M1 paper Figure 3
Contributors: salvadordura@gmail.com
from shared import *
from netpyne import analysis
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
def fig_move():
''' Figure movement activity:
- raster plot of 1-7 sec
- traces 1-7 sec (compare to exp?)
- stats (boxplot,line,scatter) comparing quite+move to exp'''
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Config
raster = 1
histogram = 0
traces = 0
traces_revision = 0
stats = 0 # boxplot of rates
fontsiz = 20
dataFolder = '../../data/'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Raster plot
if raster: # 2 sec N=1
batchLabel = 'v56_batch19'
simLabel = 'v56_batch19_0_0_0_0'
sim, data, out, root = loadSimData(dataFolder, batchLabel, simLabel)
timeRange = [4000, 10000] #[2000, 4000]
include = allpops
orderBy = ['pop', 'y']
#filename = '%s%s_raster_%d_%d_%s.png'%(root, simLabel, timeRange[0], timeRange[1], orderBy)
from netpyne.analysis.spikes_legacy import plotRaster
fig1 = plotRaster(include=include, timeRange=timeRange, labels='overlay',
popRates=0, orderInverse=True, lw=0, markerSize=3.5, marker='.', popColors=popColors,
showFig=0, saveFig=0, figSize=(8.5*1.5, 7), orderBy=orderBy)#
ax = plt.gca()
[i.set_linewidth(0.5) for i in ax.spines.values()] # make border thinner
#plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', bottom='off', top='off', labelbottom='off', right='off', left='off', labelleft='off') #remove ticks
plt.xticks([5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000], ['5', '6', '7', '8', '9'], fontsize=fontsiz)
plt.yticks([0, 5000, 10000], [0, 5000, 10000], fontsize=fontsiz)
plt.ylabel('Neuron ID', fontsize=fontsiz) #Neurons (ordered by NCD within each pop)')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)', fontsize=fontsiz)
filename='%s%s_raster_%d_%d_%s_x1.5.png'%(root, simLabel, timeRange[0], timeRange[1], orderBy)
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=600)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Histogram
if histogram:
batchLabel = 'v56_batch19'
simLabel = 'v56_batch19_0_0_0_0'
sim, data, out, root = loadSimData(dataFolder, batchLabel, simLabel)
timeRange = [4000, 10000] #[2000, 4000]
binSize = 5
measure = 'count'
graphType = 'bar'
from netpyne.analysis.spikes_legacy import plotSpikeHist
fig_hist = plotSpikeHist(include=excpops, timeRange=timeRange, figSize=(8.5*1.5, 2.5),
popColors=popColors, legend=False, showFig=0, saveFig=0, linewidth=0.5, binSize=binSize, graphType=graphType,
axis=True, measure=measure, smooth=0, scalebarLoc='upper center')
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, top=1.0, right=0.9, left=0.15)
plt.xticks([4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000], ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'], fontsize=fontsiz)
filename='%s%s_spikehist_%d_%d_bin-%d_%s_%s.png'%(root, simLabel, timeRange[0], timeRange[1], binSize, measure, graphType)
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=600)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Traces plot
elif traces:
batchLabel = 'v56_batch19'
simLabel = 'v56_batch19_0_0_0_0'
include = [5734] #[5723] #[2900-2904; 5709-5728]
colors = [popColors[p] for p in ['PT5B']] #, 'CT6', 'S2', 'M2','PT5B', 'CT6', 'S2', 'M2' ]]
fig4 = sim.analysis.plotTraces(include=include, timeRange=timeRange, colors=colors,
overlay=True, oneFigPer='trace', rerun=False, ylim=[-85, 90], axis='off',
figSize=(15*1.5,2.5), saveData=None, saveFig=1, showFig=0) # 15,3.5
ax = plt.gca()
plt.savefig('%s%s_traces_%d_%d_PT-%d_x1.5.png' % (root, simLabel, timeRange[0], timeRange[1], include[0]), dpi=200)
elif traces_revision:
# to plot all cells recorded
batchLabel = 'v56_batch23'
simLabel = 'v56_batch23_merged'
