%% Jonghwan Lee's model for neuronal volume dynamics
% input argument:
% d0 = initial diameter of neuronal cell body (assumed to be a sphere) [m]
% Ie0 = stimulation current amplitude [A]
% tDur = stimulation duration [s]
% bFig = plot results? (0=no, 1=yes)
% outpu argument:
% t = time vector [s]
% Vm = membrane potential [V]
% DC = relative change in the total intracellular concentration
% DV = relative change in the cell volume
% usage example:
% The following will solve Lee's model when the stimulation current of 50 pA is applied to a cell of 8-um diameter for 1 ms
% [t Vm DC DV] = LeeModel(8e-6, 5e-11, 1e-3);
function [t Vm DC DV] = LeeModel(d0, Ie0, tDur, bFig)
%% Default input arguments
if nargin < 4
bFig = 1;
if nargin < 3
tDur = 1e-3;
if nargin < 2
Ie0 = 7e-11;
if nargin < 1
d0 = 10e-6;
%% Parameters
% computation parameters
dt = 1e-5; % time step of computation [s]
tStart = -10e-3; % time to start [s]
tEnd = 50e-3; % time to end [s]
tStim = 0e-3; % time to give stimulation [s]
t = [tStart:dt:tEnd];
nt = length(t);
% physical constants
e = 1.6e-19; % charge of a single electron [C]
na = 6e23; % Avogadro's number
cw = 1e6/18; % Concentration of water in normal condition: [mol/m^3]
RTzF = 8.3*300/1/9.6e4; % RT/zF
dw = 1e-10; % water diffusion coefficient [m^2/sec]
% cellular parameters
dm = 1e-9; % thickness of the cell membrane (1 nm) [m]
cm = 10e-9*1e6; % capacitance of the cell membrane (10 nF/mm2) [F/m^2]
a = 4*pi*(d0/2)^2; % cell area
v = 4*pi/3*(d0/2)^3; % cell volume
cKi = 150; cKo = 5.5; % intracellular/extracellular concentration of K [mol/m^3]
cNi = 15; cNo = 150; % intracellular/extracellular concentration of Na [mol/m^3]
nK = cKi*v; % intracellular amount of K [mol]
nN = cNi*v; % intracellular amount of Na [mol]
% electrophysiological parameters in the resting state
Vm0 = -67e-3; % membrane potential [V]
eK0 = RTzF*log(cKo/cKi); % equilibrium potential of K [V]
eN0 = RTzF*log(cNo/cNi); % equilibrium potential of Na [V]
eL = -54.4e-3; % equilibrium potential of leak current [V]
gK0 = 360; % conductivity of K ion channel [S/m^2]
gN0 = 1200; % conductivity of Na ion channel [S/m^2]
gL0 = 3; % equivalent conductivity of leak current channel [S/m^2]
jpK0 = -0.0452; % K current by Na-K active pump
jpN0 = 0.0071; % Na current by Na-K active pump
%% Time-varying variables
% membrane potential and current
Ie = zeros(nt,1); % stimulation current [A]
Vm = zeros(nt,1); % membrane potential [V]
JK = zeros(nt,1); % membrane current of K ion
JN = zeros(nt,1); % membrane current of Na ion
JL = zeros(nt,1); % leak current
JW = zeros(nt,1); % water flux
JPK = zeros(nt,1); % K current by Na-K active pump
JPN = zeros(nt,1); % Na current by Na-K active pump
% relative changes
DK = zeros(nt,1); % relative change in the intracellular amount of K ion : nK(t) = nK(t=0) * (1 + DK(t))
DN = zeros(nt,1); % relative change in the intracellular amount of Na ion : nN(t) = nN(t=0) * (1 + DN(t))
DV = zeros(nt,1); % relative change in the cell volume : v(t) = v(t=0) * (1 + DV(t))
% open probabilities of subunits
n = zeros(nt,1);
m = zeros(nt,1);
h = zeros(nt,1);
% transfer rates & intracellular concentrations: no need to save to memory
an = 0; bn = 0;
am = 0; bm = 0;
ah = 0; bh = 0;
cK = 0; cN = 0;
%% Stimulation current
for it=round((tStim-tStart)/dt):round((tStim-tStart+tDur)/dt)
Ie(it) = Ie0;
%% Solve DE using Runge-Kutta
for it=1:nt
% obtain solutions at time t from the results at time (t-1)
if it == 1
% membrane potential
Vm(it) = Vm0;
% relative changes in the intracellular ion amount
DK(it) = 0;
DN(it) = 0;
% relative volume change
DV(it) = 0;
% membrane potential
Vm(it) = Vm(it-1) + dt/cm* ( Ie(it-1)/a/(1+2/3*DV(it-1)) - JK(it-1) - JN(it-1) - JL(it-1) );
% relative changes in the intracellular ion amount
DK(it) = DK(it-1) - dt/e/na/nK *(JK(it-1)+JPK(it-1)) *4*pi*(3/4/pi *v*(1+DV(it-1)))^(2/3);
