function eHandles = addErrorBars(axisHandle, x, y, e, color, varargin)
% function eHandles = addErrorBars(axisHandle, x, y, e, color, varargin)
% This function just adds error bars to a graph, like the built-in
% MATLAB function except this returns the handles of the error bars
% and is fully compatible with code that uses primitive plotting
% tools because it doesn't do anything else.
% varargin accepts a length of the hat added to the error bars
hatlen = 1;
if (~isempty(varargin))
hatlen = varargin{1};
eHandles = zeros(length(x)*3,1);
for i = 1:length(x)
handlei = 3*(i-1)+1;
top = y(i)+e(i);
bottom = y(i)-e(i);
ydata = [top bottom];
xdata = [x(i) x(i)];
eHandles(handlei) = line('Parent', axisHandle, 'XData', xdata, 'YData', ydata, 'Color', color, 'Tag', 'error');
xhat = [x(i)-hatlen x(i)+hatlen];
ytophat = [top top];
ybottomhat = [bottom bottom];
eHandles(handlei+1) = line('Parent', axisHandle, 'XData', xhat, 'YData', ytophat, 'Color', color, 'Tag', 'error');
eHandles(handlei+2) = line('Parent', axisHandle, 'XData', xhat, 'YData', ybottomhat, 'Color', color, 'Tag', 'error');
% if varargin is greater than 1 then assume those arguments are additional settings for the error bars and set.
if (length(varargin)>1)
set(eHandles, varargin{2:end});