#include "cell.init"

int ialea;
double alea;

void ALLOCATE_NEURONS (number)
int	number;
int i; 
 	units = (NEURON *) calloc (number, sizeof (NEURON));
       	if (molecules == NULL)
	    molecules = (MOLS * ) calloc (MOL, sizeof (MOLS));
	AVSM = (float *) calloc (N_STEPS, sizeof (float));
	AVSG = (float *) calloc (N_STEPS, sizeof (float));
	AVSP = (float *) calloc (N_STEPS, sizeof (float));
	POTSM = (float *) calloc (N_STEPS, sizeof (float));
	POTSG = (float *) calloc (N_STEPS, sizeof (float));
	POTSP = (float *) calloc (N_STEPS, sizeof (float));

	MAV = (float *) calloc (GLOM, sizeof (float));
	GAV = (float *) calloc (GLOM, sizeof (float));
	PAV = (float *) calloc (GLOM, sizeof (float));
	RAV = (float *) calloc (GLOM, sizeof (float));
	EAV = (float *) calloc (GLOM, sizeof (float));
	STIM = (float *) calloc (N_STEPS, sizeof (float));
	GUST = (float *) calloc (N_STEPS, sizeof (float));
	if (contex == NULL)
		{contex = (CONTEX *) calloc (GLOM, sizeof (CONTEX));
		for (i = 0; i < GLOM; i++)
			contex[i].stepp = (float *) calloc (N_STEPS, sizeof (float));


void AVS ()
int step, unit;
	for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
		if (units[unit].type == mitral2)
			for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
				AVSM[step] += units[unit].output[step];
		if (units[unit].type == granule)
			for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
				AVSG[step] += units[unit].output[step];
		if (units[unit].type == pyr)
			for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
				AVSP[step] += units[unit].output[step];
	for (step = 0; step< N_STEPS; step++)
		AVSM[step] /= GLOM;
		AVSG[step] /= GLOM;
		AVSP[step] /= GLOM;

void SYNCH ()
int u1, u2, s; 
float synchlocal, spikeslocal; 
float synchm, spikesm, synchg, spikesg, synchp, spikesp; 
float squarem, squareg, squarep, devm, devg, devp; 
	synchm = spikesm = 0.0; 
	for (u1=0; u1< N_UNITS; u1++)
		for (u2=0; u2<N_UNITS; u2++)
			if (u1!=u2)
				if ((units[u1].type == mitral2)&&(units[u2].type == mitral2))
					synchlocal = 0.0; spikeslocal = 1.0; 
					for (s=0; s<N_STEPS; s++)
						synchlocal += units[u1].output[s]*units[u2].output[s];
						spikeslocal += units[u1].output[s]+units[u2].output[s];
					 synchm += synchlocal/spikeslocal; 
					 spikesm += spikeslocal; 
	printf ("mitral %f %f \n", spikesm, synchm); 

void POTS ()
int step, unit;
	for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
		if (units[unit].type == mitral2)
			for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
				POTSM[step] += units[unit].state[step];
		if (units[unit].type == granule)
			for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
				POTSG[step] += units[unit].state[step];
		if (units[unit].type == pyr)
			for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
				POTSP[step] += units[unit].state[step];
	for (step = 0; step< N_STEPS; step++)
		POTSM[step] /= GLOM;
		POTSG[step] /= GLOM;
		POTSP[step] /= GLOM;

void SAVE_POTS (filename)
char *filename;
FILE *saveto;
int s; 
	saveto=fopen (filename, "w");
	for (s=0; s<N_STEPS; s++)
		fprintf (saveto, "%f %f %f\n", POTSM[s], POTSG[s], POTSP[s]);
	fclose (saveto);

	FILE *save_to;
	char name[50];
	int step, unit;
	printf ("save to file \n");
	scanf ("%s", name);
	save_to = fopen (name, "w");
	for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
		for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
			if (units[unit].type == mitral2)
				fprintf (save_to, "%f ", units[unit].state[step]+10*units[unit].output[step] );
		fprintf (save_to, "\n");
	fclose (save_to);	

