// This script is used to search the synaptic parameter space of the IS3 model by varying the number of excitatory and inhibitory synapses as well as their presynaptic spike rates

load_file("IS3_M2_Case8StarRevised.hoc") // Loads IS3 model with full morphology & properties (as well as parameters and point processes)

// Initialize theta synapses (precise number not needed so just 500 indices should be fine since this is more than the number of compartments in the model)
objectvar ExcThetaSRsyns[500], ExcThetaSLMsyns[500], BISThetaSRsyns[500], IS1ThetaSRsyns[500], OLMThetaSLMsyns[500], NGFThetaSLMsyns[500], IS2ThetaSLMsyns[500], ExcThetaSRsynsNCS[500], ExcThetaSLMsynsNCS[500], BISThetaSRsynsNCS[500], IS1ThetaSRsynsNCS[500], OLMThetaSLMsynsNCS[500], NGFThetaSLMsynsNCS[500], IS2ThetaSLMsynsNCS[500], ExcThetaSRsynsNSS[500], ExcThetaSLMsynsNSS[500], BISThetaSRsynsNSS[500], IS1ThetaSRsynsNSS[500], OLMThetaSLMsynsNSS[500], NGFThetaSLMsynsNSS[500], IS2ThetaSLMsynsNSS[500]
objectvar ExcSWRSRsyns[500], BISSWRSRsyns[500], IS1SWRSRsyns[500], OLMSWRSLMsyns[500]
objectvar ExcSWRSRsynsNCS[500], BISSWRSRsynsNCS[500], IS1SWRSRsynsNCS[500], OLMSWRSLMsynsNCS[500]
objectvar ExcSWRSRsynsNSS[500], BISSWRSRsynsNSS[500], IS1SWRSRsynsNSS[500], OLMSWRSLMsynsNSS[500]