sim, data, out, root = loadSimData(dataFolder, batchLabel, simLabel)
sim.cfg.recordTraces = {'V_soma': {}}
fontsiz = 20
timeRange = [4000, 10000]
# plot all cells recorded
# include = list(range(10073))
# timeRange = [4000, 10000]
# recordStep = 0.1
# t = np.arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1]+recordStep, recordStep)
# for gid in include:
# fullTrace = sim.allSimData['V_soma']['cell_'+str(gid)]
# vtrace = np.array(fullTrace[int(timeRange[0]/recordStep):int(timeRange[1]/recordStep)])
# plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
# plt.plot(t[:len(vtrace)], vtrace, linewidth=1, color='black')
# plt.ylim(-100,40)
# plt.xlabel('time (ms)')
# plt.ylabel('mV')
# plt.savefig('%s/V_traces/v56_batch23_V_soma_time_%d_%d_cell_%d' % (root, timeRange[0], timeRange[1], gid))
# plot subset of cells with the correct format
from netpyne.support.scalebar import add_scalebar
def addScaleBar(timeRange=timeRange, loc=1):
ax = plt.gca()
sizex = (timeRange[1]-timeRange[0])/20.0
#yl = plt.ylim()
#plt.ylim(yl[0]-0.2*(yl[1]-yl[0]), yl[1])
add_scalebar(ax, hidex=False, hidey=True, matchx=False, matchy=True, sizex=sizex, sizey=None, unitsx='ms', unitsy='mV', scalex=1, scaley=1, loc=loc, pad=-1, borderpad=0.5, sep=4, prop=None, barcolor="black", barwidth=3)
# PT cells for move
goodCells = [6134]
timeRange = [4000, 10000]
recordStep = 0.1
t = np.arange(timeRange[0], timeRange[1]+recordStep, recordStep)
for gid in goodCells:
fullTrace = sim.allSimData['V_soma']['cell_'+str(gid)]
vtrace = np.array(fullTrace[int(timeRange[0]/recordStep):int(timeRange[1]/recordStep)])
plt.figure(figsize=(15*1.5, 2.5))
plt.plot(t[:len(vtrace)], vtrace, linewidth=1, color='blue')
baseline = min(vtrace)
plt.ylim(baseline, baseline+60) #TRUNCATE AT 60mV above baseline!
ax = plt.gca()
#ax.get_legend().remove() #['IT5A', 'PT5B'],fontsize=fontsiz, loc=2, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1))
plt.savefig('%s/V_traces/%s_V_soma_cell_%d_%d_%d_x1.5.png' % (root, simLabel, gid, timeRange[0], timeRange[1]), dpi=200)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# stats plots (boxplot, line plot, scatter)
elif stats: # 50 sec N=1
timeRangeQuiet = [1000, 5000]
timeRangeMove = [5000, 9000]
include = ['IT2', 'IT5B', 'PT5B', ['IT5B','PT5B']]
xlim = [0, 40] #[0,70] # ok to cut off max and flyers (Bill19)
labelsModel = ['IT2', 'IT5B', 'PT5B', 'L5B', 'L5Benh', 'L5Bsupp']
multipleTrials = True
loadAll = 1
# single trial
if not multipleTrials:
batchLabel = 'v56_batch19'
simLabel = 'v56_batch19_0_0_0_0'
sim, data, out, root = loadSimData(dataFolder, batchLabel, simLabel)
# fix
fig1, modelData = sim.analysis.plotSpikeStats(include=include, figSize=(8,4), timeRange=timeRangeMove, xlim=xlim,
stats = ['rate'], includeRate0=True, legendLabels=labelsModel, fontSize = fontsiz, popColors=popColors, showFig=0, dpi=300, saveFig=False)
statDataMove = modelData['statData']
# multiple trials
batchLabel = 'v56_batch19'
simLabel = ['v56_batch19_0_0_' + str(iseed) + '_' + str(iconn) for iseed in range(5) for iconn in range(5)]
root = dataFolder + batchLabel + '/'
# read data from sim files
if not loadAll:
# load data from all sim files
statDataAllMove = []
statDataAllQuiet = []
includeAll = []
popGids, popNumCells = loadPopGids(dataFolder, labelsModel)
for isim, simLab in enumerate(simLabel): # get data from each sim
filename = root + simLab + '.json'
print('Loading %s ... ' % (filename))
# recreate network
sim, data, out = utils.plotsFromFile(filename, raster=0, stats=0, rates=0, syncs=0, hist=0, psd=0, traces=0, grang=0, plotAll=0, popColors=popColors)
# calculate enhanced vs suppressed to include in stats
print('Classifying enhanced vs suppressed neurons ...')
