function cmpts = getCmptsFromDegrees(az, el)
% ------------------------------------------
% Translates visual space locations in degrees to corresponding compartments
% on the dendrites of the model. Compartments are numbered 1:400, and
% visual space sampled is -50-50 deg elevation and 40-140 in azimuth. Calling for
% compartment numbers outside of this space will cause the function to return NaNs.
% compartments 5-15 along each dendrite correspond to azimuths 40:140
% This corresponds to 10 deg per compartment. Out of range positions get no compartment.
idx_x_offs = (5 + 10*(az-40)/100);
outofrange = (idx_x_offs < 5 | idx_x_offs > 15);
idx_x_offs(outofrange) = NaN;
% elevation has a 100 deg span too, spread amoung 20 dendrites, or 5 deg
dend_ang = -50 + (0:19)*5; %the minimum angle for each dendrite
dend_ang_max = dend_ang + 5; %the max
for j=1:length(el) %find the proper dendritic branch of each elevation
fi = find(el(j) >= dend_ang & el(j) <= dend_ang_max);
if (~isempty(fi))
dend_i(j) = fi(1);
else % if the elevation is out of range, assign nan
dend_i(j) = NaN;
% This computation should return numbers within 1-400, where each of twenty branches has 20
% compartments, and those numbered 5-15 along their length each take a 10x5 deg (az x el) space of the visual field.
% In neuron, compartments are numbered continuously, so the idx_x_off fractional part gives the location within the comp.
cmpts = (dend_i(:) -1)*20 + idx_x_offs(:);
cmpts = cmpts';