/*LFPsim - Simulation scripts to compute Local Field Potentials (LFP) from cable compartmental models of neurons and networks implemented in NEURON simulation environment.

LFPsim works reliably on biophysically detailed multi-compartmental neurons with ion channels in some or all compartments.

Last updated 12-March-2016
Developed by : Harilal Parasuram & Shyam Diwakar
Computational Neuroscience & Neurophysiology Lab, School of Biotechnology, Amrita University, India.
Email: harilalp@am.amrita.edu; shyam@amrita.edu

// This scipt is a part of MEA electrode implementation
// Creating object (a small compartment) to represent electrode position in shape plot (Morphology view window), for mea simulation

objref place_Elec_m[16]
create dummyy[16]
countt = 0

proc multi_drawelec() {
	dummyy[countt] {
		pt3dadd($1+0.5, $2, $3, 1)
		pt3dadd($1-0.5, $2, $3, 1)
		place_Elec_m[countt] = new IClamp(0.5)
		L = 0.001	
	MoveElec.point_mark(place_Elec_m[countt], 2)  // mark it red
	MoveElec.exec_menu("View = plot") 
	countt = countt + 1

// Funtion for setting electrode position
proc multi_setelec() {
	//MoveElec = new Shape(0) 
	multi_drawelec($1, $2, $3)

//Defalut x,y,z position of first electrode in MEA  
mul_start_point_x = -100
mul_start_point_y = -100
mul_start_point_z = 1

//Defalut distance between MEA electrodes
mul_elec_distance = 100

// Procedure to set MEA electrode position
proc set_multi_electrode(){
	mul_start_point_x = $1
	mul_start_point_y = $2
	mul_start_point_z = $3
	mul_elec_distance = $4


// Procedure to set MEA electrode position
proc multi_electrode(){
	countt = 0