Instruction.txt for the LDS model by Akira Takashima, Ryou Hikosaka and Masakazu Takahata.

Here are some suggestive instructions for successfully using the LDS model simulation on the GENESIS simulator.

When the simulation is first on, two windows will appear. The left window is the main control panel which performs several types of experiments. The right window shows experimental results: the membrane potential and conductances of a compartment that you have chosen on the left window.

Followings are description of the items in simulation program.

1. Buttons in the main control panel

RESET	Resets the simulation and clears the graphical output
	(in overlay mode, see below).

STOP	Stops the current simulation.

QUIT	Quits the simulation (and GENESIS).

STEP	Initiates the simulation and performs a simulation run for the time as indicated 
	in the right side of the STEP button (in msec).

dt	Sets a simulation time step as indicated in the right side of the dt button (in 
	msec). 0.01 msec time step as the default is accurate and thus desirbale.

Change Synaptic Inputs		Hitting this button shows you the Popup menu about the 
					synaptic inputs.

2. Buttons and toggles in the Synaptic Input Popup menu

DISMISS		Hides the Popup menu.

Synaptic Input OFF/ON toggle	Toggles between Synaptic inputs OFF (default) and 
single_input		Sets synaptic input to a dendritic compartment indicated by red color and 
			all other inputs are removed.

5_inputs		Sets synaptic input to five dendritic compartment indicated by red color 
			and all other inputs are removed.

10_inputs		Sets synaptic input to ten dendritic compartment indicated by red color 
			and all other inputs are removed.

21_inputs		Sets synaptic input to twenty-one dendritic compartment indicated by red 
			color and all other inputs are removed.

94_inputs		Sets synaptic input to ninety-four dendritic compartment indicated by red 
			color and all other inputs are removed.

Remove All Synaptic Inputs		Removes all synaptic inputs and sets Synaptic Input 
						OFF toggle.

3. Toggles in the LDS

No Graph/Graph		Toggles between hide (default)/show the graph output window.

No Electrodes/Electrodes		If you wish to see compartments where you plot their 
					membrane potentials, activate this toggle and activate 
					"Add plot" button on the xgraphs, which shows you 
					electrodes which are penetrated into the compartments.

4. Buttons and toggles in the xgraph

Clear graph		Clears xgraph's plot and remove electrodes on the LDS panel.

Add plot		Use this button to add plot(s) to the xgraph. This must be done as no plot 
			is pre-selected. You can either click on any part of the LDS cell to select 
			or type the compartment number in the dialog box.

Overlay off/on		When a reset is performed, normally all plots are cleared. When 
				overlay is on, they are saved so that you can compare plots from 
				different runs of simulation.

Correspondence e-mail address is: (Akira Takashima)