
Simulation configuration 

Contributors: salvadordura@gmail.com

from netpyne import specs
import numpy as np

cfg = specs.SimConfig()  


cfg.checkErrors = True

# Run parameters
cfg.duration = 1200 
cfg.dt = 0.05
cfg.seeds = {'conn': 4321, 'stim': 1234, 'loc': 4321} 
cfg.hParams = {'celsius': 34, 'v_init': -80}  
cfg.verbose = 0
cfg.cvode_active = False
cfg.printRunTime = 0.1
cfg.printPopAvgRates = True

# Recording 
cfg.recordCells = ['eee7us', 'eee7ps']
cfg.recordTraces = {'V_soma': {'sec': 'soma', 'loc': 0.5, 'var': 'v'}}
cfg.recordStims = False  
cfg.recordStep = 0.1 

for loc in np.arange(0.0, 1.1, 0.1):
	locstr = str(loc).replace(".","")
	cfg.recordTraces['V_Bdend1_' + locstr] = {'sec': 'Bdend1', 'loc': loc, 'var': 'v'}

# Saving
cfg.simLabel = 'bAP'
cfg.saveFolder = 'batch_data'
cfg.savePickle = False
cfg.saveJson = True
cfg.saveDataInclude = ['simData', 'simConfig', 'netParams', 'net']

# Analysis and plotting 
cfg.analysis['plotTraces'] = {'include': ['all'], 'oneFigPer': 'cell', 'saveFig': True, 
							  'showFig': False, 'figSize': (10,8), 'timeRange': [0,cfg.duration]}

# Parameters

# To scale or turn off dendritic Na and K conductances
cfg.dendNaScale = 1.0
cfg.dendKScale  = 1.0

# DMS NMDA params
cfg.NMDAAlphaScale  = 1.0 # Scales original value of 4.0
cfg.NMDABetaScale   = 1.0 # Scales original value of 0.0015
cfg.CdurNMDAScale   = 1.0 # Scales original value of 1.0
cfg.CdurNMDAesScale = 1.0 # Scales original value of 1.0
cfg.CmaxNMDAScale   = 1.0
cfg.CmaxNMDAesScale = 1.0

# Other params
cfg.ratioAMPANMDA = 2.0
cfg.glutAmp       = 0.1 

# glutSpine should be a spine number (0 to 255)
# glutSpread should be the number of spines to spread to 
#  (starts at glutSpine spine and increases; shouldn't come to > spine 255)
cfg.glutSpine     = 50
cfg.glutSpread    = 1

#cfg.recordTraces['V_spine'] = {'sec': 'head_'+str(cfg.glutSpine), 'loc': 0.5, 'var': 'v'}

# spillDelay is time to reach dendritic shaft in ms
# spillFraction is the percentage of weight reaching the dendritic shaft
cfg.spillDelay    = 10.0
cfg.spillFraction = 0.0

# Set the following to True to turn off 
cfg.activeNa_off = False
cfg.activeCa_off = False

# Current inputs 
cfg.addIClamp = True

cfg.IClamp1 = {'pop': 'eee7us', 'sec': 'soma', 'loc': 0.5, 'start': 200, 'dur': 10, 'amp': 0.8}
cfg.IClamp2 = {'pop': 'eee7ps', 'sec': 'soma', 'loc': 0.5, 'start': 200, 'dur': 10, 'amp': 0.8}

# NetStim inputs 
cfg.addNetStim = False

cfg.NetStim1 = {'pop': ['eee7us'], 'loc': 0.99999, 'sec': 'spineheads', 'synMech': ['NMDA','AMPA'], 'start': 200, 'interval': 1000, 'noise': 0.0, 'number': 1, 'weight': [cfg.glutAmp/cfg.glutSpread, cfg.glutAmp*cfg.ratioAMPANMDA/cfg.glutSpread], 'delay': 1.0}

cfg.NetStim2 = {'pop': ['eee7ps'], 'loc': 0.99999, 'sec': 'spineheads', 'synMech': ['NMDA','AMPA'], 'start': 200, 'interval': 1000, 'noise': 0.0, 'number': 1, 'weight': [cfg.glutAmp/cfg.glutSpread, cfg.glutAmp*cfg.ratioAMPANMDA/cfg.glutSpread], 'delay': 1.0}