 *                       MatrixOperations.c							          *
 *                       ------------------ 	                              *
 * copyright            : (C) 2013 by Richard R. Carrillo and Niceto R. Luque *
 *						and Peter I. Corke								      * 	
 * email                : rcarrillo,nluque at ugr.es                          *

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *

 * \brief Simple vector/matrix maths library.
 * \note All vectors and matrices are passed by reference.
#include	<mex.h>
#include	"../../include/arm_robot_simulator/MatrixOperations.h"

 * Vector cross product.
 * @param r Return vector.
 * @param a Vector.
 * @param b Vector.
vect_cross (Vect *r, Vect *a, Vect *b)
	r->x = a->y*b->z - a->z*b->y;
	r->y = a->z*b->x - a->x*b->z;
	r->z = a->x*b->y - a->y*b->x;

 * Vector cross product.
 * @param a Vector.
 * @param b Vector.
 * @return Dot (inner) product.
vect_dot (Vect *a, Vect *b)
	return a->x * b->x + a->y * b->y + a->z * b->z;

 * Vector sum.
 * @param r Return sum vector.
 * @param a Vector.
 * @param b Vector.
 * @note Elementwise addition of two vectors.
vect_add (Vect *r, Vect *a, Vect *b)
	r->x = a->x + b->x;
	r->y = a->y + b->y;
	r->z = a->z + b->z;

 * Vector scalar product.
 * @param r Return scaled vector.
 * @param a Vector.
 * @param s Scalar.
 * @note Elementwise scaling of vector.
scal_mult (Vect *r, Vect *a, double s)
	r->x = s*a->x;
	r->y = s*a->y;
	r->z = s*a->z;

 * Matrix vector product.
 * @param r Return rotated vector.
 * @param m 3x3 rotation matrix.
 * @param v Vector.
rot_vect_mult (Vect *r, Rot *m, Vect *v)
	r->x = m->n.x*v->x + m->o.x*v->y + m->a.x*v->z;
	r->y = m->n.y*v->x + m->o.y*v->y + m->a.y*v->z;
	r->z = m->n.z*v->x + m->o.z*v->y + m->a.z*v->z;

 * Matrix transpose vector product.
 * @param r Return rotated vector.
 * @param m 3x3 rotation matrix.
 * @param v Vector.
 * @note Multiplies \p v by transpose of \p m.
rot_trans_vect_mult (Vect *r, Rot *m, Vect *v)
	r->x = m->n.x*v->x + m->n.y*v->y + m->n.z*v->z;
	r->y = m->o.x*v->x + m->o.y*v->y + m->o.z*v->z;
	r->z = m->a.x*v->x + m->a.y*v->y + m->a.z*v->z;

 * General matrix vector product.
 * @param r Return vector.
 * @param m 3x3 matrix.
 * @param v Vector.
 * @note Assumes matrix is organized in column major order.
mat_vect_mult (Vect *r, double *m, Vect *v)
	r->x = m[0]*v->x + m[3]*v->y + m[6]*v->z;
	r->y = m[1]*v->x + m[4]*v->y + m[7]*v->z;
	r->z = m[2]*v->x + m[5]*v->y + m[8]*v->z;

 * Print vector.
 * @param s Identification string, printed first.
 * @param v Vector
 * Vector is printed on a single line, preceded by the string \p s.
vect_print(char *s, Vect *v)
	mexPrintf("%10s: ", s);
	mexPrintf("%15.3f", v->x);
	mexPrintf("%15.3f", v->y);
	mexPrintf("%15.3f\n", v->z);

 * Print matrix.
 * @param s Identification string, printed first.
 * @param m Rotation matrix.
 * Vector is printed on a single line, preceded by the string \p s.
rot_print(char *s, Rot *m)
	mexPrintf("%s:\n", s);
	mexPrintf(" %15.3f%15.3f%15.3f\n", m->n.x, m->o.x, m->a.x);
	mexPrintf(" %15.3f%15.3f%15.3f\n", m->n.y, m->o.y, m->a.y);
	mexPrintf(" %15.3f%15.3f%15.3f\n", m->n.z, m->o.z, m->a.z);