' : Freq}
return out
# run STA sims
def applyNoise(I, t, seg, soma_seg, t0, delay, Fs, out_file_name=None):
## place current clamp on soma
stim = h.IClamp(seg)
stim.amp = 0
stim.dur = (t0+delay*2) * Fs + 1, t)
## Record time
t_vec = h.Vector()
## Record soma voltage
soma_v = h.Vector()
cis_v = h.Vector()
## run simulation
h.celsius = 34
h.tstop = (t0+delay*2) * Fs + 1
soma_np = soma_v.as_numpy()
current_np = np.interp(np.linspace(0, (t0+delay*2) * Fs, soma_np.shape[0], endpoint=True),
np.linspace(0,(t0+delay*2) * Fs,I.as_numpy().shape[0],endpoint=True), I.as_numpy())
time = t_vec.as_numpy()
cis_np = cis_v.as_numpy()
samp_rate = (1 / (time[1] - time[0])) * Fs
## calculate impedance
f1 = 1000
Freq, ZinAmp, ZinPhase, ZinRes, ZinReact, ZinResAmp, ZinResFreq, QfactorIn, fVarIn = zMeasures(current_np, cis_np, delay, samp_rate, f1, bwinsz=15)
_, ZcAmp, ZcPhase, ZcRes, ZcReact, ZcResAmp, ZcResFreq, QfactorTrans, fVarTrans = zMeasures(current_np, soma_np, delay, samp_rate, f1, bwinsz=15)
freqsIn = np.argwhere(ZinPhase > 0)
if len(freqsIn) > 0:
ZinSynchFreq = Freq[freqsIn[-1]]
ZinPhaseL = np.trapz([float(ZinPhase[ind]) for ind in freqsIn],
[float(Freq[ind]) for ind in freqsIn])
ZinSynchFreq = 0
ZinPhaseL = 0
freqsC = np.argwhere(ZcPhase > 0)
if len(freqsC) > 0:
ZcSynchFreq = Freq[freqsC[-1]]
ZcPhaseL = np.trapz([float(ZcPhase[ind]) for ind in freqsC],
[float(Freq[ind]) for ind in freqsC])
ZcSynchFreq = 0
ZcPhaseL = 0
v_attenuation = Vattenuation(ZinAmp, ZcAmp)
phase_lag = phaseLag(ZinPhase, ZcPhase)
dist = fromtodistance(seg, soma_seg)
## generate output
out = {'Freq' : Freq,
'ZinRes' : ZinRes,
'ZinReact' : ZinReact,
'ZinAmp' : ZinAmp,
'ZinPhase' : ZinPhase,
'ZcRes' : ZcRes,
'ZcReact' : ZcReact,
'ZcAmp' : ZcAmp,
'ZcPhase' : ZcPhase,
'ZinSynchFreq' : ZinSynchFreq,
'ZinPhaseL' : ZinPhaseL,
'ZcSynchFreq' : ZcSynchFreq,
'ZcPhaseL' : ZcPhaseL,
'phase_lag' : phase_lag,
'Vattenuation' : v_attenuation,
'ZinResAmp' : ZinResAmp,
'ZinResFreq' : ZinResFreq,
'ZcResAmp' : ZcResAmp,
'ZcResFreq' : ZcResFreq,
'QfactorIn' : QfactorIn,
'QfactorTrans' : QfactorTrans,
'fVarIn' : fVarIn,
'fVarTrans' : fVarTrans,
'dist' : dist}
out2 = {'soma_np' : soma_np,
'cis_np' : cis_np,
'time' : time,
'current_np' : current_np}
if out_file_name:
savemat(out_file_name + '.mat', out)
savemat(out_file_name + '_traces.mat', out2)
return out
# compute number of bifurcations in cell morph or in section list
def computeBranchPoints(secList = None):
N = 0
pos = []
if not secList:
for sec in h.allsec():
if len(sec.children()) == 2:
N = N + 1
x, y, z = sec.x3d(sec.n3d()-1), sec.y3d(sec.n3d()-1), sec.y3d(sec.n3d()-1)
# else:
# print(str(sec) + ' ' + str(len(sec.children())))
for sec in secList:
if len(sec.children()) == 2:
N = N + 1
x, y, z = sec.x3d(sec.n3d()-1), sec.y3d(sec.n3d()-1), sec.y3d(sec.n3d()-1)
return N, pos
def maxSegDist(soma_seg, secList = None):
out = {'secs' : [], 'dists' : []}
if not secList:
for sec in h.allsec():
for seg in sec.allseg():
ind = np.argmax(out['dists'])
tipseg = out['secs'][ind](1)
maxDist = fromtodistance(soma_seg, tipseg)
return maxDist