scracm.py - RENAME TO SUBCELLULAR -- conn_dend.py?
Code to analyse sCRACM data
Contributors: salvadordura@gmail.com
import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import json
import pickle as pkl
from netpyne import sim, specs
from neuron import h
def setCfg():
return specs.SimConfig()
def setNetParams():
netParams.py -High-level specifications for M1 network model using NetPyNE
netParams = specs.NetParams() # object of class NetParams to store the network parameters
netParams.version = 26
# Cell parameters
## PT cell params (full)
netParams.loadCellParamsRule(label='PT_full', fileName=dataFolder+'PT_full_cellParams.pkl')
netParams.popParams['PT5B'] = {'cellModel': 'HH_full', 'cellType': 'PT', 'numCells': 1, 'y': [700,750]}
## IT5A cell params (full)
netParams.loadCellParamsRule(label='IT5A_full', fileName=dataFolder+'IT_full_BS1578_cellParams.pkl')
netParams.popParams['IT5A'] = {'cellModel': 'HH_full', 'cellType': 'IT5A', 'numCells': 1, 'y': [700,750]}
## IT cell params (full)
netParams.loadCellParamsRule(label='IT5B_full', fileName=dataFolder+'IT_full_BS1579_cellParams.pkl')
netParams.popParams['IT5B'] = {'cellModel': 'HH_full', 'cellType': 'IT5B', 'numCells': 1, 'yRange': [700,750]}
return netParams
def loadSCRACM (lenY=30, spacing=50, scracmData=None, scracmFile=None, densFile=None):
""" Set sCRACM params to use as 1d density map
lenY: grid Y dimensions
spacing: 50 # um
gridY: grid locations
map1d: sCRACM values for each grid location
gridY = range(0, -spacing*lenY, -spacing) # NEURON's axis for cortical depth goes from 0 (pia) to -cfg.sizeY (WM)
# L2/3 IT -> PT; sCRACM from Suter, 2015; use same for L2/3, L4
if scracmData is None: scracmData = np.loadtxt(scracmFile)
scracm1d = []
for jj in range(lenY): scracm1d.append(scracmData[jj])
scracm1d = [x-min(scracm1d) for x in scracm1d] # offset by min value (negative)
if densFile:
densData = np.loadtxt(densFile)
dens1d = []
for jj in range(lenY): dens1d.append(densData[jj])
dens1d = None
return gridY, scracm1d, dens1d
def alignGrid (cell, gridY, fixedSomaY=-735):
""" Align cell soma with grid
cell: Cell object to perform operations on
gridY: grid locations
fixedSomaY: yfrac of cell used to extract density from sCRACM; use instead of soma yfrac of each network cell
somaLabel = next((s for s in cell.secs if s.startswith('soma')),None)
if somaLabel:
somaX, somaY, _ = sim.net._posFromLoc(cell.secs[somaLabel]['hSec'], 0.5) # get cell pos move method to Cell!
gridY = [y+(somaY-fixedSomaY) for y in gridY] # adjust grid so cell soma is at fixedSomaY
print 'Cannot find soma in cell'
return gridY
def weightNormGrid (cell, gridY, spacing):
wnormCounter =[0] * len(gridY)
wnormGrid = [0.0] * len(gridY)
for secName,sec in cell.secs.iteritems():
if 'weightNorm' in sec:
hSec = sec['hSec']
for seg in hSec:
x,y,z = sim.net._posFromLoc(hSec, seg.x)
wnorm = sec['weightNorm'][int(round(seg.x*hSec.nseg))-1]
for i,gridy in enumerate(gridY):
if y >= gridy and y < gridy+spacing:
wnormCounter[i] += 1
wnormGrid[i] += wnorm
print secName+ ' has no weightNorm'
wnormGrid = [wn/wc if wc>0 else 0 for wn,wc in zip(wnormGrid,wnormCounter)]
return wnormGrid
def dendLengthGrid (cell, gridY, spacing):
