 *                           Network.h                                     *
 *                           -------------------                           *
 * copyright            : (C) 2009 by Jesus Garrido, Richard Carrillo and  *
 *						: Francisco Naveros                                *
 * email                : jgarrido@atc.ugr.es, fnaveros@atc.ugr.es         *

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

#ifndef NETWORK_H_
#define NETWORK_H_

 * \file Network.h
 * \author Jesus Garrido
 * \author Richard Carrido
 * \author Francisco Naveros
 * \date August 2008
 * \note Modified on January 2011 in order to include time-driven simulation support.
 * New state variables (ntimedrivenneurons and timedrivenneurons)
 * \note Modified on January 2012 in order to include time-driven simulation support in GPU.
 * New state variables (timedrivenneurons, ntimedrivenneurons, ntimedrivenneurons_GPU and 
 * timedrivenneurons_GPU)
 * This file declares a class which abstracts a spiking neural network.

#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>

#include "./EDLUTFileException.h"

#include "../simulation/PrintableObject.h"

class Interconnection;
class NeuronModel;
class Neuron;
class LearningRule;
class EventQueue;

 * \class Network
 * \brief Spiking neural network
 * This class abstract the behaviour of a spiking neural network.
 * It is composed by interconnections, neurons, neuron types and weight changes.
 * \author Jesus Garrido
 * \author Richard Carrillo
 * \author Francisco Naveros
 * \date August 2008
class Network : public PrintableObject{
		 * \brief Network interconnections.
		Interconnection *inters;
   		 * \brief Number of interconnections.
   		long int ninters;
   		 * \brief Neuron types.
   		NeuronModel *** neutypes;
   		 * \brief Neuron types number.
   		int nneutypes;
   		 * \brief Neuron array.
   		Neuron *neurons;
   		 * \brief Number of neurons.
   		int nneurons;

		 * \brief Time-driven cell (model) array.
		Neuron **** timedrivenneurons;

   		 * \brief Number of time-driven neurons.
		int ** ntimedrivenneurons;

		 * \brief Time-driven cell (model) arrays in GPU.
		Neuron **** timedrivenneurons_GPU;

		 * \brief Number of time-driven neurons for every model in GPU.
		int ** ntimedrivenneurons_GPU;

   		 * \brief Learning rules.
   		LearningRule ** wchanges;
   		 * \brief Number of learning rules.
   		int nwchanges;
   		 * \brief Initial connection ordenation.
   		Interconnection ** wordination;

 		 * Number of OpenMP thread. 
		int NumberOfQueues;

 		 * Minimun propagation delay. Each propagation delay will be rounded to a multiple of this value. 
		double minpropagationdelay; 

 		 * Inverse of minpropagationdelay. 
		double invminpropagationdelay;

   		 * \brief It sorts the connections by the source neuron and the delay and add the output connections
   		 * It sorts the connections by the source neuron (from the lowest to the highest index) and by the connection
   		 * delay. It adds the connections to the output connections of the source neuron.
   		 * \post The connections will be sorted by source neuron and delay.
   		void FindOutConnections();

		//void FindOutConnections(int N_LearningRule, int * typeLearningRule);
   		 * \brief It adds the input connection to the target neuron.
   		 * It adds the connections to the input connections of the target neuron.
   		void FindInConnections();

