Peter Latham
September, 2005
version 1
type "theta1d -h" or "theta1d" for details.
- get rid of zap (if it really doesn't do anything).
- make file containing rate at which +- pi is crossed illegally.
- give whozap a random component.
09/05 - killed interp and nonlinearity.
removed bias (old conventions).
added t_extra and j_extra -- time of extra spike and
which neuron it occurs on, respectively.
// ---headers
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <strstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cctype>
#include <iostream>
#include "derivs.h"
#include "network.h"
#include "params.h"
#include "float2.h"
#include "runge_kutta.h"
#include "lib.h"
#include "dpoisson.c"
// ---parameters
// ---prototypes
float* integrate(network& p, int write_on);
void spike(network& p, float t, float2& z, int& n_spiked, int* nspikes,
int* who_spiked, int* cnterr);
void update_post(network& p, float2& z, int* nspikes, int* cnterr, int j);
double** input_dist(network& p, int* l, int& n, int n_dp);
void write(int* display, int n_spiked, int no_display, float t,
int* who_spiked, int* count_total, int* aspikes, float2& z, network& p);
void count_ea(network& p);
void write_comline();
void write_filelist();
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// ---command line stuff
if (argc == 1) write_comline();
if (argc > 1) if (!strcmp(argv[1], "-h")) write_comline();
if (parse_comline(argc, argv, "-h", 0, 0)) write_comline();
// ---get command line flags.
struct print pr;
pr.cur = parse_comline(argc, argv, "-c", 0, 0);
pr.f = parse_comline(argc, argv, "-f", 0, 0);
pr.in = parse_comline(argc, argv, "-i", 0, 0);
pr.out = parse_comline(argc, argv, "-o", 0, 0);
pr.s = parse_comline(argc, argv, "-s", 0, 0);
pr.weights = parse_comline(argc, argv, "-w", 1, 0);
int write_on = 1-parse_comline(argc, argv, "-nowrite", 0, 0);
// ---give list of files if -f flag is present
if (pr.f) write_filelist();
// ---generate parameters. see network.c for details.
network p(argc, argv, pr);
// ---count number of endogenously active cells and print results
// ---output memories, if there are any
if (p.no_mem)
ofstream out_mem(cat2("eta", p.suffix));
for (int j=0; j < p.num[0]; j++)
for (int m=0; m < p.no_mem; m++)
out_mem << p.eta[m][j] << " ";
out_mem << endl;
// ---integrate equations of motion; return average firing rate
float* nu = integrate(p, write_on);
// write to file fc
ofstream out_fc_e(cat2("fc_e", p.suffix));
ofstream out_fc_i(cat2("fc_i", p.suffix));
for (int i=0; i < p.num[0]; i++) out_fc_e << nu[i] << endl;
for (int i=p.num[0]; i < p.neurons; i++) out_fc_i << nu[i] << endl;
// ---write average firing inhibitory and excitatory rates to file f
float nubar[2]; nubar[0] = nubar[1] = 0;
for (int i=0; i < p.neurons; i++) nubar[p.type[i]] += nu[i];
for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) nubar[i] /= (p.num[i] > 0 ? p.num[i] : 1);
ofstream out_f(cat2("f", p.suffix));
out_f << nubar[0] << " " << nubar[1] << endl;
float* integrate(network& p, int write_on)
integrate equations of motion.
p - class containing parameters. following variablse
from that class used:
display - array telling which neurons are displayed.
dt - time step in ms.
neurons - number of neurons.
no_display - number of neurons that are displayed
suffix - suffix appended to output files.
tmax - maximum time for integrating, in ms.
tmin - starting time for integrating, in ms.
z[0] - phase
z[1] - excitatory drive (I_E)
z[2] - inhibitory drive (I_I)
// ---create derivs object
derivs dzdt;
// ---initialize dynamical variables. this must be done now because
// it creates dzdt.no_vars, which is used elsewhere.
float2 z;
dzdt.init_z(p, z);
// ---create runge_kutta object
runge_kutta integrator(dzdt.no_vars, p.neurons);
// ---reserve space
int* who_spiked = (int*) calloc(p.neurons, sizeof(int));
int* cnterr = (int*) calloc(2, sizeof(int));
// ---initialize spike count
int* count = (int*) calloc(p.neurons, sizeof(int));
int* count_total = (int*) calloc(3, sizeof(int));
// ---initialize parametes in class dxdt;
// ---initialize time
float t = p.tmin;
int istep = 0;
int* nspikes = (int*) calloc(p.no_mem+2, sizeof(int));
int* aspikes = (int*) calloc(p.no_mem+2, sizeof(int));
for (;;)
// ---exit if at end. include -dt because integrator
// increments t.
