Welcome to the EDLUT (Event-Driven Look-Up Table) project. =============================================================== EDLUT (Event-Driven Look-Up Table) is a computer application for simulating networks of spiking neurons. It was developed in the University of Granada. EDLUT uses event-driven simulation scheme and lookup tables to efficiently simulate medium or large spiking neural networks. This allows this application to simulate detailed biological neuron models and to interface with experimental setups (such as a robotic arm) in Real-time computing|real time. The primary home page for this software can be found at http://edlut.googlecode.com. EDLUTKernel is developed on Linux/x86 and Windows (with Cygwin) using the GNU Compiler Collection. Version 4.x of g++ is supported. On Windows platforms, we are working on a new GUI which allows you to generate networks, run simulations, show the simulation outputs, and more funcionalities. Platform notes: =============== For further information about the installation/compilation process, please, see the INSTALL file. Windows: ======== To compile EDLUT in Windows you may need Cygwin be installed with the develope tools (g++, make, socket libraries...). Linux: ====== To compile EDLUT in Linux you need the develope tools (g++, make, socket libraries...). Compiling the CVS version ========================= If you checked out the sources from CVS you need to have a complete and recent version of the GNU autotools to generate required files. Run: $ make Running simulations =================== This package of EDLUTKernel includes an executable file which allows to run spiking neural networks simulations. You can use network topologies, neural models, input files and other resources existing in the project home page. The different parameters for EDLUTKernel are the followings: * Obligatory parameters: -time Simulation_Time(in_seconds) It sets the total simulation time. -nf Network_File It sets the network description file. -wf Weights_File It sets the weights file. * Optional parameters: -info It shows the network information. -sf File_Name It saves the final weights in file File_Name. -wt Save_Weight_Step It sets the step time between weights saving. -st Step_Time(in_seconds) It sets the step time in simulation. -log File_Name It saves the activity register in file File_Name. -logp File_Name It saves all events register in file File_Name. -if Input_File It adds the Input_File file in the input sources of the simulation. -of Output_File It adds the Output_File file in the output targets of the simulation. -openmpQ number_of_OpenMP_queues It sets the number of OpenMP queues. -openmp number_of_OpenMP_threads It sets the number of OpenMP threads. -ic IPAddress:Port Server|Client It adds the connection as a server or a client in the specified direction in the input sources of the simulation. -oc IPAddress:Port Server|Client It adds the connection as a server or a client in the specified direction in the output targets of the simulation. -ioc IPAddress:Port Server|Client It adds the connection as a server or a client in the specified direction in the input sources and in the output targets. Additional Notes ================ The EDLUTKernel Library is still in a stage of heavy development. At this point in the project, the API is likely to change from version to version. Most changes to existing interfaces will be small and easy to adjust for, but there will occasionally be major changes to some areas. Please report any bugs by using the bug tracking system on the development home page. Suggestions for improvements are welcome. Jesús Garrido Alcázar <jgarrido@atc.ugr.es> Francisco Naveros Arrabal <fnaveros@atc.ugr.es>