spkts, spkids = sim.allSimData['spkt'], sim.allSimData['spkid']
L5Bgids = popGids['L5B']
L5Benh = []
L5Bsupp = []
calculateEnhSup = True
if calculateEnhSup:
for gid in L5Bgids:
#print(gid, end=', ')
_, spktcell, _ = analysis.utils.getSpktSpkid([gid], [timeRangeQuiet[0], timeRangeMove[1]], sim)
rateQuiet = len([s for s in spktcell if timeRangeQuiet[0] < s < timeRangeQuiet[1]]) \
* 1000 / (timeRangeQuiet[1] - timeRangeQuiet[0])
rateMove = len([s for s in spktcell if timeRangeMove[0] < s < timeRangeMove[1]]) \
* 1000 / (timeRangeMove[1] - timeRangeMove[0])
if rateMove > 1.05 * rateQuiet:
elif rateMove < 0.95 * rateQuiet:
popGids['L5Benh'] = tuple(L5Benh)
popGids['L5Bsupp'] = tuple(L5Bsupp)
includeAll[-1] = include + [popGids['L5Benh'], popGids['L5Bsupp']]
# # calculate stats for different pops/subpops for move period
# _, dataMove = sim.analysis.plotSpikeStats(include=include, graphType='none', includeRate0=1, timeRange=timeRangeMove, stats=['rate'], showFig=0, saveFig=0)
# statDataAllMove[isim] = dataMove['statData']
# dfspks, spkt, spkid =
# # calculate stats for different pops/subpops for quiet period
# _, dataQuiet = sim.analysis.plotSpikeStats(include=include, graphType='none', includeRate0=1, timeRange=timeRangeQuiet, stats=['rate'], showFig=0, saveFig=0)
# statDataAllQuiet[isim] = dataQuiet['statData']
for subset in labelsModel:
cellGids = popGids[subset]
dfSpksMove, _, _ = analysis.utils.getSpktSpkid(cellGids, timeRangeMove, sim) # get move spikes
dfSpksQuiet, _, _ = analysis.utils.getSpktSpkid(cellGids, timeRangeQuiet, sim) # get quiet spikes
dfRatesMove = dfSpksMove.groupby("spkid").count().div((timeRangeMove[1]-timeRangeMove[0])/1000.0)
dfRatesQuiet = dfSpksQuiet.groupby("spkid").count().div((timeRangeQuiet[1]-timeRangeQuiet[0])/1000.0)
# include cells with rate 0Hz so can compare quiet vs move
dfRatesMove = dfRatesMove.reindex(cellGids, fill_value=0.0)
dfRatesQuiet = dfRatesQuiet.reindex(cellGids, fill_value=0.0)
print(subset, len(dfRatesMove.spkt), len(dfRatesQuiet.spkt))
# save
statData = {'statDataAllMove': statDataAllMove, 'statDataAllQuiet': statDataAllQuiet, 'includeAll': includeAll}
with open(root+'%s_statDataAll_boxplot.json' % (simLabel[0][:-2]), 'w') as fileObj:
json.dump(statData, fileObj)
# load All data from combined data file
with open(root+'%s_statDataAll_boxplot.json'%(simLabel[0][:-2]), 'r') as fileObj:
statData = json.load(fileObj)
filename = root+simLabel[0]+'.json'
statDataAllMove = statData['statDataAllMove']
statDataAllQuiet = statData['statDataAllQuiet']
includeAll = statData['includeAll']
# combine data
minValueQuiet = 0.0
minValueMove = 0.0
print('\nminValueQuiet = %.2f Hz; minValueMove = %.2f Hz' % (minValueQuiet, minValueMove))
statDataMove = {}
statDataQuiet = {}
for ipop in range(len(statDataAllMove[0])):
statDataMove[ipop] = []
statDataQuiet[ipop] = []
for isim in range(len(simLabel)):
moveRates = statDataAllMove[isim][ipop]
quietRates = statDataAllQuiet[isim][ipop]
nonzeroDataQuiet, nonzeroDataMove = zip(*[(q,m) for (q,m) in zip(quietRates, moveRates) if q>=minValueQuiet and m>=minValueMove])
nonzeroDataQuiet, nonzeroDataMove = [0.0], [0.0]
# Combine model stats with experimental data stats
expData = {}
from scipy.io import loadmat
## Schi15
import schi15
dfSchi = schi15.readExcelFiringRatesAndMetada()
expData['Schi15_L5B_RS_baseline'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition == 'main' and code!='23'").quietFR) # main, quiet (medium VL, medium ih)
expData['Schi15_IT2_RS_baseline'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition=='main' and code=='23'").quietFR)
