netParams is an object containing a set of network parameters using a standardized structure
simConfig is an object containing a set of simulation configurations using a standardized structure
from netpyne import specs
netParams = specs.NetParams() # object to store sets of network parameters
simConfig = specs.SimConfig() # object to store sets of simulation configurations
# Population parameters
netParams.popParams['PYR'] = {'cellModel': 'Izhi2007b', 'cellType': 'PYR', 'numCells': 500} # add dict with params for this pop
netParams.popParams['background'] = {'cellModel': 'NetStim', 'rate': 10, 'noise': 0.5, 'source': 'random'} # background inputs
# PYR cell properties
netParams.importCellParams(label='PYR_rule', conds= {'cellType': 'PYR', 'cellModel': 'Izhi2007b'},
fileName='izhi2007Wrapper.py', cellName='IzhiCell', cellArgs={'type':'RS'})
# Synaptic mechanism parameters
netParams.synMechParams['exc'] = {'mod': 'ExpSyn', 'tau': 0.1, 'e': 0}
# Connectivity parameters
netParams.connParams['PYR->PYR'] = {
'preConds': {'popLabel': 'PYR'}, 'postConds': {'popLabel': 'PYR'},
'weight': 0.0005, # weight of each connection
'delay': '0.2+gauss(13.0, 1.4)', # delay function (min=0.2, mean=13, var=1.4)
'threshold': 10, # threshold
'convergence': 'uniform(0, 10)'} # convergence function (num of presyn conns per postsyn)
netParams.connParams['bg->PYR'] = {
'preConds': {'popLabel': 'background'}, 'postConds': {'cellType': 'PYR'}, # background -> PYR
'weight': 0.5,
'synMech': 'exc',
'delay': 5}
# Simulation parameters
simConfig.duration = 5*1e3 # Duration of the simulation, in ms
simConfig.dt = 0.025 # Internal integration timestep to use
simConfig.verbose = False # show detailed messages
simConfig.timing = True # record timing
simConfig.cache_efficient = True # use CVode cache_efficient option to optimize load when running on many cores
# Recording
simConfig.recordStim = False # record spikes of cell stims
simConfig.recordStep = 0.1 # Step size in ms to save data (eg. V traces, LFP, etc)
# Saving
simConfig.filename = 'IzhiNet' # Set file output name
simConfig.saveFileStep = 1000 # step size in ms to save data to disk
simConfig.savePickle = False # Whether or not to write spikes etc. to a .mat file
simConfig.saveJson = False # Whether or not to write spikes etc. to a .mat file
simConfig.saveMat = False # Whether or not to write spikes etc. to a .mat file
# Analysis and plotting
simConfig.analysis['plotRaster'] = True # Whether or not to plot a raster