There are two collections of computer code in this archive: the jneurosci2012 folder and jnphysiol2012 folder. The jneurosci2012 folder is for Jones PW, Gabbiani F. (2012) Logarithmic Compression of Sensory Signals within the Dendritic Tree of a Collision-Sensitive Neuron. J Neurosci, In press. This jneurosci2012 version includes code to reproduce figures and analysis in press right now, and we've added it to the same model entry alongside the previous version jnphysiol2012, for the 2012B paper Jones PW, Gabbiani F. (2012B) Impact of neural noise on a sensory-motor pathway signaling impending collision. J Neurophysiol 107:1067–1079. just in a separate version folder, since it is conceptually the same (just slight changes in the underlying parameters prevent merging the two versions). Please refer to the README files in these subdirectories for more information. This code was contributed by Dr Pete Jones.