% Modified by PWJ on 12/30/2010
% This will generate a synapse activation text block that can be plugged
% directly into a NEURON simulation given a set of synaptic positions
% and timings, and conductances (three vectors of equal size).  The other variables are the 
% proerties of the synapse.
% to call multiple blocks for a single simulation, pass the first_syn var
% so that synapse indexing is incremented
% cmpt_dens -- if assigned, will scale gmax by cmpt_dens(x) for compartment x
function synblock = generate_synblock(timing_vec, cmpt_vec, gmax, tau_syn, erev, jitter_max, first_syn, cmpt_dens)
	sidx = 1;

  %timing_vec = timing_vec + jitter_max*rand(1,length(timing_vec));

  disp(['Generating ' num2str(length(timing_vec)) ' synapses ...']);

	% The main loop
	for t=1:length(timing_vec)
        if (length(cmpt_dens) > 0)
            gsf = cmpt_dens(floor(cmpt_vec(t)));
            gsf = 1;
        if (length(gmax) > 1) %if gmax is a vector then use this string generation
            sblock{sidx} = [sprintf('  objref syn_%d\n', t+first_syn), ...
                sprintf('  seg[%d] syn_%d = new AlphaSynapse(%f)\n', floor(cmpt_vec(t)), t+first_syn, cmpt_vec(t)-floor(cmpt_vec(t))), ...
                sprintf('  syn_%d.onset = %g\n', t+first_syn, timing_vec(t)), ....
                sprintf('  syn_%d.tau = %g\n', t+first_syn, tau_syn), ...
                sprintf('  syn_%d.gmax = %g\n', t+first_syn, gmax(t)*gsf), ...
                sprintf('  syn_%d.e = %d\n', t+first_syn, erev), ...
                sprintf('  \n')];
        else % use one that doesn't index gmax
            sblock{sidx} = [sprintf('  objref syn_%d\n', t+first_syn), ...
                sprintf('  seg[%d] syn_%d = new AlphaSynapse(%f)\n', floor(cmpt_vec(t)), t+first_syn, cmpt_vec(t)-floor(cmpt_vec(t))), ...
                sprintf('  syn_%d.onset = %g\n', t+first_syn, timing_vec(t)), ....
                sprintf('  syn_%d.tau = %g\n', t+first_syn, tau_syn), ...
                sprintf('  syn_%d.gmax = %g\n', t+first_syn, gmax*gsf), ...
                sprintf('  syn_%d.e = %d\n', t+first_syn, erev), ...
                sprintf('  \n')];
        sidx = sidx + 1;
	% Now generate file output ... 	
  %synblock = char(32 * ones(1, 145*length(timing_vec))); %allocates the synblock character array first for speed, starts full of spaces
synblock = char(sblock);
a = synblock';
synblock = a(:)';
  %   synl = 1;
%    for s=1:length(sblock)
%        strl = length(char(sblock{s})) + 2;
%        synblock(synl:(synl+strl-1)) = [char(sblock{s}) sprintf('\n\n')];
%        synl = synl+strl;
%    end

% simon's synblock code, which is slow
%   synblock = '';
%   for s=1:length(sblock) ; synblock = [synblock sprintf('\n\n') char(sblock{s})] ; end