	FILE *save_to;
	char name[50];
	int step, unit;
	printf ("save to file \n");
	scanf ("%s", name);
	save_to = fopen (name, "w");
	for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
		for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
			if (units[unit].type == granule)
				fprintf (save_to, "%f ", units[unit].state[step]+10*units[unit].output[step] );
		fprintf (save_to, "\n");
	fclose (save_to);	

	FILE *save_to;
	char name[50];
	int step, unit;
	printf ("save to file \n");
	scanf ("%s", name);
	save_to = fopen (name, "w");
	for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
		for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
			if (units[unit].type == pyr)
				fprintf (save_to, "%f ", units[unit].state[step]+10*units[unit].output[step] );
		fprintf (save_to, "\n");
	fclose (save_to);	

void GET_AVERAGES (from, too)
int from, too; 
	int step, unit;
	int m, g, p, r, e;
	for (unit = 0; unit < GLOM; unit++)
	m=0; g=0; p=0; r=0;
	for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
		if (units[unit].type == mitral2)
			for (step = from; step < too; step++)
				MAV[m] = MAV[m]+units[unit].output[step];
			MAV[m] /= (too-from);
		if (units[unit].type == granule)
			for (step = from; step < too; step++)
				GAV[g] = GAV[g]+units[unit].output[step];
			GAV[g] /= (too-from);
		if (units[unit].type == pyr)
			for (step = from; step < too; step++)
				PAV[p] = PAV[p]+units[unit].output[step];
			PAV[p] /= (too-from);
		if (units[unit].type == ET)
			for (step = from; step < too; step++)
				EAV[e] = EAV[e]+units[unit].output[step];
			EAV[e] /= (too-from);
		if (units[unit].type == receptor)
			for (step = from; step < too; step++)
				RAV[r] = RAV[r]+units[unit].output[step];
			RAV[r] /= (too-from);

SAVE_SUMS (saveto)
FILE *saveto;
int step;
int g;
float gav, mav, pav; 
	gav = mav = pav = 0.0;
	for (g = 0; g < GLOM; g++)
		gav += GAV[g];
		mav += MAV[g];
		pav += PAV[g];
	fprintf (saveto, "%f %f %f \n", mav, gav, pav);

FILE *saveto;
char name[50];
int g;
	printf ("save to file ?\n");
	scanf ("%s", name);
	saveto = fopen (name, "w");

	for (g=0; g < GLOM; g++)
		fprintf (saveto, "%f %f %f %f %f\n", RAV[g], EAV[g], MAV[g], GAV[g], PAV[g]);
	fclose (saveto);

int unit, step;
int ctex, from, too; 
	for (unit = 0; unit < GLOM; unit++)
		for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
			contex[unit].stepp[step] = 0.0; 
	printf ("context 1 2? from too \n");
	scanf ("%d %d %d", &ctex, &from, &too);
	if (ctex == 1)
		for (step = from; step< too; step++)
			for (unit = 25; unit < 35; unit++)

				contex[unit].stepp[step] = 1.0;
	if (ctex == 2)
		{for (step = from; step< too; step++)
			for (unit = 65; unit < 75; unit++)
				contex[unit].stepp[step] = 1.0;}


int unit, step;
int ctex, from, too; 
	for (unit = 0; unit < GLOM; unit++)
		for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
			contex[unit].stepp[step] = 0.0; 
	for (step = 0; step< N_STEPS; step++)
		for (unit = 25; unit < 35; unit++)

			contex[unit].stepp[step] = 1.0;

int unit, step;
int ctex, from, too; 
	for (unit = 0; unit < GLOM; unit++)
		for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
			contex[unit].stepp[step] = 0.0; 
	for (step = 0; step< N_STEPS; step++)
		for (unit = 75; unit < 85; unit++)

			contex[unit].stepp[step] = 1.0;


int unit, step;
int ctex, from, too; 
	for (unit = 0; unit < GLOM; unit++)
		for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
			contex[unit].stepp[step] = 0.0; 