SRexcsyncount = 0
SLMexcsyncount = 0
inhsyncount = 0
thetaSRcount = 0
thetaSLMcount = 0
SWRSRcount = 0
SWRSLMcount = 0
count = 0 // for indexing purposes to do with the input vectors
for (dendn = 0; dendn<=57; dendn = dendn+1){
	print "Section Number: ", dendn_vec.x[dendn]
	for (i = 1; i<=dend[dendn].nseg; i = i+1) {
		if (dendn > 17 && dendn < 23) { // Skip putting synapses on axonal segments
			count = count + 1
		// Specifies proportion along section (i.e. from 0 to 1)
		prop = ((dend[dendn].L/dend[dendn].nseg)*i - (dend[dendn].L/dend[dendn].nseg)/2)/dend[dendn].L // finds the center of each segment, as defined by its proportional distance along each section; (prop = (i-0.5)/dend[dendn].nseg also works)
		// Assign optimized synapse parameter values to 9 excitatory synapses on the compartment if in SR
		access dend[dendn]
		if (distance(prop)<=300) {
			for (l = 1; l<=9; l = l + 1){
				SRexcsynapses[SRexcsyncount] = new Exp2Syn(prop)
				dend[dendn] SRexcsynapses[SRexcsyncount].loc(prop) // assign to current compartment
				SRexcsynapses[SRexcsyncount].tau1 = 2.9936e-04
				SRexcsynapses[SRexcsyncount].tau2 = 2.4216
				SRexcsynapses[SRexcsyncount].e = 0
				SRexcnss[SRexcsyncount] = new VecStim(prop)
				SRexcncs[SRexcsyncount] = new NetCon(SRexcnss[SRexcsyncount], SRexcsynapses[SRexcsyncount])
				SRexcncs[SRexcsyncount].weight = 0.00000230814*distance(prop) + 0.00022016666
				SRexcsyncount = SRexcsyncount + 1
			ExcThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount] = new Exp2Syn(prop)
			dend[dendn] ExcThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount].loc(prop)
			ExcThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount].tau1 = 2.9936e-04
			ExcThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount].tau2 = 2.4216
			ExcThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount].e = 0
			ExcThetaSRsynsNSS[thetaSRcount] = new NetStim(prop)
			ExcThetaSRsynsNCS[thetaSRcount] = new NetCon(ExcThetaSRsynsNSS[thetaSRcount], ExcThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount])
			ExcThetaSRsynsNCS[thetaSRcount].weight = 0.00000230814*distance(prop) + 0.00022016666
			BISThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount] = new Exp2Syn(prop)
			dend[dendn] BISThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount].loc(prop)
			BISThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount].tau1 = 0.1013
			BISThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount].tau2 = 4.8216
			BISThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount].e = -70
			BISThetaSRsynsNSS[thetaSRcount] = new NetStim(prop)
			BISThetaSRsynsNCS[thetaSRcount] = new NetCon(BISThetaSRsynsNSS[thetaSRcount], BISThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount])
			BISThetaSRsynsNCS[thetaSRcount].weight = 0.00000469125*distance(prop) + 0.0002695779
			IS1ThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount] = new Exp2Syn(prop)
			dend[dendn] IS1ThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount].loc(prop)
			IS1ThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount].tau1 = 0.1013
			IS1ThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount].tau2 = 4.8216
			IS1ThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount].e = -70
			IS1ThetaSRsynsNSS[thetaSRcount] = new NetStim(prop)
			IS1ThetaSRsynsNCS[thetaSRcount] = new NetCon(IS1ThetaSRsynsNSS[thetaSRcount], IS1ThetaSRsyns[thetaSRcount])
			IS1ThetaSRsynsNCS[thetaSRcount].weight = 0.00000469125*distance(prop) + 0.0002695779
			thetaSRcount = thetaSRcount + 1
			ExcSWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount] = new Exp2Syn(prop)
			dend[dendn] ExcSWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount].loc(prop)
			ExcSWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount].tau1 = 2.9936e-04
			ExcSWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount].tau2 = 2.4216
			ExcSWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount].e = 0
			ExcSWRSRsynsNSS[SWRSRcount] = new NetStim(prop)
			ExcSWRSRsynsNCS[SWRSRcount] = new NetCon(ExcSWRSRsynsNSS[SWRSRcount], ExcSWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount])
			ExcSWRSRsynsNCS[SWRSRcount].weight = 0.00000230814*distance(prop) + 0.00022016666
			BISSWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount] = new Exp2Syn(prop)
			dend[dendn] BISSWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount].loc(prop)
			BISSWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount].tau1 = 0.1013
			BISSWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount].tau2 = 4.8216
			BISSWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount].e = -70
			BISSWRSRsynsNSS[SWRSRcount] = new NetStim(prop)
			BISSWRSRsynsNCS[SWRSRcount] = new NetCon(BISSWRSRsynsNSS[SWRSRcount], BISSWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount])
			BISSWRSRsynsNCS[SWRSRcount].weight = 0.00000469125*distance(prop) + 0.0002695779
			IS1SWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount] = new Exp2Syn(prop)
			dend[dendn] IS1SWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount].loc(prop)
			IS1SWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount].tau1 = 0.1013
			IS1SWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount].tau2 = 4.8216
			IS1SWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount].e = -70
			IS1SWRSRsynsNSS[SWRSRcount] = new NetStim(prop)
			IS1SWRSRsynsNCS[SWRSRcount] = new NetCon(IS1SWRSRsynsNSS[SWRSRcount], IS1SWRSRsyns[SWRSRcount])
			IS1SWRSRsynsNCS[SWRSRcount].weight = 0.00000469125*distance(prop) + 0.0002695779
			SWRSRcount = SWRSRcount + 1
		// Assign optimized synapse parameter values to 9 excitatory synapses on the compartment if in SLM
		if (distance(prop)>300) { // i.e. if greater than 300 um away from soma
			for (l = 1; l<=9; l = l + 1){
				SLMexcsynapses[SLMexcsyncount] = new Exp2Syn(prop)
				dend[dendn] SLMexcsynapses[SLMexcsyncount].loc(prop) // assign to current compartment
				SLMexcsynapses[SLMexcsyncount].tau1 = 6.1871e-04
				SLMexcsynapses[SLMexcsyncount].tau2 = 3.1975
				SLMexcsynapses[SLMexcsyncount].e = 0
				SLMexcnss[SLMexcsyncount] = new VecStim(prop)
				SLMexcncs[SLMexcsyncount] = new NetCon(SLMexcnss[SLMexcsyncount], SLMexcsynapses[SLMexcsyncount])
				SLMexcncs[SLMexcsyncount].weight = 0.00000230814*distance(prop) + 0.00022016666
				SLMexcsyncount = SLMexcsyncount + 1
			ExcThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount] = new Exp2Syn(prop)
			dend[dendn] ExcThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].loc(prop)
			ExcThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].tau1 = 6.1871e-04
			ExcThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].tau2 = 3.1975
			ExcThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].e = 0
			ExcThetaSLMsynsNSS[thetaSLMcount] = new NetStim(prop)
			ExcThetaSLMsynsNCS[thetaSLMcount] = new NetCon(ExcThetaSLMsynsNSS[thetaSLMcount], ExcThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount])
			ExcThetaSLMsynsNCS[thetaSLMcount].weight = 0.00000230814*distance(prop) + 0.00022016666
			OLMThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount] = new Exp2Syn(prop)
			dend[dendn] OLMThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].loc(prop)
			OLMThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].tau1 = 0.1013
			OLMThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].tau2 = 4.8216
			OLMThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].e = -70
			OLMThetaSLMsynsNSS[thetaSLMcount] = new NetStim(prop)
			OLMThetaSLMsynsNCS[thetaSLMcount] = new NetCon(OLMThetaSLMsynsNSS[thetaSLMcount], OLMThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount])
			OLMThetaSLMsynsNCS[thetaSLMcount].weight = 0.00000469125*distance(prop) + 0.0002695779
			NGFThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount] = new Exp2Syn(prop)
			dend[dendn] NGFThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].loc(prop)
			NGFThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].tau1 = 0.1013
			NGFThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].tau2 = 4.8216
			NGFThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].e = -70
			NGFThetaSLMsynsNSS[thetaSLMcount] = new NetStim(prop)
			NGFThetaSLMsynsNCS[thetaSLMcount] = new NetCon(NGFThetaSLMsynsNSS[thetaSLMcount], NGFThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount])
			NGFThetaSLMsynsNCS[thetaSLMcount].weight = 0.00000469125*distance(prop) + 0.0002695779
			IS2ThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount] = new Exp2Syn(prop)
			dend[dendn] IS2ThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].loc(prop)
			IS2ThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].tau1 = 0.1013
			IS2ThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].tau2 = 4.8216
			IS2ThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount].e = -70
			IS2ThetaSLMsynsNSS[thetaSLMcount] = new NetStim(prop)
			IS2ThetaSLMsynsNCS[thetaSLMcount] = new NetCon(IS2ThetaSLMsynsNSS[thetaSLMcount], IS2ThetaSLMsyns[thetaSLMcount])
			IS2ThetaSLMsynsNCS[thetaSLMcount].weight = 0.00000469125*distance(prop) + 0.0002695779
			thetaSLMcount = thetaSLMcount + 1
			OLMSWRSLMsyns[SWRSLMcount] = new Exp2Syn(prop)
			dend[dendn] OLMSWRSLMsyns[SWRSLMcount].loc(prop)
			OLMSWRSLMsyns[SWRSLMcount].tau1 = 0.1013
			OLMSWRSLMsyns[SWRSLMcount].tau2 = 4.8216
			OLMSWRSLMsyns[SWRSLMcount].e = -70
			OLMSWRSLMsynsNSS[SWRSLMcount] = new NetStim(prop)
			OLMSWRSLMsynsNCS[SWRSLMcount].weight = 0.00000469125*distance(prop) + 0.0002695779
			SWRSLMcount = SWRSLMcount + 1
		// Assign optimized synapse parameter values to 2 inhibitory synapses on the compartment
		for (m = 1; m<=2; m = m + 1){
			inhsynapses[inhsyncount] = new Exp2Syn(prop)
			dend[dendn] inhsynapses[inhsyncount].loc(prop) // assign to current compartment
			inhsynapses[inhsyncount].tau1 = 0.1013
			inhsynapses[inhsyncount].tau2 = 4.8216
			inhsynapses[inhsyncount].e = -70
			inhnss[inhsyncount] = new VecStim(prop)
			inhncs[inhsyncount] = new NetCon(inhnss[inhsyncount], inhsynapses[inhsyncount])
			inhncs[inhsyncount].weight = 0.00000469125*distance(prop) + 0.0002695779
			inhsyncount = inhsyncount + 1
		count = count + 1		