expData['Schi15_IT5B_RS_baseline'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition=='main' and cell_class=='IT'").quietFR)
expData['Schi15_PT5B_RS_baseline'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition=='main' and cell_class=='PT'").quietFR)
expData['Schi15_L5Benh_RS_baseline'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition == 'main' and type=='enh'").quietFR)
expData['Schi15_L5Bsupp_RS_baseline'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition == 'main' and type=='supp'").quietFR)
expData['Schi15_L5Benh5%_RS_baseline'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition == 'main' and moveFR>1.05*quietFR").quietFR)
expData['Schi15_L5Bsupp5%_RS_baseline'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition == 'main' and moveFR<0.95*quietFR").quietFR)
expData['Schi15_L5B_RS_move'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition == 'main' and code!='23'").moveFR) # main, move (high VL, low ih)
expData['Schi15_IT2_RS_move'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition=='main' and code=='23'").moveFR)
expData['Schi15_IT5B_RS_move'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition=='main' and cell_class=='IT'").moveFR)
expData['Schi15_PT5B_RS_move'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition=='main' and cell_class=='PT'").moveFR)
expData['Schi15_L5Benh_RS_move'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition == 'main' and type=='enh'").moveFR)
expData['Schi15_L5Bsupp_RS_move'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition == 'main' and type=='supp'").moveFR)
expData['Schi15_L5Benh_RS_move'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition == 'main' and type=='enh'").moveFR)
expData['Schi15_L5Bsupp_RS_move'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition == 'main' and type=='supp'").moveFR)
expData['Schi15_L5Benh5%_RS_move'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition == 'main' and moveFR>1.05*quietFR").moveFR)
expData['Schi15_L5Bsupp5%_RS_move'] = list(dfSchi.query("condition == 'main' and moveFR<0.95*quietFR").moveFR)
# combine model and experimental data
## statData[0] - IT2
## statData[2] - IT5A
## statData[3] - IT5B
## statData[4] - PT5B
conds = ['Quiet', 'Move']
sources = ['Model', 'Experiment']
titles = ['L2/3 IT', 'L5B IT', 'L5B PT', 'L5B', 'L5B enh', 'L5B supp']
modelInds = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
#expLabels = ['Schi15_IT2_RS', 'Schi15_IT5B_RS', 'Schi15_PT5B_RS', 'Schi15_L5B_RS', 'Schi15_L5Benh5%_RS', 'Schi15_L5Bsupp5%_RS']
expLabels = ['Schi15_IT2_RS', 'Schi15_IT5B_RS', 'Schi15_L5B_RS', 'Schi15_L5B_RS', 'Schi15_L5Benh5%_RS', 'Schi15_L5Bsupp5%_RS']
colors = [popColors['IT2'], popColors['IT5B'], popColors['PT5B'], '#800080', 'orange', 'purple']
# what to plot
boxplot = 0
lineplot = 1
barplot = 0
barplot_diff = 0
densityplot = 0
scatterplot = 0
stattests = 0
for title, modelInd, expLabel, color in zip(titles, modelInds, expLabels, colors):
statDataRows = [['Quiet', 'Model', statDataQuiet[modelInd]],
['Quiet', 'Experiment', expData[expLabel+'_baseline']],
['Move', 'Model', statDataMove[modelInd]],
['Move', 'Experiment', expData[expLabel+'_move']]]
statDataCols = ['cond', 'source', 'rates']
dfStats = pd.DataFrame(statDataRows, columns=statDataCols)
dfStats = utils.explode(dfStats, ['rates'])
quietExp = dfStats.query('cond=="Quiet" and source=="Experiment"').rates
quietModel = dfStats.query('cond=="Quiet" and source=="Model"').rates
