* StepByStep.cpp *
* ------------------- *
* copyright : (C) 2010 by Jesus Garrido *
* email : jgarrido@atc.ugr.es *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h> // TODO: maybe remove this
#include <iostream>
#include "../include/simulation/Simulation.h"
#include "../include/communication/ArrayInputSpikeDriver.h"
#include "../include/communication/ArrayOutputSpikeDriver.h"
#include "../include/communication/FileOutputSpikeDriver.h"
#include "../include/communication/FileOutputWeightDriver.h"
#include "../include/spike/EDLUTFileException.h"
#include "../include/spike/EDLUTException.h"
using namespace std;
* \note This software is only an example of how to run step-by-step simulations.
* This simulation runs with a 10-ms step and generates 10 random spikes each step
* in input cells.
int main(int ac, char *av[]) {
int result = 0;
clock_t startt, endt;
const char * NetworkFile = "NET_EDLUT_wght_end_1_0.20_0.01_clsdlp.dat";
const char * WeightsFile = "WGH_EDLUT_wght_end_1_0.20_0.01.dat";
const char * LogFile = "LogActivity.dat";
const char * FinalWeightFile = "FinalWeights.dat";
bool SaveFinalWeights = true; // True -> Save weight at the end of the simulation. False -> Do not save weights at the end.
float SavingWeightPeriod = 0; // Time period between sucessive saving of the weights. 0 -> Not save periodically.
double SimulationTime = 1;
double StepTime = 0.10;
const int NumberInputCells = 42;
// Create the new simulation object (and load the network and weight definition file)
Simulation * Simul = new Simulation(NetworkFile,WeightsFile, SimulationTime);
// Create a new input object to add input spikes
ArrayInputSpikeDriver * InputDriver = new ArrayInputSpikeDriver();
// Create a new output object to get output spikes
ArrayOutputSpikeDriver * OutputDriver = new ArrayOutputSpikeDriver();
// Create a new monitor driver object to record the network activity
FileOutputSpikeDriver * MonitorDriver = new FileOutputSpikeDriver (LogFile,false);
// Create a new weight driver object to record the weights
FileOutputWeightDriver * WeightDriver = new FileOutputWeightDriver(FinalWeightFile);
if (SavingWeightPeriod>0){
// Get the external initial inputs (none in this simulation)
startt = clock(); // Simulate network and catch errors
double InputSpikeTimes [NumberInputCells];
long int InputSpikeCells [NumberInputCells];
double * OutputSpikeTimes;
long int * OutputSpikeCells;
// Simulate step by step.
for (double CurrentTime = 0; CurrentTime<SimulationTime; CurrentTime+=StepTime){
cout << "Simulation at time " << CurrentTime << endl;
// Generate input spikes (we generate one spike at random time for each input cell)
for (int i=0; i<NumberInputCells; ++i){
InputSpikeTimes[i] = rand()*StepTime/RAND_MAX+CurrentTime;
InputSpikeCells[i] = i;
// Load inputs
// Simulate until CurrentTime+StepTime
// Get outputs and print them
int OutputNumber = OutputDriver->GetBufferedSpikes(OutputSpikeTimes,OutputSpikeCells);
if (OutputNumber>0){
for (int i=0; i< OutputNumber; ++i){
cout << "Output spike at time " << OutputSpikeTimes[i] << " from cell " << OutputSpikeCells[i] << endl;
delete [] OutputSpikeTimes;
delete [] OutputSpikeCells;
endt = clock();
// Final weight saving.
cout << "Oky doky" << endl;
cout << "Elapsed time: " << (endt-startt)/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " sec" << endl;
for(int i=0; i<Simul.GetNumberOfQueues(); i++){
cout << "Thread "<<i<<"--> Number of updates: " << Simul.GetSimulationUpdates(i) << endl; /*asdfgf*/
cout << "Thread "<<i<<"--> Number of InternalSpike: " << Simul.GetTotalSpikeCounter(i) << endl; /*asdfgf*/
cout << "Thread "<<i<<"--> Number of Propagated Spikes and Events: " << Simul.GetTotalPropagateCounter(i)<<", "<< Simul.GetTotalPropagateEventCounter(i)<< endl; /*asdfgf*/
cout << "Thread "<<i<<"--> Mean number of spikes in heap: " << Simul.GetHeapAcumSize(i)/(float)Simul.GetSimulationUpdates(i) << endl; /*asdfgf*/
cout << "Thread "<<i<<"--> Updates per second: " << Simul.GetSimulationUpdates(i)/((endt-startt)/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC) << endl; /*asdfgf*/
cout << "Total InternalSpike: " << Simul.GetTotalSpikeCounter()<<endl;
cout << "Total Propagated Spikes and Events: " << Simul.GetTotalPropagateCounter()<<", "<< Simul.GetTotalPropagateEventCounter()<<endl;
// Closing simulation connections
delete Simul;
delete InputDriver;
delete OutputDriver;
delete MonitorDriver;
delete WeightDriver;
return result;