 *                           LoadIntegrationMethod_GPU.h                   *
 *                           -------------------                           *
 * copyright            : (C) 2013 by Francisco Naveros                    *
 * email                : fnaveros@atc.ugr.es                              *

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *


 * \file LoadIntegrationMethod_GPU.h
 * \author Francisco Naveros
 * \date November 2012
 * This file declares a class which load all integration methods in GPU.

#include <string>
//using namespace std;

#include "./IntegrationMethod_GPU2.h"
#include "./Euler_GPU2.h"
#include "./RK2_GPU2.h"
#include "./RK4_GPU2.h"
#include "./BDFn_GPU2.h"

class TimeDrivenNeuronModel_GPU2;

 * \class LoadIntegrationMethod_GPU2
 * \brief Load Integration methods in GPU
 * \author Francisco Naveros
 * \date May 2013
class LoadIntegrationMethod_GPU2 {


		__device__ static int cmp4(char const* c1, char const* c2, int size){
			for(int j=0; j<size; j++){
				if((int)c1[j] > (int)c2[j]){
					return 1;
				}else if((int)c1[j] < (int)c2[j]){
					return -1;
			return 0;

		__device__ static int atoiGPU(char const* data, int position){
			return (((int)data[position])-48);

		__device__ static IntegrationMethod_GPU2 * loadIntegrationMethod_GPU2(TimeDrivenNeuronModel_GPU2* NewModel, char const* integrationName, int N_NeuronStateVariables, int N_DifferentialNeuronState, int N_TimeDependentNeuronState, void ** Buffer_GPU){
			IntegrationMethod_GPU2 * Method;
			if(cmp4(integrationName, "Euler", 5)==0){
				Method=(Euler_GPU2 *) new Euler_GPU2(NewModel, N_NeuronStateVariables, N_DifferentialNeuronState, N_TimeDependentNeuronState, Buffer_GPU);
			}else if(cmp4(integrationName, "RK2", 3)==0){
				Method=(RK2_GPU2 *) new RK2_GPU2(NewModel, N_NeuronStateVariables, N_DifferentialNeuronState, N_TimeDependentNeuronState,Buffer_GPU);
			}else if(cmp4(integrationName, "RK4", 3)==0){
				Method=(RK4_GPU2 *) new RK4_GPU2(NewModel, N_NeuronStateVariables, N_DifferentialNeuronState, N_TimeDependentNeuronState,Buffer_GPU);
			}else if(cmp4(integrationName, "BDF", 3)==0 && atoiGPU(integrationName,3)>0 && atoiGPU(integrationName,3)<7){
				Method=(BDFn_GPU2 *) new BDFn_GPU2(NewModel, N_NeuronStateVariables, N_DifferentialNeuronState, N_TimeDependentNeuronState, Buffer_GPU, atoiGPU(integrationName,3));
				printf("There was an error loading the integration methods of the GPU.\n");

			return Method;

