#include "cell.init"


int unit, x, y;
LINK *link;
char chain[20], name[50];
FILE *saveto;
	printf ("save to file \n");
	scanf ("%s", name);
	saveto = fopen (name, "w");
	for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
		if (units[unit].type == granule)
			link = units[unit].links_to_unit;
			while (link)
				if (units[link->from_unit].type == pyr)
					fprintf (saveto, "%f ", link->weight);
				link = link->next;
			fprintf (saveto, "\n");

FILE *read_from;
char dummy[50];
	if ((read_from = fopen ("channels.dat", "r")) == NULL)
		printf (" error in open file channels.dat \n");
		exit (0);

	if (fscanf (read_from, "%s %s %f %f %f %d %f %f %s %f %f %f %d %f %f %s %f %f %f %d %f %f %s %f %f %f %d %f %f", dummy, dummy, &channels[NMDA].nernst, &channels[NMDA].tau1, &channels[NMDA].tau2, &channels[NMDA].hebb, &channels[NMDA].max_weight, &channels[NMDA].nuu, dummy, &channels[AMPA].nernst, &channels[AMPA].tau1, &channels[AMPA].tau2, &channels[AMPA].hebb, &channels[AMPA].max_weight, &channels[AMPA].nuu, dummy, &channels[GABAA].nernst, &channels[GABAA].tau1, &channels[GABAA].tau2, &channels[GABAA].hebb, &channels[GABAA].max_weight, &channels[GABAA].nuu, dummy, &channels[GABAB].nernst, &channels[GABAB].tau1, &channels[GABAB].tau2 , &channels[GABAB].hebb, &channels[GABAB].max_weight, &channels[GABAB].nuu) != 29) 
	printf (" error in reading chanlles \n");

#if 0
void GET_ODORS ()

typedef struct 
	int x, y;
	float value;
	} X;
X *mol; 
int i, o, m, from, too;
EVENT maus;
int steps;  
int x, y, j;            
float con;

       if ((odors != NULL) && (NODS != 0))
	    for (m = 0; m < NODS; m++)
		free (odors[m].values);
           free (odors);
	if (mol_window == NULL)
		mol_window = OPEN_WINDOW (0, 0,MOL*20, 200, blanc);
	printf (" mols %d nodors .. \n", MOL);
	scanf ("%d", &NODS);  

	odors = (ODORS *) calloc (NODS, sizeof (ODORS));
	for (m = 0; m < NODS; m++)
		odors[m].values = (float *) calloc (MOL, sizeof (float));
	mol = (X *) calloc (MOL, sizeof (X)); 
	x = 10; y = 10;j = 0;
	CHOOSE_WINDOW (mol_window);
	CLEAR ();
	for (;;)
	for (o = 0; o < NODS; o++, y+= 20)
		maus = GET_EVENT ();
		x = 10;
		for (i = 0; i < MOL; i++, x+= 20)
			CIRCLE (x, y, 10);
			mol[i].x = x;
			mol[i].y = y;
		printf (" odor %d from .. too .. concentration\n", o);
		scanf ("%d %d %f", &from, &too, &con);
		printf (" click left in active molecules, right when done\n");	 
		maus.button = LEFT;
		while (maus.button != RIGHT)
			maus = GET_EVENT ();
			if ((maus.flag == mouse) && (maus.button == LEFT))
				for (i = 0; i < MOL; i++)
					if ((maus.xpos <= mol[i].x + 10) && (maus.xpos >= mol[i].x -10) &&
						(maus.ypos <= mol[i].y + 10) && (maus.ypos >= mol[i].y - 10))
					FILLED_CIRCLE (mol[i].x, mol[i].y, 10); 
					mol[i].value = 1.0;
                odors[o].from = from;
		odors[o].too = too;
		for (i = 0; i < MOL; i++)
			odors[o].values[i] = mol[i].value;
		for (i = from; i < too; i++)
			for (m = 0; m < MOL; m++)
				molecules[m].stim[i] += con * mol[m].value;
		for (i = 0; i < MOL; i++)
			mol[i].value = 0.0;
       	/*DESTROY_WINDOW (mol_window);*/

	free (mol);   