dendLGrid = [0.0] * len(gridY)
for secName, sec in cell.secs.iteritems():
if secName not in ['axon']:
hSec = sec['hSec']
for seg in hSec:
x,y,z = sim.net._posFromLoc(hSec, seg.x)
segL = hSec.L / hSec.nseg
for i,gridy in enumerate(gridY):
if y >= gridy and y < gridy+spacing:
dendLGrid[i] += segL
return dendLGrid
def calcSynDensity (cellType=None, fixedSomaY=None, dendLGrid=None, lenY=30, spacing=50, scracmData=None, scracmFile=None, densFile=None, includeWnorm=True, show=True, save=''):
# create net
#cfg, netParams = sim.readCmdLineArgs()
sim.initialize(simConfig = setCfg(), netParams = setNetParams()) # create network object and set cfg and net params
sim.net.createPops() # instantiate network populations
sim.net.createCells() # instantiate network cells based on defined populations
# load sCRACM data and set grid
gridY, scracm1d, dens1d = loadSCRACM(lenY, spacing, scracmData, scracmFile, densFile)
# align grid with cell soma
cell = next((c for c in sim.net.cells if c.tags['cellType']==cellType),None)
#print cellType,cell
if cellType: gridY = alignGrid(cell, gridY, fixedSomaY = fixedSomaY)
# calculate weightNorm avg and dend length for each grid position
if includeWnorm: wnormGrid = weightNormGrid (cell, gridY, spacing)
if dendLGrid == None:
dendLGrid = dendLengthGrid (cell, gridY, spacing)
# normalize
if includeWnorm: wnormGridNorm = [x/max(wnormGrid) for x in wnormGrid]
dendLGridNorm = [x/max(dendLGrid) for x in dendLGrid]
scracm1dNorm = [x/max(scracm1d) for x in scracm1d]
if densFile: dens1dNorm = [x/max(dens1d) for x in dens1d]
# calculate syn density = scracm / (wnorm* dendL)
if includeWnorm:
dens1dEstim = [scracm / (wnorm+dendL) for scracm,wnorm,dendL in zip(scracm1dNorm, wnormGridNorm, dendLGridNorm)]
dens1dEstim = [scracm / np.sqrt(dendL) for scracm,dendL in zip(scracm1dNorm, dendLGridNorm)]
dens1dEstim = [x if x not in [np.inf, -np.inf] else 0.0 for x in dens1dEstim]
dens1dEstim = [x if not np.isnan(x) else 0.0 for x in dens1dEstim]
dens1dEstimNorm = [x/max(dens1dEstim) for x in dens1dEstim]
# plot dens1d vs dens1dEstimate
lw = 2.0
plt.plot(scracm1dNorm, 'y', linewidth=lw, label='scracm')
plt.plot(dendLGridNorm, linewidth=lw, label='dendL')
if includeWnorm: plt.plot(wnormGridNorm, 'k', linewidth=lw, label='wnorm')
if densFile: plt.plot(dens1dNorm, 'g', linewidth=lw, label='syn density')
plt.plot(dens1dEstimNorm, 'r', linewidth=lw, label='syn density (aprox)')
plt.xlabel('normalized cortical depth ')
plt.ylabel('normalized strength')
if save: plt.savefig(save)
if show: plt.show()
if densFile: return gridY, dens1dNorm
else: return gridY, dens1dEstimNorm
def extractColor(colorbarFile, figFile, figDim, checkColorRange=True, show=False, save=False):
from PIL import Image
cbar_image = Image.open(colorbarFile) #Can be many different formats.
cbar = cbar_image.load()
xlen,ylen=cbar_image.size #Get the width and hight of the image for iterating over
cbarColors = []
for y in range(ylen):
cbarlen = len(cbarColors)
# cbarmin = min([np.mean(c) for c in cbarColors])
# cbarmax = max([np.mean(c) for c in cbarColors])
print 'Extracting figure values...'
fig_image = Image.open(figFile) #Can be many different formats.