void OXT_AON (OXT)
float OXT; 
int unit, step;
int ctex, from, too; 
	for (unit = 0; unit < GLOM; unit++)
		for (step = 0; step < N_STEPS; step++)
			contex[unit].stepp[step] = OXT; 

void HEBB_AON_GC (rate)
float rate; 
int unit; 
LINK *link; 
int g; 
float ag;
	ag = 0.0;
	for (g=0; g < GLOM; g++)
	for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
		if (units[unit].type == granule)
			link = units[unit].links_to_unit;
			while (link)
				if (units[link->from_unit].type == pyr)
					if (GAV[units[unit].couche] >= ag)
						link->weight += GAV[units[unit].couche]*PAV[units[unit].couche]*rate;
						link->hebb = TRUE;
				link = link->next;

void HEBB_MC_GC (rate)
float rate; 
int unit; 
LINK *link; 
int g; 
float ag;
	ag = 0.0;
	for (g=0; g < GLOM; g++)
	for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
		if (units[unit].type == granule)
			link = units[unit].links_to_unit;
			while (link)
				if ((units[link->from_unit].type == mitral2) && (link->weight != 0.0))
					if (GAV[units[unit].couche] >= 0.0)
						link->weight += GAV[units[unit].couche]*MAV[units[unit].couche]*rate;
						link->hebb = TRUE;
				link = link->next;

int i, j, count; 
float max, min, av; 
LINK *link; 
max = 0; 
min = 1000; 
av = 0.0;
count = 0; 
for (i = 0; i < N_UNITS; i++)
	if (units[i].type == pyr)
		link = units[i].links_to_unit;
		while (link)
			if (units[link->from_unit].type == pyr)
				if (link->weight >= max)
					max = link->weight;
				if (link->weight <= min)
					min = link->weight;
				av += link->weight; 
			link = link->next;

	printf ("pc to pc min %f max %f av %f\n", min, max, av/count); 	

int i, j, count; 
float max, min, av; 
LINK *link; 
max = 0; 
min = 1000; 
av = 0.0;
count = 0; 
for (i = 0; i < N_UNITS; i++)
	if (units[i].type == granule)
		link = units[i].links_to_unit;
		while (link)
			if (units[link->from_unit].type == pyr)
				if (link->weight >= max)
					max = link->weight;
				if (link->weight <= min)
					min = link->weight;
				av += link->weight; 
			link = link->next;

	printf ("pc to gra min %f max %f av %f\n", min, max, av/count); 	

int i, j, count; 
float max, min, av; 
LINK *link; 
max = 0; 
min = 1000; 
av = 0.0;
count = 0; 
for (i = 0; i < N_UNITS; i++)
	if (units[i].type == granule)
		link = units[i].links_to_unit;
		while (link)
			if (units[link->from_unit].type == mitral2)
				if (link->weight >= max)
					max = link->weight;
				if (link->weight <= min)
					min = link->weight;
				av += link->weight; 
			link = link->next;

	printf ("mi to gra min %f max %f av %f\n", min, max, av/count); 	
void SAVE_WEIGHTS3 (saveto)
FILE *saveto;
int i, j, count; 
float max, min, av; 
LINK *link; 
max = 0; 
min = 1000; 
av = 0.0;
count = 0; 
for (i = 0; i < N_UNITS; i++)
	if (units[i].type == granule)
		link = units[i].links_to_unit;
		while (link)
			if (units[link->from_unit].type == mitral2)
				if (link->weight >= max)
					max = link->weight;
				if (link->weight <= min)
					min = link->weight;
				av += link->weight; 
			link = link->next;

	fprintf (saveto, "mi to gra min %f max %f av %f\n", min, max, av/count); 	

void HEBB_ASS_PC (rate)
float rate; 
int unit; 
LINK *link; 
int g; 
float ap;
	ap = 0.0;
	for (g=0; g < GLOM; g++)
	for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
		if (units[unit].type == pyr)
			link = units[unit].links_to_unit;
			while (link)
				if (units[link->from_unit].type == pyr)
					{link->weight += PAV[units[unit].couche]*PAV[units[link->from_unit].couche]*rate;
					if (link->weight > WMM1)
						link->weight = WMM1;
				link = link->next;	