// Generate randomized indexing for random synapse selection
objref r, randSRexcindex, randSLMexcindex, randinhindex, EXCrandSRtheta, BISrandSRtheta, IS1randSRtheta, EXCrandSLMtheta, OLMrandSLMtheta, NGFrandSLMtheta, IS2randSLMtheta
proc randomize_syns() {
	r = new Random($1*10 + $2) // Ensures different random seeds for each example and example repeat
	randSRexcindex = new Vector(nSRexcsyns)
	randSLMexcindex = new Vector(nSLMexcsyns)

	EXCrandSRtheta = new Vector(thetaSRcount)
	BISrandSRtheta = new Vector(thetaSRcount)
	IS1randSRtheta = new Vector(thetaSRcount)
	EXCrandSLMtheta = new Vector(thetaSLMcount)
	OLMrandSLMtheta = new Vector(thetaSLMcount)
	NGFrandSLMtheta = new Vector(thetaSLMcount)
	IS2randSLMtheta = new Vector(thetaSLMcount)
	EXCrandSRSWR = new Vector(SWRSRcount)
	BISrandSRSWR = new Vector(SWRSRcount)
	IS1randSRSWR = new Vector(SWRSRcount)
	OLMrandSLMSWR = new Vector(SWRSLMcount)
	randinhindex = new Vector(ninhsyns)

	tempindex = 0
	repeats = 1 // Initialize at 1 so it does skip the while loop
	for (i = 0; i < nSRexcsyns; i = i + 1){
		while (repeats > 0){
			repeats = 0 // Reset the count of repeats to 0 for next iteration
			tempindex = r.discunif(-1, nSRexcsyns-1) // Generate random integer
			for k=0,nSRexcsyns-1 repeats = repeats + (tempindex == randSRexcindex.x[k]) // Check if value repeats (i.e. if repeats > 0)
		randSRexcindex.x[i] = tempindex // Assign value if not repeated
		repeats = 1 // Re-initialize to 1 so it doesn't skip while loop
	tempindex = 0
	repeats = 1 // Initialize at 1 so it does skip the while loop
	for (i = 0; i < nSLMexcsyns; i = i + 1){
		while (repeats > 0){
			repeats = 0 // Reset the count of repeats to 0 for next iteration
			tempindex = r.discunif(-1, nSLMexcsyns-1) // Generate random integer
			for k=0,nSLMexcsyns-1 repeats = repeats + (tempindex == randSLMexcindex.x[k]) // Check if value repeats (i.e. if repeats > 0)
		randSLMexcindex.x[i] = tempindex // Assign value if not repeated
		repeats = 1 // Re-initialize to 1 so it doesn't skip while loop
	tempindex = 0
	repeats = 1 // Initialize at 1 so it does skip the while loop
	for (i = 0; i < ninhsyns; i = i + 1){
		while (repeats > 0){
			repeats = 0 // Reset the count of repeats to 0 for next iteration
			tempindex = r.discunif(-1, ninhsyns-1) // Generate random integer
			for k=0,ninhsyns-1 repeats = repeats + (tempindex == randinhindex.x[k]) // Check if value repeats (i.e. if repeats > 0)
		randinhindex.x[i] = tempindex // Assign value if not repeated
		repeats = 1 // Re-initialize to 1 so it doesn't skip while loop

