
<OutputSet filename ="dt100" dt="100">

  <OutputSpecie name="Ca"/>
  <OutputSpecie name="CalbinC"/> 
  <OutputSpecie name="Calbin"/>
  <OutputSpecie name="Cam"/>
  <OutputSpecie name="CamCa2C"/>
  <OutputSpecie name="CamCa2N"/>
  <OutputSpecie name="CamCa4"/>
  <OutputSpecie       name="Epac1"     />
  <OutputSpecie       name="Epac1cAMP"     />
  <OutputSpecie       name="cAMP"        />
  <OutputSpecie       name="AMP"        />

        <OutputSpecie       name="L"           />
        <OutputSpecie       name="R"           />
        <OutputSpecie       name="Gs"           />
        <OutputSpecie       name="GsR"           />
        <OutputSpecie       name="LR"          />
        <OutputSpecie       name="LRGs"         />
        <OutputSpecie       name="PKAcLRGs"         />
        <OutputSpecie       name="pLRGs"         />
        <OutputSpecie       name="GasGTP"       />
        <OutputSpecie       name="GasGDP"       />
        <OutputSpecie       name="Gbg"       />

        <OutputSpecie       name="AC1"         />
        <OutputSpecie       name="AC1GasGTP"    />
        <OutputSpecie       name="AC1GasCamCa4"        />
        <OutputSpecie       name="AC1GasCamCa4ATP"     />
        <OutputSpecie       name="AC1CamCa4"      />
        <OutputSpecie       name="AC1CamCa4ATP"   />

	<OutputSpecie       name="AC5"/>
	<OutputSpecie       name="AC5Gas"/>
	<OutputSpecie       name="AC5GasATP"/>

	<OutputSpecie       name="PKA"         />
        <OutputSpecie       name="PKAcAMP2"    />
        <OutputSpecie       name="PKAcAMP4"    />
        <OutputSpecie       name="PKAr"        />
        <OutputSpecie       name="PKAc"        />

        <OutputSpecie       name="PDE4"  />
        <OutputSpecie       name="PDE4cAMP"  />
        <OutputSpecie       name="PKAcPDE4"  />
        <OutputSpecie       name="pPDE4"  />
        <OutputSpecie       name="pPDE4cAMP" />
	<OutputSpecie       name="pPDE4PP1"  />

	<OutputSpecie       name="pX"  />
	<OutputSpecie       name="PKAcX"  />
	<OutputSpecie       name="pXPP1"  />

        <OutputSpecie       name="I1"          />
        <OutputSpecie       name="I1PKAc"      />
        <OutputSpecie       name="Ip35"        />
        <OutputSpecie       name="PP1"        />
        <OutputSpecie       name="Ip35PP1"     />
        <OutputSpecie       name="Ip35PP1PP2BCaMCa4"    />

    <OutputSpecie name="PP2B"/>
    <OutputSpecie name="PP2BCam"/>
    <OutputSpecie name="PP2BCamCa2C"/>
    <OutputSpecie name="PP2BCamCa2N"/>
    <OutputSpecie name="PP2BCamCa4"/>


	Each file will have a set of concentrations in compartments sampled according to the specified dt.

	Every <OutputSet> block must have in its definition one (and only one) instance of:
	 * filename
	And might have one (and only one) instance of:
	 * region or
	 * dt
	If "region" is omitted, then the conc's for the whole system will be saved.
	If "dt" is omitted, then the conc's will be written at each time step.

	So the "IO file" will be dependent on information stated in both the "Morph" (regions) and "Model" (dt) files.