void HEBB_PC_GC (rate)
float rate; 
int unit; 
LINK *link; 
int g; 
float ap;

	for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
		if (units[unit].type == granule)
			link = units[unit].links_to_unit;
			while (link)
				if (units[link->from_unit].type == pyr)
					{link->weight += GAV[units[unit].couche]*PAV[units[link->from_unit].couche]*rate;
					if (link->weight > WMM2)
						link->weight = WMM2;
				link = link->next;	

void FORGET_PC_ASS (tau, forgettime)
float tau, forgettime; 
int i, j; 
LINK *link; 
float old_weight, new_weight; 

	for (i = 0; i < N_UNITS; i++)
		if (units[i].type == pyr)
			link = units[i].links_to_unit; 
			while (link)
				if (units[link->from_unit].type == pyr)
					old_weight = link->weight;
					new_weight = old_weight*exp(-(1*forgettime)/tau);
					link->weight = new_weight;
				link = link->next;
void FORGET_PC_GC (tau, forgettime)
float tau, forgettime; 
int i, j; 
LINK *link; 
float old_weight, new_weight; 

	for (i = 0; i < N_UNITS; i++)
		if (units[i].type == granule)
			link = units[i].links_to_unit; 
			while (link)
				if (units[link->from_unit].type == pyr)
					old_weight = link->weight;
					new_weight = old_weight*exp(-(1*forgettime)/tau);
					link->weight = new_weight;
				link = link->next;

void FORGET_MC_GC (tau, forgettime)
float tau, forgettime; 
int i, j; 
LINK *link; 
float old_weight, new_weight; 

	for (i = 0; i < N_UNITS; i++)
		if (units[i].type == granule)
			link = units[i].links_to_unit; 
			while (link)
				if (units[link->from_unit].type == mitral2)
					old_weight = link->weight;
					new_weight = old_weight*exp(-(1*forgettime)/tau);
					if (new_weight >= link->firstweight)
						link->weight = new_weight;
						link->weight = link->firstweight;
				link = link->next;

/*void HEBB_MOTOR (step)
int step;
int from, too; 
LINK *link;
	link = units[N_UNITS-1].links_to_unit;
	while (link)
		if (units[link->from_unit].type == mitral2 && GUST[step] == 1.0 && link->weight < 1.0-RATE)
			link->weight += units[link->from_unit].output[step] * RATE; 
		if (units[link->from_unit].type == mitral2 && GUST[step] == 0.0 && link->weight > 0.0+RATE)
			link->weight -= units[link->from_unit].output[step] * RATE;
		link = link->next;

LINK *link;
	link = units[N_UNITS-1].links_to_unit;
	while (link)
		printf ("link from glom %d is %f \n", units[link->from_unit].couche, link->weight);
		link = link->next;

LINK *link;
FILE *saveto;
	saveto = fopen ("motor weightsA", "w");
	link = units[N_UNITS-1].links_to_unit;
	while (link)
		fprintf (saveto, "link from glom %d is %f \n", units[link->from_unit].couche, link->weight);
		link = link->next;
	fclose (saveto);

LINK *link;
FILE *saveto;
	saveto = fopen ("motor weightsB", "w");
	link = units[N_UNITS-1].links_to_unit;
	while (link)
		fprintf (saveto, "link from glom %d is %f \n", units[link->from_unit].couche, link->weight);
		link = link->next;
	fclose (saveto);
void NULL_STIM ()
int n;
	for (n=0; n < N_STEPS; n++)

int n, l1, l2; 
float conc;
	printf ("concentration from too\n");
	scanf ("%f %d %d", &conc, &l1, &l2);
	for (n=0; n < l1; n++)
		STIM[n] = 0.0;
	for (n=l1; n < l2; n++)
		STIM[n] = conc;
	for (n=l2; n< N_STEPS; n++)
		STIM[n] = 0.0;

void STEP_STIM ()
int s, l; 
float c; 