fig = fig_image.load()
xlen,ylen=fig_image.size #Get the width and hight of the image for iterating over
print xlen,ylen, figDim[0], figDim[1]
xstep = float(xlen) / figDim[0]
ystep = float(ylen) / figDim[1]
figVals = np.zeros(figDim)
for (i,xf) in enumerate(np.arange((xstep/4.0),xlen,xstep)):
for (j,yf) in enumerate(np.arange((ystep/4.0),ylen,ystep)):
#print i,j,x,y
if x > xlen or y > ylen: continue
color = fig[x,y]
dist = [np.linalg.norm(np.array(color)-np.array(cbcol)) for cbcol in cbarColors]
minDist = min(dist)
if checkColorRange:
incx,incy = 0,0
#while (np.mean(color) <= cbarmin) or (np.mean(color) >= cbarmax) and inc <= ystep/2.5:
while minDist > 15.0 and incx <= 0.7*xstep:
incy += 2
if incy >= 0.7*ystep:
incy = 0
incx += 2
#print minDist, x+incx, y+incy
color = fig[x+incx,y+incy]
dist = [np.linalg.norm(np.array(color)-np.array(cbcol)) for cbcol in cbarColors]
minDist = min(dist)
index = np.argmin(dist)
value = 1.0 - float(index)/float(cbarlen)
#print value
figVals[i][j] = value
if save:
if show:
plt.imshow(figVals.T, interpolation='none')
return figVals
def synDensPT():
#L2/3,TVL,S2,cM1,M2 -> PT (Suter, 2015)
ylen = 30 # number of y pixels
spacing = 50 # size of pixels (um)
frac = [-0.3, 0.2] # fraction of cells to use from each scracm map (relative to center eg. if n=10, frac=[-0.15,0.15] -> [4,5,6])
fixedSomaY = -735
gridY = {} # dict to store the Y grid locations
synDens = {} # dict to store syn density along dendrite (extracted from sCRACM data)
scracmParams = {}
scracmParams['L2_PT'] = {'file': 'L23_PT_scracm.pkl', 'n': 23} # M1 L2/3-> L5B PT (Suter 2015) -- use also for L4,L5A->PT ? no
scracmParams['M2_PT'] = {'file': 'M2_PT_scracm.pkl', 'n': 21} # M2 -> L5B PT (Suter 2015)
scracmParams['TVL_PT'] = {'file': 'TVL_PT_scracm.pkl', 'n': 31} # TVL -> L5B PT (Suter 2015)
scracmParams['cM1_PT'] = {'file': 'cM1_PT_scracm.pkl', 'n': 24} # cM1 -> L5B PT (Suter 2015)
scracmParams['S2_PT'] = {'file': 'S2_PT_scracm.pkl', 'n': 31} # S2 -> L5B PT (Suter 2015) -- use also for S1->PT ? yes
# L23 -> PT files
densFile = rootFolder+'data/csp_syn_input_v6/radial_scracm18_BS0284_memb_BS0477_morph.dat' # using sfn16 poster
scracmFile = rootFolder+'data/csp_syn_input_v6/exp_radial_scracm18_BS0284_memb_BS0477_morph.dat' # from raw data (not extracted from fig)
# create and format fig
fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(6,10))
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
# calculate synDens from scracm for each projection type
for i,(label,params) in enumerate(scracmParams.iteritems()):
n = params['n']
#data = extractColor(dataFolder+'colorbar_Suter15.png', dataFolder+params['file'], (n, ylen), checkColorRange=True, show=False, save=True)
with open(dataFolder+params['file'],'r') as f: data=pkl.load(f)
crange = [int(round((n/2.0)+(x*n))) for x in frac]
data1d = np.mean(data[:][crange[0]:crange[1]], axis=0)
gridY[label], synDens[label] = calcSynDensity(cellType='PT', fixedSomaY=fixedSomaY, lenY=ylen, spacing=spacing, scracmData=data1d, densFile=None, includeWnorm=False, show=False, save=None)#dataFolder+label+'_dens1d.png')
#ax1.plot(data1d, color=colorlist[i], linewidth=lw, label=label)
ax1.plot(synDens[label], np.linspace(0, 1, len(synDens[label])), '-', color=colorlist[i], linewidth=lw, label=label)
gridY['S1_PT'], synDens['S1_PT'] = gridY['S2_PT'], synDens['S2_PT'] # use S2 data for S1 as well (very similar)
dataSave = {'synDens': synDens, 'gridY': gridY, 'fixedSomaY': fixedSomaY}
with open(outFolder+'conn_dend_PT.json','w') as f: json.dump(dataSave, f)
ax1.set_ylabel('Normalized cortical depth (NCD) aligned to soma')
