function [eid,emsg,varargout]=statgetargs(pnames,dflts,varargin)
%STATGETARGS Process parameter name/value pairs for statistics functions
% accepts a cell array PNAMES of valid parameter names, a cell array
% DFLTS of default values for the parameters named in PNAMES, and
% additional parameter name/value pairs. Returns parameter values A,B,...
% in the same order as the names in PNAMES. Outputs corresponding to
% entries in PNAMES that are not specified in the name/value pairs are
% set to the corresponding value from DFLTS. If nargout is equal to
% length(PNAMES)+1, then unrecognized name/value pairs are an error. If
% nargout is equal to length(PNAMES)+2, then all unrecognized name/value
% pairs are returned in a single cell array following any other outputs.
% EID and EMSG are empty if the arguments are valid. If an error occurs,
% EMSG is the text of an error message and EID is the final component
% of an error message id. STATGETARGS does not actually throw any errors,
% but rather returns EID and EMSG so that the caller may throw the error.
% Outputs will be partially processed after an error occurs.
% This utility is used by some Statistics Toolbox functions to process
% name/value pair arguments.
% Example:
% pnames = {'color' 'linestyle', 'linewidth'}
% dflts = { 'r' '_' '1'}
% varargin = {{'linew' 2 'nonesuch' [1 2 3] 'linestyle' ':'}
% [eid,emsg,c,ls,lw] = statgetargs(pnames,dflts,varargin{:}) % error
% [eid,emsg,c,ls,lw,ur] = statgetargs(pnames,dflts,varargin{:}) % ok
% Copyright 1993-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: $ $Date: 2003/11/01 04:28:41 $
% We always create (nparams+2) outputs:
% one each for emsg and eid
% nparams varargs for values corresponding to names in pnames
% If they ask for one more (nargout == nparams+3), it's for unrecognized
% names/values
% Initialize some variables
emsg = '';
eid = '';
nparams = length(pnames);
varargout = dflts;
unrecog = {};
nargs = length(varargin);
% Must have name/value pairs
if mod(nargs,2)~=0
eid = 'WrongNumberArgs';
emsg = 'Wrong number of arguments.';
% Process name/value pairs
for j=1:2:nargs
pname = varargin{j};
if ~ischar(pname)
eid = 'BadParamName';
emsg = 'Parameter name must be text.';
i = strmatch(lower(pname),pnames);
if isempty(i)
% if they've asked to get back unrecognized names/values, add this
% one to the list
if nargout > nparams+2
unrecog((end+1):(end+2)) = {varargin{j} varargin{j+1}};
% otherwise, it's an error
eid = 'BadParamName';
emsg = sprintf('Invalid parameter name: %s.',pname);
elseif length(i)>1
eid = 'BadParamName';
emsg = sprintf('Ambiguous parameter name: %s.',pname);
varargout{i} = varargin{j+1};
varargout{nparams+1} = unrecog;