		//void FindInConnections(int N_LearningRule, int * typeLearningRule);
   		 * \brief It sorts the connections by the connection index.
   		 * It sorts the connections by the connection index. This ordination
   		 * is the ordenation needed for the weight load. The ordination will be
   		 * in wordination field.
   		void SetWeightOrdination();
  		 * \brief It prints information about load tables.
  		 * It prints information about load tables.
  		void TablesInfo();
  		 * \brief It prints information about load types.
  		 * It prints information about load types.
  		void TypesInfo();  		
   		 * \brief It loads the neuron type characteristics.
   		 * It checks if the neuron type has been loaded, and in other case,
   		 * it loads the characteristics from the neuron type files.
   		 * \param ident_type Type of the neuron model. At this moment, only "SRMTimeDriven" and "TableBasedModel" are implemented.
   		 * \param neutype The name of the neuron type to load.
		 * \param ni Index of the neuron type
   		 * \return The loaded (or existing) neuron type.
   		 * \throw EDLUTException If the neuron model file hasn't been able to be correctly readed. 
   		NeuronModel ** LoadNetTypes(string ident_type, string neutype, int & ni) throw (EDLUTException);

  		 * \brief It Initialize all Vector Neuron State.
  		 * It Initialize all Vector Neuron State.
		 * \param N_neurons Neuron number for each neuron model.
		void InitializeStates(int ** N_neurons);

   		 * \brief It inits the spikes predictions of every neuron in the network.
   		 * It adds all the spike predictions in the network in the initial conditions.
   		 * \param Queue The event queue where the spikes will be added.
   		void InitNetPredictions(EventQueue * Queue);
   		 * \brief It loads the network configuration from a file.
   		 * It loads a new network from a file.
   		 * \param netfile The file name of the network configuration file.
   		 * \throw EDLUTFileException If the network configuration file hasn't been able to be correctly readed.
   		void LoadNet(const char *netfile) throw (EDLUTException);
   		 * \brief It loads the connection synaptic weights from a file.
   		 * It loads the connection synaptic weights from a file.
   		 * \param wfile The file name of the weights file.
   		 * \pre The network connections are sorted by the index in the field wordenation.
   		 * \see SetWeightOrdenation()
   		 * \throw EDLUTFileException If the weights file hasn't been able to be correctly readed.
   		void LoadWeights(const char *wfile) throw (EDLUTFileException);
   		 * \brief It creates a new network object by loading the configuration and the
   		 * weights from files.
   		 * It creates a new network object. The network is loaded from the configuration file,
   		 * and the weights are loaded from his file. Finally, it initializes the event queue
   		 * with the initial spikes.
   		 * \param netfile The network configuration file name.
   		 * \param wfile The weight file name.
   		 * \param Queue The event queue where the events will be inserted.
   		 * \throw EDLUTException If some error has happened.
   		Network(const char * netfile, const char * wfile, EventQueue * Queue, int numberOfQueues) throw (EDLUTException);
   		 * \brief Default destructor.
   		 * It destroies a network object and frees the memory.
   		 * \brief It gets a neuron by the index.
   		 * It returns a neuron from the index.
   		 * \param index The index of the neuron to get.
   		 * \return The neuron whose index is the parameter.
   		Neuron * GetNeuronAt(int index) const;
   		 * \brief It gets the number of neurons in the network.
   		 * It gets the number of neurons in the network.
   		 * \return The number of neurons.
   		int GetNeuronNumber() const;

   		 * \brief It gets a time-driven neuron by the index0 and index1.
   		 * It returns a time-driven neuron from array index0 and position index1.
   		 * \param index0 The array of the time-driven neuron to use.
		 * \param index1 The index of the time-driven neuron to get.
   		 * \return The time-driven neuron whose index is the parameter index1 in array index0.
		Neuron ** GetTimeDrivenNeuronAt(int index0, int index1) const;

   		 * \brief It gets a time-driven neuron by the index0 and index1.
   		 * It returns a time-driven neuron from array index0 and position index1.
   		 * \param index0 The array of the time-driven neuron to use.
		 * \param index1 The index of the time-driven neuron to get.
   		 * \return The time-driven neuron whose index is the parameter index1 in array index0.
		Neuron * GetTimeDrivenNeuronAt(int index0, int index1, int index2) const;