	// Theta Randomizations
	tempindex = 0
	repeats = 1 // Initialize at 1 so it does skip the while loop
	for (i = 0; i < thetaSRcount; i = i + 1){
		while (repeats > 0){
			repeats = 0 // Reset the count of repeats to 0 for next iteration
			tempindex = r.discunif(-1, thetaSRcount-1) // Generate random integer
			for k=0,thetaSRcount-1 repeats = repeats + (tempindex == EXCrandSRtheta.x[k]) // Check if value repeats (i.e. if repeats > 0)
		EXCrandSRtheta.x[i] = tempindex // Assign value if not repeated
		repeats = 1 // Re-initialize to 1 so it doesn't skip while loop
	tempindex = 0
	repeats = 1 // Initialize at 1 so it does skip the while loop
	for (i = 0; i < thetaSRcount; i = i + 1){
		while (repeats > 0){
			repeats = 0 // Reset the count of repeats to 0 for next iteration
			tempindex = r.discunif(-1, thetaSRcount-1) // Generate random integer
			for k=0,thetaSRcount-1 repeats = repeats + (tempindex == BISrandSRtheta.x[k]) // Check if value repeats (i.e. if repeats > 0)
		BISrandSRtheta.x[i] = tempindex // Assign value if not repeated
		repeats = 1 // Re-initialize to 1 so it doesn't skip while loop
	tempindex = 0
	repeats = 1 // Initialize at 1 so it does skip the while loop
	for (i = 0; i < thetaSRcount; i = i + 1){
		while (repeats > 0){
			repeats = 0 // Reset the count of repeats to 0 for next iteration
			tempindex = r.discunif(-1, thetaSRcount-1) // Generate random integer
			for k=0,thetaSRcount-1 repeats = repeats + (tempindex == IS1randSRtheta.x[k]) // Check if value repeats (i.e. if repeats > 0)
		IS1randSRtheta.x[i] = tempindex // Assign value if not repeated
		repeats = 1 // Re-initialize to 1 so it doesn't skip while loop
	tempindex = 0
	repeats = 1 // Initialize at 1 so it does skip the while loop
	for (i = 0; i < thetaSLMcount; i = i + 1){
		while (repeats > 0){
			repeats = 0 // Reset the count of repeats to 0 for next iteration
			tempindex = r.discunif(-1, thetaSLMcount-1) // Generate random integer
			for k=0,thetaSLMcount-1 repeats = repeats + (tempindex == EXCrandSLMtheta.x[k]) // Check if value repeats (i.e. if repeats > 0)
		EXCrandSLMtheta.x[i] = tempindex // Assign value if not repeated
		repeats = 1 // Re-initialize to 1 so it doesn't skip while loop
	tempindex = 0
	repeats = 1 // Initialize at 1 so it does skip the while loop
	for (i = 0; i < thetaSLMcount; i = i + 1){
		while (repeats > 0){
			repeats = 0 // Reset the count of repeats to 0 for next iteration
			tempindex = r.discunif(-1, thetaSLMcount-1) // Generate random integer
			for k=0,thetaSLMcount-1 repeats = repeats + (tempindex == OLMrandSLMtheta.x[k]) // Check if value repeats (i.e. if repeats > 0)
		OLMrandSLMtheta.x[i] = tempindex // Assign value if not repeated
		repeats = 1 // Re-initialize to 1 so it doesn't skip while loop
	tempindex = 0
	repeats = 1 // Initialize at 1 so it does skip the while loop
	for (i = 0; i < thetaSLMcount; i = i + 1){
		while (repeats > 0){
			repeats = 0 // Reset the count of repeats to 0 for next iteration
			tempindex = r.discunif(-1, thetaSLMcount-1) // Generate random integer
			for k=0,thetaSLMcount-1 repeats = repeats + (tempindex == NGFrandSLMtheta.x[k]) // Check if value repeats (i.e. if repeats > 0)
		NGFrandSLMtheta.x[i] = tempindex // Assign value if not repeated
		repeats = 1 // Re-initialize to 1 so it doesn't skip while loop
	tempindex = 0
	repeats = 1 // Initialize at 1 so it does skip the while loop
	for (i = 0; i < thetaSLMcount; i = i + 1){
		while (repeats > 0){
			repeats = 0 // Reset the count of repeats to 0 for next iteration
			tempindex = r.discunif(-1, thetaSLMcount-1) // Generate random integer
			for k=0,thetaSLMcount-1 repeats = repeats + (tempindex == IS2randSLMtheta.x[k]) // Check if value repeats (i.e. if repeats > 0)
		IS2randSLMtheta.x[i] = tempindex // Assign value if not repeated
		repeats = 1 // Re-initialize to 1 so it doesn't skip while loop
	// SWR Randomizations
	tempindex = 0
	repeats = 1 // Initialize at 1 so it does skip the while loop
	for (i = 0; i < SWRSRcount; i = i + 1){
		while (repeats > 0){
			repeats = 0 // Reset the count of repeats to 0 for next iteration
			tempindex = r.discunif(-1, SWRSRcount-1) // Generate random integer
			for k=0,SWRSRcount-1 repeats = repeats + (tempindex == EXCrandSRSWR.x[k]) // Check if value repeats (i.e. if repeats > 0)
		EXCrandSRSWR.x[i] = tempindex // Assign value if not repeated
		repeats = 1 // Re-initialize to 1 so it doesn't skip while loop
	tempindex = 0
	repeats = 1 // Initialize at 1 so it does skip the while loop
	for (i = 0; i < SWRSRcount; i = i + 1){
		while (repeats > 0){
			repeats = 0 // Reset the count of repeats to 0 for next iteration
			tempindex = r.discunif(-1, SWRSRcount-1) // Generate random integer
			for k=0,SWRSRcount-1 repeats = repeats + (tempindex == BISrandSRSWR.x[k]) // Check if value repeats (i.e. if repeats > 0)
		BISrandSRSWR.x[i] = tempindex // Assign value if not repeated
		repeats = 1 // Re-initialize to 1 so it doesn't skip while loop
	tempindex = 0
	repeats = 1 // Initialize at 1 so it does skip the while loop
	for (i = 0; i < SWRSRcount; i = i + 1){
		while (repeats > 0){
			repeats = 0 // Reset the count of repeats to 0 for next iteration
			tempindex = r.discunif(-1, SWRSRcount-1) // Generate random integer
			for k=0,SWRSRcount-1 repeats = repeats + (tempindex == IS1randSRSWR.x[k]) // Check if value repeats (i.e. if repeats > 0)
		IS1randSRSWR.x[i] = tempindex // Assign value if not repeated
		repeats = 1 // Re-initialize to 1 so it doesn't skip while loop
	tempindex = 0
	repeats = 1 // Initialize at 1 so it does skip the while loop
	for (i = 0; i < SWRSLMcount; i = i + 1){
		while (repeats > 0){
			repeats = 0 // Reset the count of repeats to 0 for next iteration
			tempindex = r.discunif(-1, SWRSLMcount-1) // Generate random integer
			for k=0,SWRSLMcount-1 repeats = repeats + (tempindex == OLMrandSLMSWR.x[k]) // Check if value repeats (i.e. if repeats > 0)
		OLMrandSLMSWR.x[i] = tempindex // Assign value if not repeated
		repeats = 1 // Re-initialize to 1 so it doesn't skip while loop

