 *                           VectorNeuronState_GPU.h                       *
 *                           -------------------                           *
 * copyright            : (C) 2012 by Jesus Garrido and Francisco Naveros  *
 * email                : jgarrido@atc.ugr.es, fnaveros@atc.ugr.es         *

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *


 * \file VectorNeuronState_GPU.h
 * \author Jesus Garrido
 * \author Francisco Naveros
 * \date February 2012
 * This file declares a class which abstracts the current state of a cell vector in a GPU.
 * It also difines auxiliar vector to comunicate CPU and GPU.
 * \note: This class is a modification of previous NeuronState_GPU class. In this new class,
 * it is generated a only object for a neuron model cell vector instead of a object for
 * each cell.

 * \class VectorNeuronState
 * \brief Spiking neuron current state.
 * This class abstracts the state of a cell vector and defines the state variables of
 * that cell vector in a GPU. It is only for time-driven methods.
 * \author Francisco Naveros
 * \date February 2012

#include "./VectorNeuronState.h"
//Library for CUDA
#include <helper_cuda.h>

class VectorNeuronState_GPU: public VectorNeuronState {


		 * \brief Auxiliary conductance incremental vector in CPU
		float * AuxStateCPU;
		 * \brief Auxiliary conductance incremental vector in GPU
		float * AuxStateGPU;

	   	 * \brief Neuron state variables for all neuron model cell vector in GPU.
		float * VectorNeuronStates_GPU;

	   	 * \brief Last update time for all neuron model cell vector in GPU.
		double * LastUpdateGPU;
		 * \brief Time since last spike fired for all neuron model cell vector in GPU.
		double * LastSpikeTimeGPU;

		 * \brief Time-driven methods in GPU use this vector to indicate which neurons have to
		 * generate a internal spike after a update event.
		bool * InternalSpikeGPU;
		 * \brief Time-driven methods in GPU use this vector to indicate which neurons have to
		 * generate a internal spike after a update event.
		bool * InternalSpikeCPU;

		 * \brief GPU properties
		cudaDeviceProp prop;

		 * \brief Default constructor with parameters.
		 * It generates a new state of a cell vector.
		 * \param NumVariables Number of the state variables this model needs.
		VectorNeuronState_GPU(unsigned int NumVariables);

		 * \brief Class destructor.
		 * It destroys an object of this class.

		 * \brief It initialice all vectors with size size and copy initialization inside VectorNeuronStates
		 * for each cell.
		 * It initialice all vectors with size size and copy initialization inside VectorNeuronStates
		 * for each cell.
		 * \param N_Neurons number of neuron in the model.
		 * \param initialization initial state for each cell.
		 * \param N_AuxNeuronStates number of AuxNeuronState for each neuron (number of parameters which have 
		 * to be transferred between CPU and GPU for each neuron).
		void InitializeStatesGPU(int N_Neurons, float * initialization, int N_AuxNeuronStates, cudaDeviceProp NewProp);

		 * \brief It gets the InternalSpike vector.
		 * It gets the InternalSpike vector.
		 * \return The InternalSpike vector
		virtual bool * getInternalSpike();