int 	unit, nlinks, in, sta, out;
FILE	*save_to;
char	filename[50];
LINK	*link;
	printf (" save config to file ... \n"); scanf ("%s", filename);
	save_to = fopen (filename, "w");  
	printf ("written %d\n", fprintf ( save_to, "%d       %s   %d   %d   %d    \n", 	
    	for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)  
		nlinks = 0;       
		link = units[unit].links_to_unit;
		while (link != 0)
			link = link->next;
		if (fprintf (save_to, "%d %f %f %f %f %f %s %d %d %d %d\n", 
		units[unit].type, units[unit].inpar1, units[unit].inpar2, units[unit].stpar1, units[unit].outpar1, units[unit].outpar2, units[unit].name, units[unit].flag, units[unit].selected, nlinks, units[unit].couche) == EOF) printf ("found EOF at unit %d \n", unit);
		if (units[unit].input_function == GET_MOLECULES)        in = 0;
		if (units[unit].input_function == SUM_INPUTS) 		in = 1;
		if (units[unit].input_function == MIXED_INPUTS) 	in = 2;      
		if (units[unit].input_function == GET_MOLECULES) 	in = 4;
		if (units[unit].input_function == SAT_INPUTS)		in = 6;
		if (units[unit].input_function == ADAPT_INPUT)		in = 7;
		if (units[unit].input_function == GUST_INPUT)		in = 8;
		if (units[unit].state_function == LINEAR) 		sta = 0;
		if (units[unit].state_function == DECAY) 		sta = 1;
		if (units[unit].state_function == FALSE_DECAY) 		sta = 3;
		if (units[unit].state_function == POT_REC) 		sta = 2;
		if (units[unit].output_function == SPIKE) 		out = 0;
		if (units[unit].output_function == THRESHOLD) 		out = 1;
		if (units[unit].output_function == LINEAR) 		out = 3;
		if (units[unit].output_function == SAT)			out = 31;
		if (units[unit].output_function == SIG) 		out = 4;
		if (units[unit].output_function == FALSE_SIG)	 	out = 5; 
		if (units[unit].output_function == FALSE_SPIKE) 	out = 6;
		if (units[unit].output_function == ADAPT_SPIKE)         out = 7;
		if (fprintf (save_to, "%d %d %d\n", in, sta, out) == EOF) printf (" found eof at unit %d\n", unit);
		link = units[unit].links_to_unit;
		while (link != NULL)
			if (fprintf (save_to, "%d %f %d %d\n", 
				link->from_unit, link->weight, link->delay, link->type) == EOF) printf ("found eof in links at unit %d\n", unit);
			link = link->next;
fclose (save_to);



void SHOW_UNITS ()
int	unit, i;
LINK	*link;          
	i = 0;
	for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)           
		printf (" neuron %d is a %d %s in layer %d out1 %f out2 %f \n", 
				unit, units[unit].type, units[unit].name, units[unit].couche, units[unit].outpar1, units[unit].outpar2);

void SHOW_LINKS ()
int unit; 
LINK *link;int i;
	for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
		  i = 0;
		link = units[unit].links_to_unit;
		while (link != NULL)
			printf ("link %d from neuron %d to neuron %d with weigth %f delay %d type %d\n",
				i, link->from_unit,  unit, 
				link->weight, link->delay, link->type);
			link = link->next;


#if 0		
int	    	unit, nlinks, link, in, sta, out;
FILE    	*read_from;   
char		filename[50];                           
int 		nunits, type, sel, flag, from_unit, delay, couche;
float		inp1, inp2, par, out1, out2, weight;
char		name[10];                       
FUNCTION 	inf, staf, outf;     
LINK		*lin;
	printf (" read config from file ... \n");
	scanf ("%s", filename);
	if ((read_from = fopen (filename, "r")) == NULL)
		printf (" file does not exist, try again\n");
		goto open_loop;		
	if (fscanf (read_from, "%d       %s   %d    %d    %d     \n", 
						&nunits, TEX, &REC, &MOL, &GLOM) != 5) printf (" first error \n"); 
	N_UNITS = 0; 
	for (unit = 0; unit < nunits; unit++)
		if (fscanf (read_from, "%d %f %f %f %f %f %s %d %d %d %d\n",&type, &inp1, &inp2, &par, &out1, &out2, name, &flag, &sel, &nlinks, &couche) != 11) printf (" error at unit %d \n", unit);
		if (fscanf (read_from, "%d %d %d\n", &in, &sta, &out) != 3) printf (" 2 error at unit %d \n", unit);
		if (in == 0) inf = GET_MOLECULES;
		if (in == 1) inf = SUM_INPUTS;
		if (in == 2) inf = MIXED_INPUTS;
		if (in == 4) inf = GET_MOLECULES;
		if (in == 5) inf = PROJ_INPUTS;                   
		if (in == 6) inf = SAT_INPUTS;
		if (in == 8) inf = GUST_INPUT;
		if (in == 7) inf = ADAPT_INPUT;
		if (sta == 0) staf = LINEAR;
		if (sta == 1) staf = DECAY;
		if (sta == 2) staf = POT_REC;
		if (sta == 3) staf = FALSE_DECAY;
		if (out == 0) outf = SPIKE;
		if (out == 1) outf = THRESHOLD;
		if (out == 3) outf = LINEAR;                    
		if (out == 31) outf = SAT;
		if (out == 4) outf = SIG;                              
		if (out == 5) outf = FALSE_SIG;  
		if (out == 6) outf = FALSE_SPIKE;
		if (out == 7) outf = ADAPT_SPIKE;
        	MAKE_NEURON (type, name, inf, staf, outf, inp1, inp2, par, out1, out2);
        	units[unit].selected = sel;  
		units[unit].flag = FAUX;                            
		units[unit].couche = couche;
        	for (link = 0; link < nlinks; link++)
			if (fscanf (read_from, "%d %f %d %d\n", &from_unit, &weight, &delay, &type) != 4)
			  {printf (" error at unit %d link %d\n" ,unit, link);getchar ();}
            		MAKE_LINK (from_unit, unit, weight, delay, type);