access soma
// Create new synapses to generate theta-timed spiking
objectvar sw, apc, apctimes, rSRexc, rSRexcvec, rSLMexc, rSLMexcvec, rinh, rinhvec, frecSRExcPreSpikeTrains, frecSLMExcPreSpikeTrains, frecInhPreSpikeTrains, rSRexcMat, rSLMexcMat, rinhMat

access soma

// Record presynaptic theta spike times
objectvar ThetaSRexcprespiketrains[500], ThetaSLMexcprespiketrains[500], ThetaSRBISprespiketrains[500], ThetaSRIS1prespiketrains[500], ThetaSLMOLMprespiketrains[500], ThetaSLMNGFprespiketrains[500], ThetaSLMIS2prespiketrains[500], thetaMat, frecThetaSpikeTrains
objectvar SWRSRexcprespiketrains[500], SWRSRBISprespiketrains[500], SWRSRIS1prespiketrains[500], SWRSLMOLMprespiketrains[500]

objref spTheta, spHC, spSWR
spTheta = new Shape()
spSWR = new Shape()
spHC = new Shape()
thetamultiplier = 0
SWRmultiplier = 0

proc f() {
	spHC = new Shape()
	rSRexc = new Random($6*10+$7+28293) // Ensures different random seeds on each iteration
	rSLMexc = new Random($6*10+$7+51234)
	rinh = new Random($6*10+$7+81221)
	inhsyncount = $1
	excsyncount = $2
	inhsynspikes = $3
	excSRsynspikes = $4
	excSLMsynspikes = $4
	SaveExample = $5
	nexccommon = 9
	ninhcommon = 4
	AddRhythm = $8
	inhthetacount = $9
	excthetacount = $10
	EXCSLM = $11
	EXCSR = $12
	OLMSLM = $13
	NGFSLM = $14
	IS2SLM = $15
	BISSR = $16
	IS1SR = $17
	SWRIS1SR = $20
	excSWRcount = $22
	inhSWRcount = $23
	AddSWR = $24
	// Re-initialize all inhibitory synapses such that they are silent when starting a new iteration
	rinhvec = new Vector(0)
	for i=0,ninhsyns-1 inhnss[randinhindex.x[i]].play(rinhvec)
	// Re-initialize all excitatory synapses such that they are silent when starting a new iteration
	rSRexcvec = new Vector(0)
	for i=0,nSRexcsyns-1 SRexcnss[randSRexcindex.x[i]].play(rSRexcvec)
	rSLMexcvec = new Vector(0)
	for i=0,nSLMexcsyns-1 SLMexcnss[randSLMexcindex.x[i]].play(rSLMexcvec)
	// Assign excitatory spike times
	if (excSRsynspikes > 0 && excSLMsynspikes > 0) {
		rSRexcMat = new Matrix(int((excsyncount)/2),excSRsynspikes)
		rSLMexcMat = new Matrix(int((excsyncount)/2),excSLMsynspikes)
		for (i=0; i < int((excsyncount)/2); i = i + 1){ // On each iteration add 1 SR and 1 SLM excitatory synapse
			// Sample new spike times for common inputs
			rSRexcvec = new Vector(excSRsynspikes)
			rSLMexcvec = new Vector(excSLMsynspikes)

			xcom = 1
			// Common input loop where synapses are given the same input until the maximum number of common inputs is passed
			while (xcom <= nexccommon && i < int((excsyncount)/2) && i < nSLMexcsyns && i < nSRexcsyns) {
				// Add SR excitatory inputs
				for k=0,excSRsynspikes-1 rSRexcMat.x[i][k] = rSRexcvec.x[k]
				// Add SLM excitatory inputs and if out of SLM synapses add SR inputs intead
				for k=0,excSLMsynspikes-1 rSLMexcMat.x[i][k] = rSLMexcvec.x[k]
				i = i + 1 // update indexing
				xcom = xcom + 1
			i = i - 1 // i.e. so that i does not get updated twice resulting in skipped synapses

	// Assign inhibitory spike times
	if (inhsynspikes > 0){
		rinhMat = new Matrix(inhsyncount,inhsynspikes)
		for (i=0; i < inhsyncount; i = i + 1){
			rinhvec = new Vector(inhsynspikes)

			xcom = 1
			while (xcom <= ninhcommon && i < inhsyncount) {
				// Build Spike Time Matrix
				for k=0,inhsynspikes-1 rinhMat.x[i][k] = rinhvec.x[k]