DN(it) = DN(it-1) - dt/e/na/nN *(JN(it-1)+JPN(it-1)) *4*pi*(3/4/pi *v*(1+DV(it-1)))^(2/3);
% relative volume change
DV(it) = DV(it-1) - dt/v/cw * JW(it-1) * a*(1+2/3*DV(it-1));
% calculate parameters at time t, which need for the calculation of membrane currents
if it == 1
% transfer rates
an = 1e4 *(Vm0+0.055)/( 1-exp(-100*(Vm0+0.055)) );
bn = 125 *exp(-12.5*(Vm0+0.065));
am = 1e5 *(Vm0+0.040)/( 1-exp(-100*(Vm0+0.040)) );
bm = 4000 *exp(-1000/18*(Vm0+0.065));
ah = 70 *exp(-50*(Vm0+0.065));
bh = 1e3 /( 1+exp(-100*(Vm0+0.035)) );
% n, m, h
n(it) = an/(an+bn);
m(it) = am/(am+bm);
h(it) = ah/(ah+bh);
% intracellular concentration
cK = nK/v;
cN = nN/v;
% transfer rates
an = 1e4 *(Vm(it-1)+0.055)/( 1-exp(-100*(Vm(it-1)+0.055)) );
bn = 125 *exp(-12.5*(Vm(it-1)+0.065));
am = 1e5 *(Vm(it-1)+0.040)/( 1-exp(-100*(Vm(it-1)+0.040)) );
bm = 4000 *exp(-1000/18*(Vm(it-1)+0.065));
ah = 70 *exp(-50*(Vm(it-1)+0.065));
bh = 1e3 /( 1+exp(-100*(Vm(it-1)+0.035)) );
% n, m, h
n(it) = n(it-1) + dt* ( an*(1-n(it-1)) - bn*n(it-1) );
m(it) = m(it-1) + dt* ( am*(1-m(it-1)) - bm*m(it-1) );
h(it) = h(it-1) + dt* ( ah*(1-h(it-1)) - bh*h(it-1) );
% intracellular concentration
cK = nK*(1+DK(it-1)) / v/(1+DV(it-1));
cN = nN*(1+DN(it-1)) / v/(1+DV(it-1));
% calculate membrane currents at time t, which will be used at the next time step (membrane currents can be directly determined, not by differential equation)
eK = RTzF*log(cKo/cK);
eN = RTzF*log(cNo/cN);
JK(it) = gK0*n(it)^4 * (Vm(it)-eK);
JN(it) = gN0*m(it)^3*h(it) * (Vm(it)-eN);
JL(it) = gL0 * (Vm(it)-eL);
JW(it) = -1*dw/dm* ( cK+cN -cKi-cNi);
% on the short time scale (milliseconds), we can assume the constant active pump currents.
JPK(it) = jpK0;
JPN(it) = jpN0;
% on the large time scale (minutes), we need to consider homeostasis in the intracellular concentration maintained by dynamic active pump currents.
% tau = 10; % time constant of homeostasis
% JPK(it) = jpK0 + e*na*nK/a/tau*DK(it);
% JPN(it) = jpN0 + e*na*nN/a/tau*DN(it);
if n(it) > 1 || n(it) < 0
disp(['ERROR: n = ' num2str(n(it),3) ' at it = ' num2str(it)]);
if m(it) > 1 || m(it) < 0
disp(['ERROR: m = ' num2str(m(it),3) ' at it = ' num2str(it)]);
if h(it) > 1 || h(it) < 0
disp(['ERROR: h = ' num2str(h(it),3) ' at it = ' num2str(it)]);
DC = ( nK*(1+DK)/v./(1+DV) + nN*(1+DN)/v./(1+DV) ) / (cKi+cNi) - 1;
%% Plot results
if bFig == 1
figure(1); clf;
subplot(2,2,1); plot(t,Ie); axis tight; xlabel('t'); title('Ie');
subplot(2,2,2); plot(t,n.^4,'r', t*1e3,m.^3.*h,'b'); axis tight; xlabel('t'); title('n^4 (red), m^3h (blue)');
subplot(2,2,3); plot(t,JK*a,'r', t,JN*a,'b', t,JL*a,'g'); axis tight; xlabel('t'); title('I_K (red), I_{Na} (blue), I_L (green)');
subplot(2,2,4); plot(t,Vm,'k'); axis tight; xlabel('t'); title('Vm');
figure(2); clf;
subplot(2,2,1); plot(t,JK-JK(1),'r', t,JN-JN(1),'b'); axis tight; xlabel('t'); title('JK-JK(0) (red), JN-JN(0) (blue)');
subplot(2,2,2); plot(t,nK*(1+DK)/v./(1+DV)-cKi,'r', t,nN*(1+DN)/v./(1+DV)-cNi,'b', t,nK*(1+DK)/v./(1+DV)-cKi + nN*(1+DN)/v./(1+DV)-cNi,'m'); axis tight; xlabel('t'); title('\Delta[K]_i (red), \Delta[Na]_i (blue), \Delta[K+Na]_i (magenta)');
subplot(2,2,3); plot(t,(JPK-jpK0)/jpK0*sign(jpK0),'r', t,(JPN-jpN0)/jpN0*sign(jpN0),'b'); axis tight; xlabel('t'); title('JPK-JPK(0) (red), JNK-JNK(0) (blue)');
subplot(2,2,4); plot(t,JW,'b'); axis tight; xlabel('t'); title('J_{water}');
figure(3); clf;
subplot(2,2,1); line(t*1e3,Vm*1e3,'color','k'); axis tight; ylim([-100 60]); xlabel('Time [ms]'); title('Membrane Potential [mV]');
subplot(2,2,2); line(t*1e3,DC,'color','k'); axis tight; ylim([-1 1]*5e-5); xlabel('Time [ms]'); title('Relative Concentration Change');
subplot(2,2,3); line(t*1e3,DV,'color','k'); axis tight; ylim([-1 1]*2e-5); xlabel('Time [ms]'); title('Relative Volume Change');