This is a list and description of the voltage activated ionic channels
available in the GENESIS channel library.  The file "LIST" gives the names
of the scripts in which these channels are defined.  In addition, various
simulations have made use of chemically activated channels, NMDA channels and
dendrodendritic synapses.


                          K  Channels


Channel Name		Description

K_moll_cs        delayed rectifier [Connor and Stevens]
KA_moll_cs       transient A-current [Connor and Stevens]
K_squid_hh       delayed rectifier  [Hodgkin and Huxley]
K_hh_tchan       efficient tabulated version of above
K_squid_tab      efficient tabulated version of above
K_lgn_hh	 delayed rectifier [McCormick, Huguenard, Strowbridge; 1991]
K_lgn_tab	 efficient tabulated version of above
K0_io_tchan      inferior olive K0 channel [Maurice Lee]
K1_io_tchan      inferior olive K1 channel [Maurice Lee]
K_mit_tchan      mitral cell K [Upi Bhalla]
K_gran_hh        granule cell K [Upi Bhalla]
Kca_mit_tab      mitral cell Ca dependent K [Upi Bhalla]
K_mit_tab        mitral cell K [Upi Bhalla]
K_trit_agt       slowly inactivating  [Aldrich, Getting, Thompson; 1979]
K_hip_traub	 inactivating CA3 K-current [R.D. Traub; 1982]
Kca_hip_traub	 Ca-dependent CA3 K-current  [R.D. Traub; 1982]
K_bsg_yka        bullfrog delayed K-current [Yamada, Koch, Adams; 1989]
KA_bsg_yka       bullfrog transient A current [Yamada, Koch, Adams; 1989]
KM_bsg_yka       bullfrog muscarinic current [Yamada, Koch, Adams; 1989]
K_mit_usb        mitral cell K [Upi Bhalla]
K_alphamn_bsf    non-inactivating [Bunow, Segev, and Fleshman; 1985]
K_hip_pyr_tl     hippocampal pyramidal cell [Traub and Llinas; 1979]
K_mit_usb        mitral cell slowly inactivating K [Upi Bhalla]
K2_mit_usb       variation of above
K_slow_usb       variation of above
Kahp_hip_traub91 CA3 slow AHP current (Ca-dependent) [Traub, et al; 1991]
Kc_hip_traub91   CA3 fast C-current (Ca-dependent) [Traub, et al; 1991]
Kdr_hip_traub91  CA3 delayed rectifier  [Traub, et al; 1991]
Ka_hip_traub91   CA3 transient A-current [Traub, et al; 1991]
Kc_moll_db       Aplysia R-15 C-current (Ca-dependent) [D. Beeman]
H_lgn_tab	 Hyperpolarization-activated (H) [McCormick, et al.1991]
K_leak		 leakage channel [Pratik Mukherjee]
Moczyd_KC        non-inactivating BK-type Ca-dependent K [Erik De Schutter]
K_squid_markov   stochastic version of K_squid_hh [D. Beeman]


                          Na  Channels


Channel Name          	Description

Na_moll_cs	 fast inward current [Connor and Stevens]
Na_squid_hh      fast Na-channel [Hodgkin and Huxley]
Na_hh_tchan      efficient tabulated version of above
Na_squid_tab     efficient tabulated version of above
Na_io_vdep       inferior olive Na channel [Maurice Lee]
Na_mit_tchan     mitral cell Na [Upi Bhalla]
Na_gran_hh       granule cell Na [Upi Bhalla]
Na_aplysia_ag    Aplysia R-15 fast Na [Adams and Gage; 1979]
Na_bsg_yka       bullfrog Na current [Yamada, Koch, Adams; 1989]
Na_rat_yhl       Rat Na channel [Yang, Hsu, and Lester]
Na_rat_smsnn     Rat Na channel, cloned, [Stuhmer et al; 1987]
Na2_rat_smsnn    variation of above for mitral cell Upi Bhalla]
Na_alphamn_bsf   [Bunow, Segev, and Fleshman; 1985]
Na_hip_pyr_tl    hippocampal pyramidal cell [Traub and Llinas; 1979]
Na_mit_usb       mitral cell Na [Upi Bhalla]
Na2_mit_usb      mitral cell Na [Upi Bhalla]
Na_hip_traub91   CA3 fast Na [Traub, et al; 1991]
Na_sej_tab	 cortical fast Na current [Lytton and Sejnowski; 1991]
Na_squid_markov  stochastic version of Na_squid_hh [D. Beeman]


                          Ca  Channels


Channel Name		Description

NCa_drg_fnt      Ca 'N' channel [Fox, Nowycky and Tsien; 1987]
Ca_io_vdep       inferior olive Ca channel [Maurice Lee]
Ca_mit_tab       mitral cell Ca [Upi Bhalla]
Ca_bsg_yka       bullfrog Ca current [Yamada, Koch, Adams; 1989]
Ca_aplysia_ag    Aplysia R-15 fast Ca current [Adams and Gage; 1979]
B_trit_st        Tritonia slow inward B (Ca/Na) [Smith and Thompson; 1987]
Ca_hip_traub	 Ca-inactivated Ca current [R.D. Traub; 1982]
LCa_mit_usb  	 purkinje cell L-current [Hirano and Hagiwara; 1989]
LCa3_mit_usb     variation of above for mitral cell [Upi Bhalla]
Ca_hip_pyr_tl    hippocampal pyramidal cell [Traub and Llinas; 1979]
Ca_hip_traub91   CA3 high voltage activated [Traub, et al; 1991]
Ca_sej_tab       low threshold T-current  [Lytton and Sejnowski; 1991]
Ca_lgn_hh 	 low threshold T-current  [McCormick, et al; 1991]