	fclose (read_from);
#if 0
void GET_CONFIG ()
int	    	unit, nlinks, link, in, sta, out;
FILE    	*read_from;   
char		filename[50];                           
int 		nunits, type, sel, flag, from_unit, delay, couche;
float		inp1, inp2, par, out1, out2, weight;
char		name[10];                       
FUNCTION 	inf, staf, outf;     
LINK		*lin;
	printf (" read config from file ... \n");
	scanf ("%s", filename);
	if ((read_from = fopen (filename, "r")) == NULL)
		printf (" file does not exist, try again\n");
		goto open_loop;		
	fscanf (read_from, "%d       %s   \n", 
						&nunits, TEX); 
	N_UNITS = 0; 
	for (unit = 0; unit < nunits; unit++)
		if (fscanf (read_from, "%d %f %f %f %f %s %d %d %d \n",&type, &inp1, &par, &out1, &out2, name, &flag, &sel, &nlinks) != 9) printf (" error at unit %d \n", unit);
		fscanf (read_from, "%d %d %d\n", &in, &sta, &out);
		if (in == 0) inf = SUM_INPUTS;
		if (in == 1) inf = SUM_INPUTS;
		if (in == 2) inf = MIXED_INPUTS;
		if (in == 4) inf = GET_MOLECULES;
		if (in == 6) inf = SAT_INPUTS;
		if (sta == 0) staf = LINEAR;
		if (sta == 1) staf = DECAY;
		if (sta == 2) staf = POT_REC;
		if (sta == 3) staf = FALSE_DECAY;
		if (out == 0) outf = SPIKE;
		if (out == 1) outf = THRESHOLD;
		if (out == 3) outf = LINEAR;                    
		if (out == 31) outf = SAT;
		if (out == 4) outf = SIG;                              
		if (out == 5) outf = FALSE_SIG;  
		if (out == 6) outf = FALSE_SPIKE;
		if (out == 7) outf = FALSE_SPIKE;
        	MAKE_NEURON (type, name, inf, staf, outf, inp1, 0.0, par, out1, out2);
        	units[unit].selected = sel;  

		units[unit].couche = 0;
        	for (link = 0; link < nlinks; link++)
			if (fscanf (read_from, "%d %f %d\n", &from_unit, &weight, &delay) != 3) printf (" error at unit %d link %d \n", unit, link);
            		MAKE_LINK (from_unit, unit, weight, delay, local);

	fclose (read_from);
void NULL_ODORS ()
int step, o;
	for (o = 0; o < MOL; o++)
		for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
			molecules[o].stim[step] = 0.0;   

void SHOW_ODORS ()
int step, o;
		for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
			for (o = 0; o < MOL; o++)
				printf ("%2.1f ", molecules[o].stim[step]); 
			printf ("\n");

int unit;
	for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
		units[unit].x_coor = units[unit].y_coor = 0;
		units[unit].flag = FAUX;
		units[unit].selected = FAUX;

void FAMILIAR ()
int step; 
	for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
		molecules[10].stim[step] = 1.0;
		molecules[30].stim[step] = 1.0;
		molecules[50].stim[step] = 1.0; 
		molecules[70].stim[step] = 1.0;
		molecules[90].stim[step] = 1.0;