	for (s=10; s<N_STEPS-50;s+=50)
		for (l=s; l<s+5; l++)
void STEP_COUNT ()
int s, l, unit, count;
float ss[20];
FILE *saveto;
	saveto=fopen ("pyrtests", "a");
	for (s=0; s < 20; s++)
		ss[s] = 0.0;
	count = 0;
	for (s=10; s < N_STEPS-50; s+=50)
		for (l=s; l<s+10; l++)
			for (unit = 0; unit< N_UNITS; unit++)
				if (units[unit].type == pyr)
					ss[count] += units[unit].output[l];


	for (s=0;s<20;s++)
		fprintf (saveto, "%f ", ss[s]);
	fprintf (saveto, "\n");
	fclose (saveto);

void FREE_ALL ()
int 	unit, r, m;
LINK	*link, *help;
	for (unit = 0; unit < N_UNITS; unit++)
		free (units[unit].output);
		free (units[unit].state);
		link = units[unit].links_to_unit;
		while (link != NULL)
			free (link->signal);
			help = link->next;
			free (link);
			link = help;
	for (r = 0; r < REC; r++)
		free (recs[r].sensi);
	free (recs);
	free (molecules);
	free (STIM);


void SETQ (ziel, word)
char *word, *ziel;
	strcpy (ziel, word);  

float F_REV (value, thresh, rev, uni, step)
float value, thresh, rev;
int uni, step;
	if (value > thresh) 
		return ((rev - units[uni].state[step]) * value);
		return (0.0);

/** random number generator **/

double RANF ()
extern double alea;
extern int ialea; 
		ialea = ialea * 16087; 
		if (ialea < 0)
			ialea = ialea + 2147483647 + 1;
		alea = (double) ialea / 2147483647; 
	while (alea >= 1);
	return ( alea);

/** equality of strings **/                                                    

enum BOOLEAN EQU (name, compare)
char	*name, *compare;
	if (strcmp (name, compare) == 0)
		return (VRAI);
		return (FAUX);

float DEXP (tau1, tau2, t)
float tau1, tau2, t; 
float tpeak, gpeak; 
extern double log (), exp (); 
	if (tau1 >= DELTA) 
		tau1 /= DELTA;
		tau1 = DELTA; 
	if (tau2 >= DELTA) 
		tau2 /= DELTA; 
		tau2 = DELTA; 
	if (t >= DELTA) 
		t /= DELTA;
		t = DELTA; 
	if (tau1 != tau2) 
		tpeak = ((tau1 * tau2) / (tau1 - tau2)) *  (log (tau1 / tau2)); 
		gpeak = ((tau1 * tau2) / (tau1 - tau2)) * (exp (- tpeak / tau1) - exp (- tpeak / tau2)); 
		return (((tau1 * tau2) / (gpeak * (tau1-tau2))) * (exp (- t/tau1) - exp (- t/tau2))); 
		return (t / (tau1 * exp (1)) * exp (- (t/tau1)));

int GAUSS (inf, sub, percent)
int 	inf, sub;
float 	percent;
int 	k;
float 	var, a, t, sig;     
int 	res;  
	t = (sub - inf);
		var = 0;
		for (k = 0; k < 4000; k++)
			a = RANF ();
			var += a;
		var = (sqrt (12.0 / 4000)) * (var - 4000 / 2.0);
		sig = sqrt (( log (100.0 / percent)) *2.0);
		var = (sub + inf) / 2.0 + var * (t / (2.0 * sig));
		res = floor (var + 0.5);  
		if ((res > inf) && (res < sub))
			return (res);  
			goto loop; 

float GAUSSIENNE (x,d,s)
float x;              
float d,s;
    float y;

void SN ()
FILE *saveto;
char name[50];
float sn[100];
float spont[100];
float or[100];
float mi[1000];
int unit, n, i;

