** This library uses the netcdf - version 3.4 which is
** Copyright 1993-1997 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata
** The netcdf library is provided as per the terms of the
** UCAR/Unidata license.
** See netcdf-3.4/copyright.html for the full notice.
/* $Id: netcdf_func_ext.h,v 2005/06/14 04:38:29 svitak Exp $ */
* $Log: netcdf_func_ext.h,v $
* Revision 2005/06/14 04:38:29 svitak
* Import from snapshot of CalTech CVS tree of June 8, 2005
* Revision 1.3 2000/06/12 05:07:02 mhucka
* Removed nested comments; added NOTREACHED comments where appropriate.
* Revision 1.2 1999/10/16 22:47:26 mhucka
* Merged changes from Upi for supporting netCDF 3.4.
* Revision 1.1 1999/10/16 21:17:08 mhucka
* Venkat had a version of the diskio code in his home directory that he
* appears to have been working on, and that did not make it into the
* source tree that I had originally used as the starting point of my
* GENESIS 2.2.2 DR reorganization effort. This version of diskio by
* Venkat implemented an abstract file interface and placed the netcdf_*
* files into the subdirectory interface/netcdf/, instead of in
* interface/ as in the version that I started with. So I've moved the
* files into interface/netcdf/ now.
* Revision 1.3 1998/01/14 18:34:01 venkat
* Declaration of the isA() class method.
* Revision 1.2 1997/07/26 00:15:24 venkat
* Added-Copyright-notice-and-RCS-headers
* */
/* static isA() method */
extern int Netcdf_IsA();
/* Concrete Factory*/
extern Abs_Diskio* Netcdf_ConstructFile();