				i = i + 1
				xcom = xcom + 1
			i = i - 1 // i.e. so that i does not get updated twice resulting in skipped synapses
	// Re-Initialize All Theta Inputs
	for (p = 0; p < thetaSLMcount; p = p + 1){
		ExcThetaSLMsynsNSS[EXCrandSLMtheta.x[p]].interval = tstop
		ExcThetaSLMsynsNSS[EXCrandSLMtheta.x[p]].number = 0
		ExcThetaSLMsynsNSS[EXCrandSLMtheta.x[p]].start = tstop
		ExcThetaSLMsynsNSS[EXCrandSLMtheta.x[p]].noise = 0
		OLMThetaSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMtheta.x[p]].interval = tstop
		OLMThetaSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMtheta.x[p]].number = 0
		OLMThetaSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMtheta.x[p]].start = tstop
		OLMThetaSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMtheta.x[p]].noise = 0
		NGFThetaSLMsynsNSS[NGFrandSLMtheta.x[p]].interval = tstop
		NGFThetaSLMsynsNSS[NGFrandSLMtheta.x[p]].number = 0
		NGFThetaSLMsynsNSS[NGFrandSLMtheta.x[p]].start = tstop
		NGFThetaSLMsynsNSS[NGFrandSLMtheta.x[p]].noise = 0
		IS2ThetaSLMsynsNSS[IS2randSLMtheta.x[p]].interval = tstop
		IS2ThetaSLMsynsNSS[IS2randSLMtheta.x[p]].number = 0
		IS2ThetaSLMsynsNSS[IS2randSLMtheta.x[p]].start = tstop
		IS2ThetaSLMsynsNSS[IS2randSLMtheta.x[p]].noise = 0
	for (p = 0; p < thetaSRcount; p = p + 1){
		ExcThetaSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRtheta.x[p]].interval = tstop
		ExcThetaSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRtheta.x[p]].number = 0
		ExcThetaSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRtheta.x[p]].start = tstop
		ExcThetaSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRtheta.x[p]].noise = 0

		BISThetaSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRtheta.x[p]].interval = tstop
		BISThetaSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRtheta.x[p]].number = 0
		BISThetaSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRtheta.x[p]].start = tstop
		BISThetaSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRtheta.x[p]].noise = 0
		IS1ThetaSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRtheta.x[p]].interval = tstop
		IS1ThetaSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRtheta.x[p]].number = 0
		IS1ThetaSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRtheta.x[p]].start = tstop
		IS1ThetaSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRtheta.x[p]].noise = 0
	// Re-Initialize All SWR Inputs
	for (p = 0; p < SWRSLMcount; p = p + 1){
		OLMSWRSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMSWR.x[p]].interval = tstop
		OLMSWRSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMSWR.x[p]].number = 0
		OLMSWRSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMSWR.x[p]].start = tstop
		OLMSWRSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMSWR.x[p]].noise = 0
	for (p = 0; p < SWRSRcount; p = p + 1){
		ExcSWRSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRSWR.x[p]].interval = tstop
		ExcSWRSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRSWR.x[p]].number = 0
		ExcSWRSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRSWR.x[p]].start = tstop
		ExcSWRSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRSWR.x[p]].noise = 0

		BISSWRSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRSWR.x[p]].interval = tstop
		BISSWRSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRSWR.x[p]].number = 0
		BISSWRSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRSWR.x[p]].start = tstop
		BISSWRSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRSWR.x[p]].noise = 0
		IS1SWRSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRSWR.x[p]].interval = tstop
		IS1SWRSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRSWR.x[p]].number = 0
		IS1SWRSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRSWR.x[p]].start = tstop
		IS1SWRSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRSWR.x[p]].noise = 0
	// Feed theta inputs to desired areas
	for (p = 0; p < excthetacount*AddRhythm; p = p + 1){
		if (EXCSLM == 1){
			ExcThetaSLMsynsNSS[EXCrandSLMtheta.x[p]].interval = (1/8)*1000 // i.e. 8Hz converted to a time interval in ms
			ExcThetaSLMsynsNSS[EXCrandSLMtheta.x[p]].number = 8*tstop/1000 // i.e. if 8 Hz, there should be 80 presynaptic spikes in 10 seconds (per synapse)
			ExcThetaSLMsynsNSS[EXCrandSLMtheta.x[p]].start = 0
			ExcThetaSLMsynsNSS[EXCrandSLMtheta.x[p]].noise = 0
			ThetaSLMexcprespiketrains[EXCrandSLMtheta.x[p]] = new Vector()
		if (EXCSR == 1){
			ExcThetaSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRtheta.x[p]].interval = (1/8)*1000 // i.e. 8Hz converted to a time interval in ms
			ExcThetaSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRtheta.x[p]].number = 8*tstop/1000 // i.e. if 8 Hz, there should be 80 presynaptic spikes in 10 seconds (per synapse)
			ExcThetaSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRtheta.x[p]].start = 31.25
			ExcThetaSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRtheta.x[p]].noise = 0
			ThetaSRexcprespiketrains[EXCrandSRtheta.x[p]] = new Vector()
	for (p = 0; p < inhthetacount*AddRhythm; p = p + 1){
		if (OLMSLM == 1){
			OLMThetaSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMtheta.x[p]].interval = (1/8)*1000 // i.e. 8Hz converted to a time interval in ms
			OLMThetaSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMtheta.x[p]].number = 8*tstop/1000 // i.e. if 8 Hz, there should be 80 presynaptic spikes in 10 seconds (per synapse)
			OLMThetaSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMtheta.x[p]].start = 93.75
			OLMThetaSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMtheta.x[p]].noise = 0
			ThetaSLMOLMprespiketrains[OLMrandSLMtheta.x[p]] = new Vector()
		if (NGFSLM == 1){
			NGFThetaSLMsynsNSS[NGFrandSLMtheta.x[p]].interval = (1/8)*1000 // i.e. 8Hz converted to a time interval in ms
			NGFThetaSLMsynsNSS[NGFrandSLMtheta.x[p]].number = 8*tstop/1000 // i.e. if 8 Hz, there should be 80 presynaptic spikes in 10 seconds (per synapse)
			NGFThetaSLMsynsNSS[NGFrandSLMtheta.x[p]].start = 31.25
			NGFThetaSLMsynsNSS[NGFrandSLMtheta.x[p]].noise = 0
			ThetaSLMNGFprespiketrains[NGFrandSLMtheta.x[p]] = new Vector()
		if (IS2SLM == 1){
			IS2ThetaSLMsynsNSS[IS2randSLMtheta.x[p]].interval = (1/8)*1000 // i.e. 8Hz converted to a time interval in ms
			IS2ThetaSLMsynsNSS[IS2randSLMtheta.x[p]].number = 8*tstop/1000 // i.e. if 8 Hz, there should be 80 presynaptic spikes in 10 seconds (per synapse)
			IS2ThetaSLMsynsNSS[IS2randSLMtheta.x[p]].start = 31.25
			IS2ThetaSLMsynsNSS[IS2randSLMtheta.x[p]].noise = 0
			ThetaSLMIS2prespiketrains[IS2randSLMtheta.x[p]] = new Vector()
		if (BISSR == 1){
			BISThetaSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRtheta.x[p]].interval = (1/8)*1000 // i.e. 8Hz converted to a time interval in ms
			BISThetaSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRtheta.x[p]].number = 8*tstop/1000 // i.e. if 8 Hz, there should be 80 presynaptic spikes in 10 seconds (per synapse)
			BISThetaSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRtheta.x[p]].start = 93.75
			BISThetaSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRtheta.x[p]].noise = 0
			ThetaSRBISprespiketrains[BISrandSRtheta.x[p]] = new Vector()
		if (IS1SR == 1){
			IS1ThetaSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRtheta.x[p]].interval = (1/8)*1000 // i.e. 8Hz converted to a time interval in ms
			IS1ThetaSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRtheta.x[p]].number = 8*tstop/1000 // i.e. if 8 Hz, there should be 80 presynaptic spikes in 10 seconds (per synapse)
			IS1ThetaSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRtheta.x[p]].start = 62.5
			IS1ThetaSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRtheta.x[p]].noise = 0
			ThetaSRIS1prespiketrains[IS1randSRtheta.x[p]] = new Vector()