ax1.set_xlabel('Normalized synaptic density')
ax1.legend([p.replace('_', '->') for p in scracmParams])
def synDensIT():
# TPO, TVL, M2, OC -> E (L2/3, L5A, L5B, L6) (Hooks 2013)
ylen = 26 # number of y pixels
spacing = 50 # size of pixels (um)
fixedSomaY = -700
gridY = {} # dict to store the Y grid locations
synDens = {} # dict to store syn density along dendrite (extracted from sCRACM data)
scracm1d = {}
# load dendritic density for L4 IT cells (Yamawaki 2015 elife - fig 8D)
with open(dataFolder+'dendDens_L4.json','r') as f: dendDens_L4 = json.load(f)
somaY_scracm = -fixedSomaY
somaY_dens = 450
alignDist = (somaY_scracm-somaY_dens) / spacing
dendDens_L4 = [0] * alignDist + dendDens_L4 # insert 0s at beginning
dendDens_L4 = dendDens_L4[:ylen] # remove extra elements at end
longPops = ['TPO', 'TVL', 'M2', 'OC']
for longPop in longPops:
# create and format fig
fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(6,10))
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)
# extract scracm from fig
#data = extractColor(dataFolder+'colorbar_Hooks13.png', dataFolder+longPop+'_E_scracm.png', (4, ylen), checkColorRange=True, show=False, save=True)
with open(dataFolder+longPop+'_E_scracm.pkl','r') as f: data=pkl.load(f)
# parameters: ct=cell type, sy: soma y location; dd: dendritic density
params = [{'label': longPop+'_L2','ct': None, 'sy': fixedSomaY, 'dd': dendDens_L4}, # dendritic density from Yama15 elife (L4)
{'label': longPop+'_L5A', 'ct': 'IT5A', 'sy': fixedSomaY, 'dd': None},
{'label': longPop+'_L5B', 'ct': 'IT5B', 'sy': fixedSomaY, 'dd': None},
{'label': longPop+'_L6', 'ct': 'PT', 'sy': fixedSomaY, 'dd': None}]
# calculate synDens from scracm for each projection type
for i,param in enumerate(params):
label = param['label']
scracm1d[label] = data[i]
gridY[label], synDens[label] = calcSynDensity(cellType=param['ct'], fixedSomaY=param['sy'], dendLGrid=param['dd'],
lenY=ylen, spacing=50, scracmData=scracm1d[label], densFile=None, includeWnorm=False, show=False, save=None)#dataFolder+label+'_dens1d.png')
#ax1.plot(data[i], color=colorlist[i], linewidth=lw, label=label)
ax1.plot(synDens[label], np.linspace(0, 1, len(synDens[label])), '-', color=colorlist[i], linewidth=lw, label=label)
dataSave = {'synDens': synDens, 'gridY': gridY, 'fixedSomaY': fixedSomaY}
with open(outFolder+'conn_dend_IT.json','w') as f: json.dump(dataSave, f)
ax1.set_ylabel('Normalized cortical depth (NCD) aligned to soma')
ax1.set_xlabel('Normalized synaptic density')
ax1.legend([p['label'].replace('_', '->') for p in params])
# main code
if __name__ == '__main__':
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 16})
# set folder paths for source data and output data
rootFolder = '../../' # should point to root repo folder (m1) -- currently in m1/sim/conn
dataFolder = rootFolder+'data/conn/'
outFolder = rootFolder+'sim/conn/'
# colormap = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow')
# colorlist = [colormap(1.*i/NUM_COLORS) for i in range(NUM_COLORS)]
colorlist=[[0.42,0.67,0.84], [0.90,0.76,0.00], [0.42,0.83,0.59], [0.90,0.32,0.00],
[0.34,0.67,0.67], [0.90,0.59,0.00], [0.42,0.82,0.83], [1.00,0.85,0.00],
[0.33,0.67,0.47], [1.00,0.38,0.60], [0.57,0.67,0.33], [0.5,0.2,0.0],
[0.71,0.82,0.41], [0.0,0.2,0.5], [0.70,0.32,0.10]]
lw = 2.0
# L2/3,TVL,S2,cM1,M2 -> PT (Suter, 2015)
# TVL, TPO, M2, OC -> E (L2/3, L5A, L5B, L6) (Hooks 2013)
# rest of E -> E = spiny/all dends (no scracm)
# PV -> IT/PT = perisomatic (no scracm) (Naka16)
# SOM -> IT/PT = apical dendrites (no scracm) (Naka16)
# E/I -> I = spiny/all dends (no scracm);