** $Id: struct_defs.h,v 2005/06/14 04:38:28 svitak Exp $
** $Log: struct_defs.h,v $
** Revision 2005/06/14 04:38:28 svitak
** Import from snapshot of CalTech CVS tree of June 8, 2005
** Revision 1.8 2001/04/25 17:17:04 mhucka
** Misc. small changes to improve portability and address compiler warnings.
** Revision 1.7 1997/05/28 23:56:21 dhb
** Changes from Antwerp GENESIS 21e
* EDS21d revision: EDS BBF-UIA 97/01/28-97/04/22
* Added Gelement and Gsegment defs
* Version EDS20l 95/12/21, Erik De Schutter, BBF-UIA 6/94-12/95
* Introduced CHANNELC2_TYPE definition
* Revision 1.5 1994/05/27 23:31:44 dhb
* Changed element extended fields from an allocated array of ExtField
* structures to an allocated array of char*. The extfields array now
* holds extended field values only rather than field name/value pairs.
* Revision 1.6 1996/05/16 21:46:31 dhb
* Change messages back to a linked structure.
* MsgIn and MsgOut are now unified into a single Msg structure which
* is linked on two lists (inbound and outbound).
* GetMsgInByMsgOut() and GetMsgOutByMsgIn() are now macros which just
* return the Msg structure.
* The MsgIn and MsgOut types are still supported but are now aliases
* for Msg.
* Revision 1.4 1993/06/29 18:56:07 dhb
* Extended objects (incomplete)
* Revision 1.3 1993/03/10 23:15:58 dhb
* Extended element fields.
* Revision 1.2 1992/12/18 21:19:06 dhb
* Compact messages
* Revision 1.1 1992/10/27 21:19:36 dhb
* Initial revision
/* EDS: FUTURE changes needed (requiring full code revision):
** GELEMENTs (x,y,z) and (x0,y0,z0) should be doubles for accuracy in
** microscopic domain.
** Requires: move x,y,z to end of ELEMENT struct
** check always if ELEMENT or nor before using GELEMENT (sigh...)
** Alternative: consider dropping x,y,z from standard element
#define ELEMENT_TYPE \
char *name;\
int index;\
struct object_type *object;\
short flags;\
short nextfields;\
char **extfields;\
float x;\
float y;\
float z;\
unsigned int nmsgin;\
Msg *msgin;\
Msg *msgintail;\
unsigned int nmsgout;\
Msg *msgout;\
Msg *msgouttail;\
GenesisObject *compositeobject;\
Element *componentof;\
Element *parent;\
Element *child;\
Element *next;
char *name;\
int index;\
struct object_type *object;\
short flags;\
short nextfields;\
char **extfields;\
float x;\
float y;\
float z;\
unsigned int nmsgin;\
Msg *msgin;\
Msg *msgintail;\
unsigned int nmsgout;\
Msg *msgout;\
Msg *msgouttail;\
GenesisObject *compositeobject;\
Element *componentof;\
Element *parent;\
Element *child;\
Element *next; \
float x0;\
float y0;\
float z0;
#define SEGMENT_TYPE \
float activation;
float activation;
#define CHAN_TYPE \
double Ik;\
double Gk;\
float Ek;
#define CHANNELC2_TYPE \
double X; \
double Y; \
float tau1; \
float tau2; \
float gmax; \
double xconst1; \
double xconst2; \
double yconst1; \
double yconst2; \
float norm;
** tmin : the minimum time interval which must be held by the buffer
** size : buffer size in number of events
** current : current buffer location
** start : starting buffer location - 1
** end : last occupied buffer location
** event_size : size of each event data structure
** event : circular event buffer
#define BUFFER_TYPE \
float tmin; \
int size; \
int current; \
int start; \
int end; \
int event_size; \
struct event_type *event;
GenesisObject *connection_object; \
Connection *connection;
#define LINK_TYPE \
Segment *target;\
Connection *next; \
float weight;
** dst_segment : pointer to the destination segment
** delay : time delay between src and dst cell
** this delay does not include the fixed latency
** of individual projections
** weight : synaptic weight used by many synaptic functions
Segment *target;\
Connection *next; \
float weight; \
float delay;
#define OUTPUT_TYPE \
short datatype; \
short datasize; \
short mixed_data; \
struct output_data_type *data;
#endif /* STRUCT_DEFS_H */