printf ("save to file\n");
scanf ("%s", name);
saveto = fopen (name, "w");
for (i=0; i<GLOM;i++)
	sn[i] = 0.0;
	spont[i] = 0.0;
printf ("one \n");
for (unit = 0; unit<N_UNITS;unit++)
	if (units[unit].type == mitral2)
		for (n=0; n<200;n++)
		for (n=200; n < 1000; n++)
printf ("two\n");
for (i=0; i<GLOM;i++)
	spont[i] /=200;
	or[i] /=800;
	mi[i] = (or[i]-spont[i])/(or[i]+spont[i]);
	fprintf(saveto, "%f %f %f %f\n", spont[i], or[i], sn[i], mi[i]);
printf ("thre \n");
fclose (saveto);


void SN ()
FILE *saveto;
char name[50];
float sn[5];
float spont[5];
float or[5];
float mi[5];
int g, unit, n, i;

saveto = fopen ("testSN3", "a");
for (i=0; i<5;i++)
	sn[i] = 0.0;
	spont[i] = 0.0;
printf ("one \n");
for (unit = 0; unit<N_UNITS;unit++)
	if ((units[unit].type == mitral2) && ((units[unit].couche == 10) || (units[unit].couche == 30) || (units[unit].couche == 50) || (units[unit].couche == 70) || (units[unit].couche == 90)))
		for (n=0; n<500;n++)
		for (n=500; n < 1000; n++)
printf ("two\n");
for (i=0; i<5;i++)
	mi[i] = (or[i]-spont[i])/(or[i]+spont[i]);
	fprintf(saveto, "%f %f %f %f\n", spont[i], or[i], sn[i], mi[i]);
printf ("thre \n");
fclose (saveto);

int help;
int r, m, M0, x;  
float *toto; 
extern void SHOW_REC_SENS ();   
int		*flag, *first;

	toto = (float *) calloc (MOL, sizeof (float)); 
	flag = (int *) calloc (MOL, sizeof (int));
	first = (int *) calloc (MOL, sizeof (int));
	help = (int) MOL/REC;             
	recs = (REC_MOL *) calloc (REC, sizeof (REC_MOL));
	for (r = 0; r < REC; r++)
		recs[r].sensi = (float *) calloc (MOL, sizeof (float));
	for (r = 0; r < REC; r++)
		M0 = (int) r*help;
		for (m = 0; m < MOL; m++)
            		if (M0 < MOL/2)
				if (m <= M0 + MOL/3)
					recs[r].sensi[m] = GAUSSIENNE ((float) m, (float) M0, 3.0);
				if (m > M0 + MOL/3)
					recs[r].sensi[m] = GAUSSIENNE ((float) (m), (float) MOL+M0, 3.0);
			if (M0 == MOL/2)
				recs[r].sensi[m] = GAUSSIENNE ((float) m, (float) M0, 3.0);
			if (M0 > MOL/2) 
				if (m >= M0 - MOL/2)
					recs[r].sensi[m] = GAUSSIENNE ((float) m, (float) M0, 3.0);
				if (m < M0 - MOL/2)
					recs[r].sensi[m] = GAUSSIENNE ((float) (MOL+m), (float) M0, 3.0);



LATS *ZEROS (weight, decay, delay, increment, distance, total)
float 	weight, distance;
int 	delay, total;  
enum BOOLEAN decay, increment;
LATS *lats;
int g, gg;
  lats = (LATS *) calloc (total, sizeof (LATS));
	for (g = 0; g < total; g++)
		lats[g].weight = (float *) calloc (total, sizeof (float));
		lats[g].delay = (int *) calloc (total, sizeof (int));
for (g = 0; g < total; g++)
    for (gg = 0; gg < total; gg++)
	lats[g].weight[gg] = 0.0;
	lats[g].delay[gg] = 0;
 return (lats);

