 *                           IntegrationMethod_GPU.h                       *
 *                           -------------------                           *
 * copyright            : (C) 2013 by Francisco Naveros                    *
 * email                : fnaveros@atc.ugr.es                              *

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *


 * \file IntegrationMethod_GPU.h
 * \author Francisco Naveros
 * \date May 2013
 * This file declares a class which abstracts all integration methods in GPU (this class is stored
 * in CPU memory and controles the allocation and deleting of GPU auxiliar memory). All integration
 * methods in GPU are fixed step due to the parallel architecture of this one.

#include <string>
#include "../../include/integration_method/IntegrationMethod_GPU2.h"

using namespace std;

class TimeDrivenNeuronModel_GPU;

 * \class IntegrationMethod_GPU
 * \brief Integration method in CPU for GPU.
 * This class abstracts the initializacion in CPU of integration methods for GPU. This CPU class
 * controles the allocation and deleting of GPU auxiliar memory.
 * \author Francisco Naveros
 * \date May 2013
class IntegrationMethod_GPU {

		 * \brief This vector contains all the necesary GPU memory witch have been reserved in the CPU (this memory
		 * could be reserved directly in the GPU, but this suppose some restriction in the amount of memory witch can be reserved).
		void ** Buffer_GPU;

		 * \brief Number of state variables for each cell.
		int N_NeuronStateVariables;

		 * \brief Number of state variables witch are calculate with a differential equation for each cell.
		int N_DifferentialNeuronState;

		 * \brief Number of state variables witch are calculate with a time dependent equation for each cell.
		int N_TimeDependentNeuronState;

		 * \brief Integration method type.
		char * IntegrationMethodType;

		 * \brief Constructor of the class with 4 parameter.
		 * It generates a new IntegrationMethod_GPU object.
		 * \param integrationMethodType Integration method type.
		 * \param N_neuronStateVariables number of state variables for each cell.
		 * \param N_differentialNeuronState number of state variables witch are calculate with a differential equation for each cell.
		 * \param N_timeDependentNeuronState number of state variables witch ara calculate with a time dependent equation for each cell.
		IntegrationMethod_GPU(char * integrationMethodType, int N_neuronStateVariables, int N_differentialNeuronState, int N_timeDependentNeuronState);

		 * \brief Class destructor.
		 * It destroys an object of this class.
		virtual ~IntegrationMethod_GPU();

		 * \brief It gets the integration method type.
		 * It gets the integration method type.
		 * \return The integration method type.
		char * GetType();

		 * \brief This method reserves all the necesary GPU memory (this memory could be reserved directly in the GPU, but this 
		 * suppose some restriction in the amount of memory witch can be reserved).
		 * This method reserves all the necesary GPU memory (this memory could be reserved directly in the GPU, but this 
		 * suppose some restriction in the amount of memory witch can be reserved).
		 * \param N_neurons Number of neurons.
		 * \param Total_N_thread Number of thread in GPU.
		virtual void InitializeMemoryGPU(int N_neurons, int Total_N_thread)=0;

		 * \brief It prints the integration method info.
		 * It prints the current integration method characteristics.
		 * \param out The stream where it prints the information.
		 * \return The stream after the printer.
		ostream & PrintInfo(ostream & out);