# Load in the goods
import numpy as np
import sys
from scipy.io import savemat
from math import nan
# parse cmd line inputs, load PT cell template
## load cell
from getCells import AllenCell
pt_cell = AllenCell(path='497233139')
## specify stimulated section and soma segment
secList = [pt_cell.apical[30], pt_cell.apical[20], pt_cell.apical[10], pt_cell.apical[5], pt_cell.basal[10]]#, pt_cell.apic[65]]
soma_seg = pt_cell.soma[0](0.5)
# define current stimulus
from chirpUtils import applyChirp
from chirpUtils import getChirp
amp = 0.0025
f0, f1, t0, Fs, delay = 0.5, 50, 50, 1000, 12 # original for all cells
# f0, f1, t0, Fs, delay = 0.5, 100, 100, 1000, 5 # for looking at bimodal leading phase response in Hay cell
I, t = getChirp(f0, f1, t0, amp, Fs, delay)
# define output variables
#main loop
for sec in secList:
nseg = sec.nseg
if nseg == 1:
loc = 0.5
applyChirp(I, t, sec(loc), soma_seg, t0, delay, Fs, f1, out_file_name='/home/craig_kelley_downstate_edu/L5PYR_Resonance/allen_phase/' + str(sec(loc)))
for loc in np.linspace(1/(nseg+1), nseg/(nseg+1), nseg):
applyChirp(I, t, sec(loc), soma_seg, t0, delay, Fs, f1, out_file_name='/home/craig_kelley_downstate_edu/L5PYR_Resonance/allen_phase/' + str(sec(loc)))