LATS *FUNCTIONAL (weight, total, name)
float 	weight;
int 	total;  

char *name;

  int toto;
  LATS *lats; 
  FILE *readfrom;
  int g, gg, i, j, from, too;
  float w, tutu;

  printf (" in functional name %s \n", name);
  if ((readfrom = fopen (name, "r")) == NULL)
    printf ("no file for distance\n");

  lats = (LATS *) calloc (total, sizeof (LATS));
	for (g = 0; g < total; g++)
		lats[g].weight = (float *) calloc (total, sizeof (float));
		lats[g].delay = (int *) calloc (total, sizeof (int));
  for (g = 0; g < total; g++)
    for (gg = 0; gg < total; gg++)
	lats[g].weight[gg] = 0.0;
	lats[g].delay[gg] = 1;

  for (from = 0; from < total; from++)
      fscanf (readfrom, "%d", &toto);
      for (too = 0; too < total; too++)
	  fscanf (readfrom, "%f", &w);
	  lats[from].weight[too] = weight*w;
	  lats[from].delay[too] = 1;


  fclose (readfrom);
  return (lats);

LATS *MAKE_NEIGHBORS (weight, total)
float 	weight;
int 	total;  


  LATS *lats; 
  FILE *readfrom;
  int g, gg, i, j;

  if ((readfrom = fopen ("neighbors.txt", "r")) == NULL)
    printf ("no file for distance\n");

  lats = (LATS *) calloc (total, sizeof (LATS));
	for (g = 0; g < total; g++)
		lats[g].weight = (float *) calloc (total, sizeof (float));
		lats[g].delay = (int *) calloc (total, sizeof (int));
  for (g = 0; g < total; g++)
    for (gg = 0; gg < total; gg++)
	lats[g].weight[gg] = 0.0;
	lats[g].delay[gg] = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
      fscanf (readfrom, "%d", &g);
      for (j = 0; j < 7; j++)
	  fscanf (readfrom, "%d", &gg);
	  if (gg != 100)
	      lats[g].weight[gg] = weight;
	      lats[g].delay[gg] = 1;

  fclose (readfrom);
  return (lats);

LATS *RAN (weight, prob, total)
float 	weight, prob;
int 	total;  
LATS 	*lats;
 int g, gg;
lats = (LATS *) calloc (total, sizeof (LATS));
for (g = 0; g < total; g++)
    lats[g].weight = (float *) calloc (total, sizeof (float));
    lats[g].delay = (int *) calloc (total, sizeof (int));
 for (g = 0; g < total; g++)
   for (gg = 0; gg < total; gg++)
     if (g != gg)
	 if (RANF () < prob)
	     lats[g].weight[gg] = weight;
	     lats[g].delay[gg] = 1;
 return (lats);

LATS *MAKE_LATS (weight, decay, delay, increment, distance, total)
float 	weight, distance;
int 	delay, total;  
enum BOOLEAN decay, increment;
LATS 	*lats;
float 	help;
int	g, gg, G0, G;
	G = total;

    	lats = (LATS *) calloc (total, sizeof (LATS));
	for (g = 0; g < total; g++)
		lats[g].weight = (float *) calloc (total, sizeof (float));
		lats[g].delay = (int *) calloc (total, sizeof (int));
	if (distance != 0.0)
		help = 1/distance;  
	else help = 0.0;

/** make lateral weight distribution **/
	for (g = 0; g < G; g++)
		G0 = g;
		for (gg = 0; gg < G; gg++)
			if (G0 < G/2)
				if (gg <= G0 + G/2)
					if (1 - help * abs ((gg - G0)) > 0.0)
						if (decay == VRAI)
							lats[g].weight[gg] = weight * (1.0 - help * abs (gg - G0));
							lats[g].weight[gg] = weight;
						if (increment == VRAI)
						    	lats[g].delay[gg] = delay * help * abs (gg - G0);
						    	if (lats[g].delay[gg] == 0) lats[g].delay[gg] = 1;
						  	lats[g].delay[gg] = delay;

						lats[g].weight[gg] = 0.0;  
						lats[g].delay[gg] = 1;
				if (gg > G0 + G/2)
					if (1 - help * abs ((gg - (G0 + G))) > 0.0)
						if (decay == VRAI)
							lats[g].weight[gg] = weight * (1.0 - help * abs (gg - (G0 + G)));
							lats[g].weight[gg] = weight;
						if (increment == VRAI)
						    	lats[g].delay[gg] = delay * help * abs (gg - (G0 + G));
						    	if (lats[g].delay[gg] == 0) lats[g].delay[gg] = 1;
							lats[g].delay[gg] = delay;

