//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Code by Jan M Schulz and Josef Bischofberger, University of Basel, 2019-20. // Correspondence can be addressed to j.schulz@unibas.ch // // Computational models of young and mature granule cells in // Lodge, Hernandez, Schulz, and Bischofberger, Cell Reports, 2021. // // The enclosed code distributes glutamertic and GABAergic synapses over the dendritic tree // of a stylized granule cell (either mature or young) and tests the effect of voltage-dependent // versus linear inhibition on NMDA receptor-mediated depolarization and AP output depending on synapse numbers // // To load in the NEURON simulation environment: // 1. Download and install NEURON (http://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/) if needed // 2. Make sure that Python is installed and, in Windows, that the location of the installation (e.g. C:\Python27) is added // to the System PATH variable (to be found in the Environment Variables under Advanced Settings of System Properties). // 3. Compile all .mod files of the simulation directory via mknrndll. // 4. Modify start_simul.hoc to select one simulation from Fig.5 or 7. // 5. Start the simulation by running start_simul. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////