moveExp = dfStats.query('cond=="Move" and source=="Experiment"').rates
moveModel = dfStats.query('cond=="Move" and source=="Model"').rates
quietExp, moveExp = zip(*[(q,m) for q,m in zip(quietExp, moveExp) if q>=0.0 and m>=0.0])
# ---------
# boxplot
if boxplot:
overlayLine = True
utils.stats_boxplot(dfStats=dfStats, x='cond', y='rates', hue='source', color=color,
overlayLine=overlayLine, quietExp=quietExp, moveExp=moveExp, quietModel=quietModel, moveModel=moveModel, figSize=(8,8), fontsize=fontsiz)
filename = root+batchLabel+'_boxplot_%s_%d_%d'%(title.replace(' ', '').replace('/', ''), timeRangeQuiet[0], timeRangeMove[1])
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300)
# ---------
# line plot with std
# Note: individual model line plots are taken from statDataAllQuiet and statDataAllMove, which contain all data points
# ie. filtering of >0.01 Hz has not been applied to these raw variables, so may not correspond to quietExp and moveExp
if lineplot:
if title == 'L5B PT':
utils.stats_lineplot(title, quietExp, moveExp, quietModel, moveModel, statDataAllQuiet, statDataAllMove, modelInd,
figSize=(6,4), fontsize=fontsiz+8, printOutput=True, linestyle=linestyle)
filename = root+batchLabel+'_lineplot_%s_%d_%d'%(title.replace(' ', '').replace('/', ''), timeRangeQuiet[0], timeRangeMove[1])
fontsiz = 40
plt.ylim(-1, 25)
plt.yticks([0, 10, 20], ['0', '10', '20'], fontsize=fontsiz)
plt.ylabel('', fontsize=fontsiz)
plt.tick_params(bottom = False)
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300)
# ---------
# bar plot with change in firing rate
if barplot:
utils.stats_barplot(title, quietExp, moveExp, quietModel, moveModel, statDataAllQuiet, statDataAllMove, modelInd, figSize=(8,8), fontsize=fontsiz, printOutput=False)
filename = root+batchLabel+'_barplot_%s_%d_%d'%(title.replace(' ', '').replace('/', ''), timeRangeQuiet[0], timeRangeMove[1])
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300)
# ---------
# bar plot with change in firing rate
if barplot_diff:
utils.stats_barplot_diff(quietExp, moveExp, quietModel, moveModel,figSize=(4,8), fontsize=fontsiz)
filename = root+batchLabel+'_barplot_diff_relative_%s_%d_%d'%(title.replace(' ', '').replace('/', ''), timeRangeQuiet[0], timeRangeMove[1])
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300)
# ---------
# 2d density plot (with gaussian KDE)
# https://python-graph-gallery.com/86-avoid-overlapping-in-scatterplot-with-2d-density/
if densityplot:
# model + exp
utils.stats_densityplot_combined(quietExp, moveExp, quietModel, moveModel, figSize=(8,8), fontsize=fontsiz)
filename = root + batchLabel + '_2Ddensity_%s_%d_%d' % (title.replace(' ', '').replace('/', ''), timeRangeQuiet[0], timeRangeMove[1])
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300)
# only exp
utils.stats_densityplot_single(quietExp, moveExp, figSize=(8,8), fontsize=fontsiz)
filename = root + batchLabel + '_2Ddensity_exp_%s_%d_%d' % (title.replace(' ', '').replace('/', ''), timeRangeQuiet[0], timeRangeMove[1])
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300)
# ---------
# scatter plot
if scatterplot:
utils.stats_scatterplot(quietExp, moveExp, quietModel, moveModel, figSize = (8,8), fontsize=fontsiz)
filename = root + batchLabel + '_scatterplot_%s_%d_%d' % (title.replace(' ', '').replace('/', ''), timeRangeQuiet[0], timeRangeMove[1])
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=300)
# -------------
# statistical tests
if stattests:
utils.stats_tests(title, quietExp, moveExp, quietModel, moveModel)
# Main code
if __name__ == '__main__':