						lats[g].weight[gg] = 0.0;  
						lats[g].delay[gg] = 1;
			if (G0 == G/2)  
				if (1 - help * abs ((gg - G0)) > 0.0)
					if (decay == VRAI)
						lats[g].weight[gg] = weight * (1.0 - help * abs (gg - G0));
						lats[g].weight[gg] = weight;
					if (increment == VRAI)
					  	lats[g].delay[gg] = delay * help * abs (gg - G0);
					  	if (lats[g].delay[gg] == 0) lats[g].delay[gg] = 1;
					        lats[g].delay[gg] = delay;
					lats[g].weight[gg] = 0.0;
					lats[g].delay[gg] = 1;
			if (G0 > G/2) 
				if (gg >= G0 - G/2)   
					if (1 - help * abs ((gg - G0)) > 0.0)
						if (decay == VRAI)
							lats[g].weight[gg] = weight * (1 - help * abs (gg - G0));
							lats[g].weight[gg] = weight;
						if (increment == VRAI)
						  	lats[g].delay[gg] = delay * help * abs (gg - G0);
						  	if (lats[g].delay[gg] == 0) lats[g].delay[gg] = 1;
							lats[g].delay[gg] = delay;
						lats[g].weight[gg] = 0.0;
						lats[g].delay[gg] = 1;
				if (gg < G0 - G/2)
					if (1 - help * abs ((G + gg - G0)) > 0.0)
                       				 if (decay == VRAI)
							lats[g].weight[gg] = weight * (1 - help * abs ((G + gg - G0)));
							lats[g].weight[gg] = weight;
						if (increment == VRAI)
						    	lats[g].delay[gg] = delay * help * abs(G + gg - G0);
						    	if (lats[g].delay[gg] == 0) lats[g].delay[gg] = 1;
							lats[g].delay[gg] = delay; 
						lats[g].weight[gg] = 0.0;
						lats[g].delay[gg]  = 1;
   return (lats);

int r, m;         
for (r = 0; r < REC; r++)
	printf (" rec %d : ", r);
	for (m = 0; m < MOL; m++)
		printf ("m %d %f ", m, recs[r].sensi[m]);
	printf (" \n");

void SET_LINK_COMP (from, too, comp)
int from, too; 
enum COMPS comp; 
int unit; 
LINK *link; 	
	link = units[too].links_to_unit; 
	while (link)
		if (link->from_unit == from) 
			link->from_comp = comp; 
		link = link->next; 

#if 0
void DO_CROSS ()
int index, index1, index2;
int cor, unit;    
EVENT maus; 


	printf (" 1. mi-mi 2. gr-gr 3. mi-gr 4. pyr-pyr 5. i2 -i2 6. pyr-i2 7. mi-pyr 8. gr-pyr\n"); 
	scanf ("%d", &cor);
	if ((cor < 1) && (cor > 8))
		printf (" error  try again \n"); 
		goto loop; 

	if (cor == 1)
		CROSS (m_pot, m_pot, fft_i1, fft_i2, FOURRIER);
	if (cor == 2)
		CROSS (g_pot, g_pot,  fft_i1, fft_i2, FOURRIER);
	if (cor == 3)
		CROSS (m_pot, g_pot, fft_i1, fft_i2, FOURRIER);  
	if (cor == 4)
		CROSS (p_pot, p_pot, fft_i1, fft_i2, FOURRIER);
	if (cor == 5)
		CROSS (i_pot, i_pot, fft_i1, fft_i2, FOURRIER);
	if (cor == 6)
		CROSS (p_pot, i_pot, fft_i1, fft_i2, FOURRIER);  
	if (cor == 7)
		CROSS (m_pot, p_pot, fft_i1, fft_i2, FOURRIER);
	if (cor == 8)
		CROSS (g_pot, p_pot, fft_i1, fft_i2, FOURRIER);
	maus.button = SHOW_CROSS ();
	if (maus.button == MIDDLE)
		goto loop;