	// Feed SWR inputs to desired areas
	for (p = 0; p < excSWRcount*AddSWR; p = p + 1){
		if (SWREXCSR == 1){
			ExcSWRSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRSWR.x[p]].interval = 10 // i.e. Higher end of spike frequencies seen in CA3 pyramidal neurons according to Frerking et al, 2005
			ExcSWRSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRSWR.x[p]].number = 5 // dictates the length of the SWR which is somewhere around ~50ms long (Katona et al, 2014; Varga et al, 2014)
			ExcSWRSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRSWR.x[p]].start = 9000
			ExcSWRSRsynsNSS[EXCrandSRSWR.x[p]].noise = 0
			SWRSRexcprespiketrains[EXCrandSRSWR.x[p]] = new Vector()
	for (p = 0; p < inhSWRcount*AddSWR; p = p + 1){
		if (SWROLMSLM == 1){
			OLMSWRSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMSWR.x[p]].interval = 50 // i.e. ~20 Hz (Katona et al, 2014)
			OLMSWRSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMSWR.x[p]].number = 2 // i.e. ~50 ms
			OLMSWRSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMSWR.x[p]].start = 9006.5 // CA3-CA1-OLM-IS3; also assuming 6.5 ms delay based on Pangalos et al, 2013
			OLMSWRSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMSWR.x[p]].noise = 0
			SWRSLMOLMprespiketrains[OLMrandSLMSWR.x[p]] = new Vector()
		if (SWRBISSR == 1){
			BISSWRSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRSWR.x[p]].interval = 8.33 // i.e. ~120 Hz (Katona et al, 2014)
			BISSWRSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRSWR.x[p]].number = 6 // i.e. ~50 ms
			BISSWRSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRSWR.x[p]].start = 9003.25 // CA3-BIS-IS3
			BISSWRSRsynsNSS[BISrandSRSWR.x[p]].noise = 0
			SWRSRBISprespiketrains[BISrandSRSWR.x[p]] = new Vector()
		if (SWRIS1SR == 1){
			IS1SWRSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRSWR.x[p]].interval = 8.33 // i.e. ~120 Hz if assuming similar to bistratified or basket cells
			IS1SWRSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRSWR.x[p]].number = 6 // ~50 ms
			IS1SWRSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRSWR.x[p]].start = 9003.25 // CA3-IS1-IS3
			IS1SWRSRsynsNSS[IS1randSRSWR.x[p]].noise = 0
			SWRSRIS1prespiketrains[IS1randSRSWR.x[p]] = new Vector()
	if (SWROLMSLM == 2){
		for (p = 0; p < inhSWRcount*2; p = p + 1){
			OLMSWRSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMSWR.x[p]].interval = 50 // i.e. ~20 Hz (Katona et al, 2014)
			OLMSWRSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMSWR.x[p]].number = 2 // i.e. ~50 ms
			OLMSWRSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMSWR.x[p]].start = 9006.5 // CA3-CA1-OLM-IS3; also assuming 6.5 ms delay based on Pangalos et al, 2013
			OLMSWRSLMsynsNSS[OLMrandSLMSWR.x[p]].noise = 0
			SWRSLMOLMprespiketrains[OLMrandSLMSWR.x[p]] = new Vector()
	if (SaveExample==1){
		if (AddRhythm == 1 || AddSWR == 1){ // Change later when adding more synapses
			// Save Excitatory Raster Matrices
			frecSRExcPreSpikeTrains = new File(filename4)
			if (excSRsynspikes > 0) {
				rSRexcMat.fprint(frecSRExcPreSpikeTrains,"%f\t") // Spike times sampled from random distribution

			frecSLMExcPreSpikeTrains = new File(filename7)
			if (excSLMsynspikes > 0) {
				rSLMexcMat.fprint(frecSLMExcPreSpikeTrains,"%f\t") // Spike times sampled from random distribution

