Prototypes directory for neurokit.  Developed by U.S. Bhalla.

This directory contains a variety of compartments, concens, and
ion channels, both voltage and ligand gated, which have been
implemented in Genesis. Additions to this library are extremely welcome.

In order for prototypes to be compatible with the neurokit utility,
the following guidelines should be adhered to :


All of the files should be executable by the command
	include <filename>

Dependencies on other files should be explicitly stated and
kept to a minimum. 

The format of the files are :

1 The //genesis header
2 In comments, the following information about the file :
	Contents of file
	Author and sources of data
	Conventions used
	Dependencies on other files
3 A set of constant definitions.
4 functions for creating individual prototypes onto the current element.
	For channels, these functions are of the form:

function make_channelname
	if ({exists(channelname)})

// channel creation routine.

	The channelname should be chosed carefully to avoid overlap with
	other names. I would suggest a syntax 


	with the suffix identifying multiple versions of the same channel.
	I have adopted a convention of using the authors of the original
	reference for the channel parameters as the suffix. In many
	cases this does not do justice to the considerable efforts involved
	in converting the source data to hh-type parameters. Appropriate
	credits should be given in the comments section (2).

Similar guidelines apply to non-channel of prototypes.


A list of all prototypes defined in this directory is maintained in
the file LIST. It should be updated every time a new prototype is added.

Also in this directory is a file called 'library.g' which sets up the
library element and some utility functions. It provides a way of using
these prototypes if you do not want to do so in the context of 

As a general rule, all prototypes should be made onto the /library

In order for complex channels implemented as multiple Genesis elements,
(such as those which interact with calcium concentration) to be handled
by the cell builder, the following rules must be followed :

There must be a parent element for all the other elements in the
channel. This element has be the current carrying component of the
channel, and in all cases so far is of the class vdep_channel.

All the message passing between the elements composing the channel
must be specified, with the exception of the messages between the
compartment and the channel.  When messages must be passed between
different prototypes, then the environment message passing scheme
can be used.

Units must be set appropriately according to the mode of the cell
builder. In the default modes, the read_cell command scales
conductances and Ca concentration parameters according to the
dimensions of the compartment.