 *                           LIFTimeDrivenModel_1_4.h                      *
 *                           -------------------                           *
 * copyright            : (C) 2013 by Jesus Garrido and Francisco Naveros  *
 * email                : jgarrido@atc.ugr.es, fnaveros@atc.ugr.es         *

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *


 * \file LIFTimeDrivenModel.h
 * \author Jesus Garrido
 * \author Francisco Naveros
 * \date May 2013
 * This file declares a class which abstracts a Leaky Integrate-And-Fire neuron model with one 
 * differential equation and four time dependent equations (conductances).

#include "./TimeDrivenNeuronModel.h"

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class InputSpike;
class VectorNeuronState;
class Interconnection;

 * \class LIFTimeDrivenModel_1_4
 * \brief Leaky Integrate-And-Fire Time-Driven neuron model with a membrane potential and
 * four conductances.
 * This class abstracts the behavior of a neuron in a time-driven spiking neural network.
 * It includes internal model functions which define the behavior of the model
 * (initialization, update of the state, synapses effect, next firing prediction...).
 * This is only a virtual function (an interface) which defines the functions of the
 * inherited classes.
 * \author Jesus Garrido
 * \author Francisco Naveros
 * \date May 2013
class LIFTimeDrivenModel_1_4 : public TimeDrivenNeuronModel {

		 * \brief Excitatory reversal potential
		float eexc;

		 * \brief Inhibitory reversal potential
		float einh;

		 * \brief Resting potential
		float erest;

		 * \brief Firing threshold
		float vthr;

		 * \brief Membrane capacitance
		float cm;

		 * \brief AMPA receptor time constant
		float tampa;

		 * \brief NMDA receptor time constant
		float tnmda;
		 * \brief GABA receptor time constant
		float tinh;

		 * \brief Gap Junction time constant
		float tgj;

		 * \brief Refractory period
		float tref;

		 * \brief Resting conductance
		float grest;

		 * \brief Gap junction factor
		float fgj;

		 * \brief It loads the neuron model description.
		 * It loads the neuron type description from the file .cfg.
		 * \param ConfigFile Name of the neuron description file (*.cfg).
		 * \throw EDLUTFileException If something wrong has happened in the file load.
		void LoadNeuronModel(string ConfigFile) throw (EDLUTFileException);

		 * \brief It abstracts the effect of an input spike in the cell.
		 * It abstracts the effect of an input spike in the cell.
		 * \param index The cell index inside the VectorNeuronState.
		 * \param State Cell current state.
		 * \param InputConnection Input connection from which the input spike has got the cell.
		void SynapsisEffect(int index, Interconnection * InputConnection);


		 * \brief Number of state variables for each cell.
		static const int N_NeuronStateVariables=5;

		 * \brief Number of state variables witch are calculate with a differential equation for each cell.
		static const int N_DifferentialNeuronState=1;

		 * \brief Number of state variables witch are calculate with a time dependent equation for each cell.
		static const int N_TimeDependentNeuronState=4;

		 * \brief Default constructor with parameters.
		 * It generates a new neuron model object without being initialized.
		 * \param NeuronTypeID Neuron model identificator.
		 * \param NeuronModelID Neuron model configuration file.
		LIFTimeDrivenModel_1_4(string NeuronTypeID, string NeuronModelID);

		 * \brief Class destructor.
		 * It destroys an object of this class.
		virtual ~LIFTimeDrivenModel_1_4();

		 * \brief It loads the neuron model description and tables (if necessary).
		 * It loads the neuron model description and tables (if necessary).
		 * \throw EDLUTFileException If something wrong has happened in the file load.
		virtual void LoadNeuronModel() throw (EDLUTFileException);

		 * \brief It return the Neuron Model VectorNeuronState 
		 * It return the Neuron Model VectorNeuronState 
		virtual VectorNeuronState * InitializeState();

		 * \brief It processes a propagated spike (input spike in the cell).
		 * It processes a propagated spike (input spike in the cell).
		 * \note This function doesn't generate the next propagated spike. It must be externally done.
		 * \param inter the interconection which propagate the spike
		 * \param target the neuron which receives the spike
		 * \param time the time of the spike.
		 * \return A new internal spike if someone is predicted. 0 if none is predicted.
		virtual InternalSpike * ProcessInputSpike(Interconnection * inter, Neuron * target, double time);

		 * \brief Update the neuron state variables.
		 * It updates the neuron state variables.
		 * \param index The cell index inside the VectorNeuronState. if index=-1, updating all cell.
		 * \param The current neuron state.
		 * \param CurrentTime Current time.
		 * \return True if an output spike have been fired. False in other case.
		virtual bool UpdateState(int index, VectorNeuronState * State, double CurrentTime);

		 * \brief It prints the time-driven model info.
		 * It prints the current time-driven model characteristics.
		 * \param out The stream where it prints the information.
		 * \return The stream after the printer.
		virtual ostream & PrintInfo(ostream & out);

		 * \brief It initialice VectorNeuronState.
		 * It initialice VectorNeuronState.
		 * \param N_neurons cell number inside the VectorNeuronState.
		virtual void InitializeStates(int N_neurons, int OpenMPQueueIndex);

		 * \brief It evaluates the differential equation in NeuronState and it stores the results in AuxNeuronState.
		 * It evaluates the differential equation in NeuronState and it stores the results in AuxNeuronState.
		 * \param NeuronState value of the neuron state variables where differential equations are evaluated.
		 * \param AuxNeuronState results of the differential equations evaluation.
		virtual void EvaluateDifferentialEcuation(float * NeuronState, float * AuxNeuronState);

		 * \brief It evaluates the time depedendent ecuation in NeuronState for elapsed_time and it stores the results in NeuronState.
		 * It evaluates the time depedendent ecuation in NeuronState for elapsed_time and it stores the results in NeuronState.
		 * \param NeuronState value of the neuron state variables where time dependent equations are evaluated.
		 * \param elapsed_time integration time step.
		virtual void EvaluateTimeDependentEcuation(float * NeuronState, float elapsed_time);

		 * \brief It Checks if the neuron model has this connection type.
		 * It Checks if the neuron model has this connection type.
		 * \param Type input connection type.
		 * \return A a valid connection type for this neuron model.
		virtual int CheckSynapseTypeNumber(int Type);


#endif /* LIFTIMEDRIVENMODEL_1_4_H_ */