if (t > p.tmax-p.dt) break;
// --step equations of motion
integrator.rk4(dzdt, z, t, p.dt);
// ---modify parameters for any neuron that has spiked
int n_spiked;
spike(p, t, z, n_spiked, nspikes, who_spiked, cnterr);
count_total[2] = p.no_mem ? nspikes[0] : 0;
// ---write to output files and accumulate spike count
if (t >= 0)
// --accumulate spikes
for (int i=0; i < p.no_mem+2; i++)
aspikes[i] += nspikes[i];
// ---count spikes
for (int i=0; i < n_spiked; i++)
// ---write
if (write_on) write(p.display, n_spiked, p.no_display,
t, who_spiked, count_total, aspikes, z, p);
// ---compute average firing rate for each neuron
float* nu = new float[p.neurons];
for (int n=0; n < p.neurons; n++) nu[n] = count[n]/(p.tmax/1000);
// ---print warnings about illegally crossing thresholds
if (cnterr[0] > 0) write_warning("threshold at +pi illegally exceeded ",
cnterr[0], " times; reduce time step!");
if (cnterr[1] > 0) write_warning("threshold at -pi illegally exceeded ",
cnterr[1], " times; reduce time step!");
// ---free space
return nu;
void spike(network& p, float t, float2& z, int& n_spiked, int* nspikes,
int* who_spiked, int* cnterr)
perform various tasks if a neuron spiked
p - class containing parameters
t - time in ms.
z - dynamical variables
n_spiked - number of neurons that spiked on this time step
who_spiked - which neurons spiked on this time step
cnterr - cnterr[0] = number of times neurons went above +pi
cnterr[1] = number of times neurons went below -pi
z - gets updated if there is a spike
// ---constants
static double pi = 4.0*atan(1.0);
static double twopi = 8.0*atan(1.0);
static int extra=1;
static int n_dp=0, n_dp_nu, nnu_in, ext_drive=0;
static double** dp = (double**) calloc(2, sizeof(double*));
static double** dp_nu;
static int* lnu_in = (int*) calloc(p.neurons, sizeof(int));
if (n_dp == 0)
// ---spike count distribution for neurons being zapped
for (int i=0; i < 2; i++) dp[i] = dpoisson(p.p_zap[i], n_dp);
// ---check to see if there is external drive.
for (int i=0; i < p.neurons; i++)
ext_drive += p.nu_in[i] > 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (ext_drive)
// ---spike count distribution for input firing rate
dp_nu = input_dist(p, lnu_in, nnu_in, n_dp_nu);
// ---initialization
for (int i=0; i < p.no_mem+2; i++) nspikes[i]=0;
for (int j=0; j < p.neurons; j++) if (z.x[0][j] > pi)
// ---keep track of who spiked
who_spiked[n_spiked++] = j;
// ---reset phase
z.x[0][j] -= twopi;
// --update post-synaptic potentials
update_post(p, z, nspikes, cnterr, j);
// ---extra neuron
if (t > p.t_extra && extra)
// --update post-synaptic potentials
update_post(p, z, nspikes, cnterr, p.j_extra);
// ---bring any phase below -pi back into range.
for (int j=0; j < p.neurons; j++)
if (z.x[0][j] < -pi)
z.x[0][j] += twopi*((int) (-(z.x[0][j]-pi)/twopi));
// ---external excitatory drive, if any
if (ext_drive) for (int i=0; i < p.neurons; i++) z.x[1][i] +=
p.wbar[0][p.type[i]]*dp_nu[lnu_in[i]][(int) (n_dp_nu*drand())];
// ---zap: add pi to phase.
if (p.no_mem && t >= p.t_zap_on && t < p.t_zap_off)
for (int i=0; i < p.num[0]; i++) if (p.who_zap[i])
z.x[1][i] += p.wbar[0][0]*dp[0][(int) (n_dp*drand())];
// ---dezapping: multiply phase by small constant (p.dezap) to
// bring it near 0.
