! $Id: Xdefaults.example,v 2005/06/14 04:38:34 svitak Exp $
! This is a sample set of widget color and font specification to go into
! your .Xdefaults or .Xresources file.  You may merge them into your existing
! X resources with the command "xrdb -merge .Xdefaults".  The colors given here
! are the same as those used as the XODUS defaults, but you may edit them to
! give you the colors you like. The font size resource will be particularly
! important for users of IRIX 5.3 as its version of X windows apparently uses
! a much larger default font size.

genesis*Button*Foreground:              black
genesis*Button*Background:              LightSteelBlue
genesis*Button*Font:                    7x13bold
genesis*Graph*Background:               LightSteelBlue
genesis*Graph*Foreground:               black
genesis*Graph*ForegroundError:          black
genesis*Label*Foreground:               black
genesis*Label*Background:               LightSteelBlue
genesis*Label*Font:                     7x13bold
genesis*Dialog*Background:              LightSteelBlue
genesis*Dialog*Font:                    7x13bold
genesis*Form*Background:                LightSteelBlue
genesis*Form*titleBackground:           LightSteelBlue
genesis*Draw*Background:                LightSteelBlue
genesis*Shape*Foreground:               black
genesis*Shape*Font:                     7x13bold
genesis*Axis*Foreground:                black
genesis*Axis*Font:                      7x13bold
genesis*Plot*Foreground:                black
genesis*Tree*Foreground:                black
genesis*Tree*Font:                      7x13bold