			// Save Inhibitory Raster Matrix
			frecInhPreSpikeTrains = new File(filename5)
			if (inhsynspikes > 0){
				rinhMat.fprint(frecInhPreSpikeTrains,"%f\t") // Spike times sampled from random distribution
			thetamultiplier = thetamultiplier + 1
			SWRmultiplier = SWRmultiplier + 1
		apc = new APCount(0.5)
		apctimes = new Vector()
		apc.thresh = -20
		// Run Simulation and Record Vm Vector
		recV = new Vector()
		rs = new RandomStream(1) // Use same random seed for each run
		soma noise = new InGauss(0)
		noise.del = 0
		noise.dur = tstop
		noise.mean = 0
		noise.stdev = 0.01
		frecV = new File(filename1)
		recV.vwrite(frecV) // Use printf instead of vwrite if you want a text file instead of a binary file
		// if (AddRhythm == 1){
		// 	numindices = excthetacount*(EXCSLM+EXCSR) + inhthetacount*(OLMSLM+NGFSLM+IS2SLM+BISSR+IS1SR)
		// 	// Build Theta Spike Matrix
		// 	numSpikes = 8*tstop/1000
		// 	thetaMat = new Matrix(numindices,numSpikes)
		// 	for (x = 0; x < excthetacount*EXCSLM; x = x + 1){
		// 		for y = 0,numSpikes-1 thetaMat.x[x][y] = ThetaSLMexcprespiketrains[EXCrandSLMtheta.x[x]].x[y]
		// 	}
		// 	for (x = excthetacount*EXCSLM; x < excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR; x = x + 1){
		// 		for y = 0,numSpikes-1 thetaMat.x[x][y] = ThetaSRexcprespiketrains[EXCrandSRtheta.x[x-(excthetacount*EXCSLM)]].x[y]
		// 	}
		// 	for (x = excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR; x < excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR + inhthetacount*OLMSLM; x = x + 1){
		// 		for y = 0,numSpikes-1 thetaMat.x[x][y] = ThetaSLMOLMprespiketrains[OLMrandSLMtheta.x[x-(excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR)]].x[y]
		// 	}
		// 	for (x = excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR + inhthetacount*OLMSLM; x < excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR + inhthetacount*OLMSLM + inhthetacount*NGFSLM; x = x + 1){
		// 		for y = 0,numSpikes-1 thetaMat.x[x][y] = ThetaSLMNGFprespiketrains[NGFrandSLMtheta.x[x-(excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR + inhthetacount*OLMSLM)]].x[y]
		// 	}
		// 	for (x = excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR + inhthetacount*OLMSLM + inhthetacount*NGFSLM; x < excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR + inhthetacount*OLMSLM + inhthetacount*NGFSLM + inhthetacount*IS2SLM; x = x + 1){
		// 		for y = 0,numSpikes-1 thetaMat.x[x][y] = ThetaSLMIS2prespiketrains[IS2randSLMtheta.x[x-(excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR + inhthetacount*OLMSLM + inhthetacount*NGFSLM)]].x[y]
		// 	}
		// 	for (x = excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR + inhthetacount*OLMSLM + inhthetacount*NGFSLM + inhthetacount*IS2SLM; x < excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR + inhthetacount*OLMSLM + inhthetacount*NGFSLM + inhthetacount*IS2SLM + inhthetacount*BISSR; x = x + 1){
		// 		for y = 0,numSpikes-1 thetaMat.x[x][y] = ThetaSRBISprespiketrains[BISrandSRtheta.x[x-(excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR + inhthetacount*OLMSLM + inhthetacount*NGFSLM + inhthetacount*IS2SLM)]].x[y]
		// 	}
		// 	for (x = excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR + inhthetacount*OLMSLM + inhthetacount*NGFSLM + inhthetacount*IS2SLM + inhthetacount*BISSR; x < excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR + inhthetacount*OLMSLM + inhthetacount*NGFSLM + inhthetacount*IS2SLM + inhthetacount*BISSR + inhthetacount*IS1SR; x = x + 1){
		// 		for y = 0,numSpikes-1 thetaMat.x[x][y] = ThetaSRIS1prespiketrains[IS1randSRtheta.x[x-(excthetacount*EXCSLM + excthetacount*EXCSR + inhthetacount*OLMSLM + inhthetacount*NGFSLM + inhthetacount*IS2SLM + inhthetacount*BISSR)]].x[y]
		// 	}
		// 	//Save Theta Spike Matrix
		// 	sprint(filename2,"ThetaSpikeTrains_%g_NumInh_%g_NumExc_%g_InhSpikes_%g_ExcSRSpikes_%g_ExcSLMSpikes_%g_NumExcCommon_%g_NumInhCommon_%g_ThetaMultiplier.dat",inhsyncount,excsyncount,inhsynspikes,excSRsynspikes,excSLMsynspikes,nexccommon,ninhcommon,inhthetacount/8)
		// 	frecThetaSpikeTrains = new File(filename2)
		// 	frecThetaSpikeTrains.wopen(filename2)
		// 	thetaMat.fprint(frecThetaSpikeTrains,"%f\t") // Spike times sampled from random distribution
		// 	frecThetaSpikeTrains.close()
		// }
		// Run Simulation and Record Vm Vector
		recV = new Vector()
		rs = new RandomStream(1) // Use same random seed for each run
		soma noise = new InGauss(0)
		noise.del = 0
		noise.dur = tstop
		noise.mean = 0
		noise.stdev = 0.01