if (p.no_mem && t >= p.t_dzap_on && t < p.t_dzap_off)
for (int i=0; i < p.num[0]; i++) if (p.who_zap[i])
z.x[2][i] += p.wbar[1][0]*dp[1][(int) (n_dp*drand())];
if (t >= p.t_dzap_off && p.rezap)
float delta_zap = p.t_dzap_off - p.t_zap_on + p.dtzap;
p.t_zap_on += delta_zap;
p.t_zap_off += delta_zap;
p.t_dzap_on += delta_zap;
p.t_dzap_off += delta_zap;
for (int j=0; j < p.no_mem; j++)
for (int k=0; k < p.num[0]; k++) p.who_zap[k] =
p.eta[p.newzap][k] > 0 ? 1 : 0;
void update_post(network& p, float2& z, int* nspikes, int* cnterr, int j)
static double pi = 4.0*atan(1.0);
static double twopi = 8.0*atan(1.0);
// ---memories
if (p.no_mem)
if (p.type[j] == 0) for (int i=0; i < p.nwmem[j]; i++)
// ---raw counts
nspikes[p.no_mem + p.type[j]]++;
// ---check to see if we have gone around an extra 2*pi in phase.
if (z.x[0][j] > pi)
z.x[0][j] -= twopi*((int) ((z.x[0][j]+pi)/twopi));
// ---loop over post-synaptic neurons
int tpre=p.type[j];
for (int m=0; m < p.wntot[j]; m++)
// ---update I_E or I_I, depending on type of
// presynaptic neuron.
z.x[tpre+1][p.wn[j][m]] += p.w[j][m];
double** input_dist(network& p, int* l, int& n, int n_dp)
p.dt - time step, in ms.
p.dnu - rates are quantized at dnu (nu_in = integer*dnu).
p.nu_in[i] - input firing rate of neuron i.
n_dp_nu - number of elements to use in approximation of
l[i] - if l[i]=k, then firing rate = nu_k = integer*dnu,
i=0, ..., p.neurons-1.
n - number of elements in dp.
dp_nu[l[i]][j] - probability that dp_nu[l[i]][j]=n is
(nu_k dt)^n exp(-nu_k dt)/n!. j runs from 0 to n_dp-1.
// ---min and max
float numin = min(p.neurons, p.nu_in);
float numax = max(p.neurons, p.nu_in);
// ---check
if (numin < 0) write_err("numin < 0 in function input_dist.");
// ---count number of unique intervals. first make a dummy
// variable big enough for all intervals.
int ndum=(int) ((numax-numin)/p.dnu+1);
int* ldum = (int*) calloc(ndum, sizeof(int));
for (int i=0; i < p.neurons; i++)
ldum[(int) ((p.nu_in[i] - numin)/p.dnu + 0.5)]=1;
// ---count number of entries filled
for (int i=0; i < ndum; i++) n += ldum[i];
// ---make dp
int cnt=0;
double** dp = (double**) calloc(n, sizeof(double*));
for (int i=0; i < ndum; i++) if (ldum[i])
dp[cnt++]=dpoisson(p.dt*(p.dnu*i+numin)/1000, n_dp);
// ---make l, which maps firing rate to index of dp. first
// step is to make ldum perform the mapping.
for (int i=0; i < ndum; i++) ldum[i] = ldum[i] == 0 ? 0 : cnt++;
// ---now, make l
for (int i=0; i < p.neurons; i++)
l[i]=ldum[(int) ((p.nu_in[i] - numin)/p.dnu + 0.5)];
return dp;
void write(
int* display, int n_spiked, int no_display, float t,
int* who_spiked, int* count_total, int* aspikes, float2& z, network& p)
write output
// ---first step: open output files---
// ---reserve space
static int first = 1, n_outfile=7;
static float twrite = 0;
static FILE** f = (FILE**) calloc(n_outfile, sizeof(FILE*));
static char** filename = cchar(n_outfile, 1024);
// ---names of files
sprintf(filename[0], "%s%s", "phase", p.suffix);
sprintf(filename[1], "%s%s", "i_e", p.suffix);
sprintf(filename[2], "%s%s", "i_i", p.suffix);
sprintf(filename[3], "%s%s", "v", p.suffix);
sprintf(filename[4], "%s%s", "s", p.suffix);
sprintf(filename[5], "%s%s", "rate", p.suffix);
sprintf(filename[6], "%s%s", "arate", p.suffix);
// ---open files
if (first)
first = 0;
for (int i=0; i < n_outfile; i++)
f[i] = fopen(filename[i], "w");
// ---second: output data---
// ---i is important: it keeps track of which file we are on!
int i;
// ---phase and excitatory and inhibitory drive
for (i=0; i < 3; i++)
fprintf(f[i], "%14.8f ", t/1000);
for (int n=0; n < no_display; n++)
fprintf(f[i], "%14.8f ", z.x[i][display[n]]);
fprintf(f[i], "\n");
// ---voltage. no i++ because it was incremented at end of loop.