void NOVEL3 ()
int step; 
	for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
		molecules[20].stim[step] = 1.0;
		molecules[40].stim[step] = 1.0;
		molecules[60].stim[step] = 1.0; 
		molecules[80].stim[step] = 1.0;
		molecules[99].stim[step] = 1.0;

void NOVEL1 ()
int step; 
	for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
		molecules[12].stim[step] = 1.0;
		molecules[32].stim[step] = 1.0;
		molecules[52].stim[step] = 1.0; 
		molecules[72].stim[step] = 1.0;
		molecules[92].stim[step] = 1.0;

void NOVEL2 ()
int step; 
	for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
		molecules[15].stim[step] = 1.0;
		molecules[35].stim[step] = 1.0;
		molecules[55].stim[step] = 1.0; 
		molecules[75].stim[step] = 1.0;
		molecules[95].stim[step] = 1.0;

void C0 (conc)
int step; 
	for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
		molecules[20].stim[step] = conc;
		molecules[60].stim[step] = conc;

void C1 (conc)
int step; 
	for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
		molecules[25].stim[step] = conc;
		molecules[65].stim[step] = conc;
void C2 (conc)
int step; 
	for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
		molecules[30].stim[step] = conc;
		molecules[70].stim[step] = conc;
void C3 (conc)
int step; 
	for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
		molecules[35].stim[step] = conc;
		molecules[75].stim[step] = conc;

void X (conc)
int step; 
	for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
		molecules[0].stim[step] = conc;
		molecules[90].stim[step] = conc;
void GET_RUN_PARAMETERS (filename)
char *filename;
FILE *read_from;
char to[30];
int help1, help2, points, i;
	if ((read_from = fopen (filename, "r")) == NULL)
  		printf (" error in open file para.dat \n");
  		exit (0);

	if (fscanf (read_from, "%s %s %d %s %d %s %d %s %f", 
	    TEX, to, &N_STEPS, to, &WIDTH, to, &HEIGHT, to, &DELTA) != 9)
	    	printf (" error in reading file para.dat\n");
	    	exit (0); 
	close (read_from);

void TESTSN ()
int i;
for (i=100; i < 200; i++)
	molecules[15].stim[i] = 0.0;
	molecules[20].stim[i] = 0.0; 
	molecules[30].stim[i] = 0.0;

for (i=500; i < 600; i++)
	molecules[15].stim[i] = 1.0;
	molecules[20].stim[i] = 1.0; 
	molecules[30].stim[i] = 1.0;

void RESP (conc, m1, m2)
float conc;
int m1, m2;
int n, o, s, i, from, too;
float c, c0;
	for(i=0; i < N_STEPS; i++)
		for(o=0; o < GLOM; o++)
while (i<N_STEPS)
	for (i=s; i<s+20; i++)
	for (i=s+20;i<s+60;i++)
		molecules[m2].stim[i] =c;
	for (i=s+60; i < s+80; i++)
		molecules[m1].stim[i]= c0;
		molecules[m2].stim[i] = c0;

#if 0
void RESP_O ()
int n, o, s, i, from, too;
float c, c0;
int oo[100];
printf ("nmols ? c ? from ?");
scanf ("%d %f %d", &n, &c, &from);
for (o=0; o < n; o++)
	printf ("%d \n", oo[o]);}
	for(i=0; i < too; i++)
		for (o=0; o<n;o++)

while (i<N_STEPS)
	if ((RANF()> 0.6)&& (i > 400) && (i < 800))
	for (i=s; i<s+1; i++)
		for (o=0; o<n;o++)	
	for (i=s+1;i<s+6;i++)
		for (o=0; o<n; o++)
	for (i=s+6; i < s+8; i++)
		for (o=0;o<n;o++)
			molecules[oo[o]].stim[i]= c0;
	for (i=s+8; i < s+10; i++)
		for (o=0;o<n;o++)
			molecules[oo[o]].stim[i]= 0.0;
printf ("end of resp\n");

#if 1
void SAVE_DATA ()
FILE *save_to; 
char name[20]; 
int unit;
int step;
	printf ("save to file .. \n");
	scanf ("%s", name);
	save_to = fopen (name, "w"); 
	for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
		for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
			if (units[unit].type == mitral2)
				fprintf (save_to, "%f ", units[unit].output[step]); 
	fclose (save_to);