function y = my_normpdf(x,mu,sigma)
%MY_NORMPDF Normal probability density function (pdf).
%   Y = MY_NORMPDF(X,MU,SIGMA) Returns the normal pdf with mean, MU, 
%   and standard deviation, SIGMA, at the values in X. 
%   The size of Y is the common size of the input arguments. A scalar input  
%   functions as a constant matrix of the same size as the other inputs.     
%   Default values for MU and SIGMA are 0 and 1 respectively.

%   References:
%      [1]  M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, "Handbook of Mathematical
%      Functions", Government Printing Office, 1964, 26.1.26.

if nargin < 3, 
    sigma = 1;

if nargin < 2;
    mu = 0;

if nargin < 1, 
    error('Requires at least one input argument.');

[errorcode x mu sigma] = my_distchck(3,x,mu,sigma);

if errorcode > 0
    error('Requires non-scalar arguments to match in size.');

%   Initialize Y to zero.
y = zeros(size(x));

k = find(sigma > 0);
if any(k)
    xn = (x(k) - mu(k)) ./ sigma(k);
    y(k) = exp(-0.5 * xn .^2) ./ (sqrt(2*pi) .* sigma(k));

% Return NaN if SIGMA is negative or zero.
k1 = find(sigma <= 0);
if any(k1)
    tmp   = NaN;
    y(k1) = tmp(ones(size(k1))); 