   		 * \brief It gets a time-driven neuron in GPU by the index0 and index1.
   		 * It returns a time-driven neuron in GPU from array index0 and position index1.
   		 * \param index0 The array of the time-driven neuron to use.
		 * \param index1 The index of the time-driven neuron to get.
   		 * \return The time-driven neuron whose index is the parameter index1 in array index0.
		Neuron ** GetTimeDrivenNeuronGPUAt(int index0, int index1) const;

		Neuron * GetTimeDrivenNeuronGPUAt(int index0, int index1, int index2) const;

		 * \brief It gets the numbers of time-driven neurons for every model in the network.
		 * It gets the numbers of time-driven neurons for every model in the network
		 * \return the numbers of time-driven neurons for every model in the network
		int ** GetTimeDrivenNeuronNumber() const;

		 * \brief It gets the numbers of time-driven neurons in GPU for every model in the network.
		 * It gets the numbers of time-driven neurons in GPU for every model in the network
		 * \return the numbers of time-driven neurons in GPU for every model in the network
		int ** GetTimeDrivenNeuronNumberGPU() const;

		 * \brief It gets the number of neuron model in the network.
		 * It gets the number of neuron model in the network.
		 * \return The number of neuron model.
		int GetNneutypes() const;

		 * \brief It gets a neuron model by the index.
		 * It returns a neuron model from the index.
		 * \param index The index of the neuron model to get.
		 * \return The neuron model whose index is the parameter.
		NeuronModel ** GetNeuronModelAt(int index) const;

		 * \brief It gets a neuron model by the index.
		 * It returns a neuron model from the index.
		 * \param index The index of the neuron model to get.
		 * \return The neuron model whose index is the parameter.
		NeuronModel * GetNeuronModelAt(int index1, int index2) const;

		 * \brief It gets a learning rule by the index.
		 * It returns a learning rule from the index.
		 * \param index The index of the learning rule to get.
		 * \return The rule whose index is the parameter.
		LearningRule * GetLearningRuleAt(int index) const;

		 * \brief It gets the number of learning rules in the network.
		 * It gets the number of learning rules in the network.
		 * \return The number of learning rules.
		int GetLearningRuleNumber() const;

   		 * \brief It saves the weights in a file.
   		 * It saves the network weights in a file.
   		 * \param wfile The file name where we save the weights.
   		 * \throw EDLUTException If some error happends.
   		void SaveWeights(const char *wfile) throw (EDLUTException);
   		 * \brief It prints the network info.
   		 * It prints the current network characteristics (number of neurons, types, connections...).
   		 * \param out The stream where it prints the information.
   		 * \return The stream after the printer.
   		virtual ostream & PrintInfo(ostream & out);

		 * \brief It gets the number of OpenMP thread.
		 * It gets the number of OpenMP thread.
		 * \return The number of OpenMP thread.
		int GetNumberOfQueues();
		 * \brief It calculate the minimun propagation delay between neurons of different OpenMP queues. This time is the maximun value that can be used in the synchronization between OpenMP queues.
		 * It calculate the minimun propagation delay between neurons of different OpenMP queues.
		 * \return The minimun propagation delay between neurons of different OpenMP queues.
		double GetMinInterpropagationTime();

		 * \brief It rounds the propagation delay to a value multiple of "minpropagationdelay".
		 * It rounds the propagation delay to a value multiple of "minpropagationdelay".
		  * \param time propagation delay.
		 * \return A propagation delay multiple of "minpropagationdelay".
		double RoundPropagationDelay(double time);

 * \brief It sorts two connections by the source neuron and the delay.
 * This functions sorts two connections by the source neuron and the delay.
 * \param e1 The firs connection.
 * \param e2 The second connection.
 * \return 0 if the two connections have the same index of the source neuron and the same delay. <0 if
 * the second connection have a higher index of the source neuron or the same index and lower delay.
 * >0 if the first connection have a higher index of the source neuron or the same index and lower delay.
int qsort_inters(const void *e1, const void *e2);

#endif /*NETWORK_H_*/