// choose epsilon so that vmax = 20.
float vmax=20, vmin=-80;
fprintf(f[i], "%14.8f ", t/1000);
for (int n=0; n < no_display; n++)
int j = display[n];
double v = p.vbar + p.deltav*tan(0.5*z.x[0][j]);
v = v > vmax ? vmax : v;
v = v < vmin ? vmin : v;
fprintf(f[i], "%14.8f ", v);
fprintf(f[i], "\n");
// ---spike times
fprintf(f[i], "%14.8f ", t/1000);
for (int n=0; n < n_spiked; n++) fprintf(f[i], "%d ", who_spiked[n]);
fprintf(f[i], "\n");
// ---instantaneous rate. last quantity is (nu-f*nu_mem)/(1-f).
fprintf(f[i], "%14.8f %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f %14.8f\n", t/1000,
// ---average rate
double tnorm_e = p.num[0]*p.t_average/1000;
double tnorm_i = p.num[1]*p.t_average/1000;
if (t > twrite)
twrite += p.t_average;
// ---excitatory and inhibitory rates
fprintf(f[i], "%14.8f %14.8f %14.8f", t/1000,
aspikes[p.no_mem]/tnorm_e, aspikes[p.no_mem+1]/tnorm_i);
// ---memories
for (int j=0; j < p.no_mem; j++)
fprintf(f[i], " %14.8f", aspikes[j]/(p.f*tnorm_e));
// ---CR
fprintf(f[i], "\n");
// ---zero out spikes
for (int i=0; i < p.no_mem+2; i++) aspikes[i]=0;
void count_ea(network& p)
count number of endogenously active cells and print results
int n_ea[2] = {0, 0};
for (int i=0; i < p.neurons; i++) if (p.mu[i] > 0.0) n_ea[p.type[i]]++;
fprintf(stderr, "%5i out of %6i %s\n", n_ea[0], p.num[0],
"excitatory neurons endogenously active");
fprintf(stderr, "%5i out of %6i %s\n", n_ea[1], p.num[1],
"inhibitory neurons endogenously active");
void write_filelist()
"output files (followed by '.suffix', if suffix is on command line).\n"
"'e and i' means file_e contains excitatory cells, file_i contains inhibitory.\n"
"arate - population averaged rate (Hz), averaged over t_average ms, vs time.\n"
" columns are: time (s), nu_E, nu_I, nu_j, j=1, no_mem.\n"
"eta - value of eta for each memory. not printed if no memories.\n"
"f - population averaged rates (Hz) for excitatory and inhibitory cells.\n"
"fc - firing rate (Hz) of each neuron. e and i.\n"
"i - drive versus time for displayed neurons. e and i.\n"
"mu - external drive for each cell: current (mV) and mu. e and i.\n"
"phase - phase versus time for displayed neurons.\n"
"rate - population averaged rate (Hz), averaged over 1 bin, vs time.\n"
" columns are: time (s), nu_E, nu_I, nu_mem, (nu_E - f*nu_mem)/(1-f).\n"
"s - list of who spiked on each time step.\n"
"v - voltage (mV) versus time for displayed neurons.\n"
void write_comline()
"command line: theta1d input [suffix] -flags\n"
" Network of theta-neurons.\n"
" \n"
" If suffix is present (must be third argument, and not one of the\n"
" flags), '.suffix' will be appended to all output files.\n"
" ----flags\n"
" -h: this message.\n"
" -i: list of input parameters.\n"
" -c: description of how current distribution is computed.\n"
" -s: get a sample input file that works pretty well.\n"
" -o: list of (generally dimensionless) parameters generated by the code.\n"
" -f: list of output files.\n"
" -w: if nonzero, write weights to files w_n where n is presynaptic neuron\n"
" (as specified in display). format is: n_post weight. also make\n"
" histograms with arg(-w) bins and write to files w_e and w_i. format is:\n"
" weight count [count]. w_i has one count. w_e has two: weights from\n"
" non-memory and memory neurons, respectively.\n"