M1 paper Figure 4
contributors: salvadordura@gmail.com
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import os, collections
import IPython as ipy
import pickle as pkl
import json
import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as ss
from netpyne import specs,sim
from shared import *
with open('../../sim/cells/popColors.pkl', 'rb') as fileObj: popColors = pkl.load(fileObj)['popColors']
def loadFile(filename, include):
if filename.endswith('.json'):
with open(filename, 'rb') as fileObj:
data = json.load(fileObj, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict)
elif filename.endswith('.pkl'):
with open(filename, 'rb') as fileObj:
data = pkl.load(fileObj)
cfg = specs.SimConfig(data['simConfig'])
cfg.createNEURONObj = False
sim.initialize() # create network object and set cfg and net params
sim.loadAll('', data=data, instantiate=False)
temp = collections.OrderedDict()
# order pops by keys in popColors
for k in include:
if k in sim.net.params.popParams:
temp[k] = sim.net.params.popParams.pop(k)
# add remaining pops at the end
for k in list(sim.net.params.popParams.keys()):
temp[k] = sim.net.params.popParams.pop(k)
sim.net.params.popParams = temp
print('Cells created: ',len(sim.net.allCells))
#import IPython; IPython.embed()
sim.cfg.createNEURONObj = False
sim.allSimData = data['simData']
######## MAIN CODE ########
if __name__ == '__main__':
filenames = ['../../data/v56_batch39/v56_batch39_0_0_0_0_data.pkl',
timeRanges = [[1000,5000], [5000, 9000]]
periodLabels = ['quiet', 'move']
freqRanges = [[0,4], [30,80]]
individualPlots = False
combinedPlots = True
allpops = ['IT2', 'SOM2','PV2','IT4','IT5A','SOM5A','PV5A','IT5B','PT5B','SOM5B','PV5B','IT6','CT6','SOM6','PV6']
excpops = ['IT2','IT4','IT5A','IT5B','PT5B','SOM5B','PV5B','IT6','CT6']
loadProcessedData = 1 #False
fontsiz = 16
for filename, periodLabel, timeRange, freqRange in zip(filenames, periodLabels, timeRanges, freqRanges):
if not loadProcessedData:
loadFile(filename, include=allpops)
allDataLFP = []
allDataPSD = []
if individualPlots:
# Overall
out = sim.plotting.plotLFPTimeSeries(
electrodes = [6], #['avg']+list(range(11)),
timeRange = timeRange,
figSize = (16,12),
rcParams = {'font.size': 20},
saveData = False,
saveFig = True,
fileName = filename[ :-4]+'_LFP_timeSeries_allpops_%d_%d.png'%(timeRange[0], timeRange[1]),
showFig = False)
out = sim.plotting.plotLFPPSD(
plots = ['PSD'],
electrodes = [6],
timeRange = timeRange,
minFreq = 0.05,
maxFreq = 80,
stepFreq = 0.05,
orderInverse = False,
figSize = (8,6),
rcParams = {'font.size': 20},
saveData = False,
saveFig = True,
fileName = filename[:-4]+'_LFP_PSD_allpops_%d_%d.png'%(timeRange[0], timeRange[1]),
showFig = False)
# By population
for pop in ['IT2','IT4','IT5A','IT5B','PT5B','SOM5B','PV5B','IT6','CT6']:
out = sim.plotting.plotLFPTimeSeries(
electrodes = [6], #['avg']+list(range(11)),
pop = pop,
timeRange = timeRange,
figSize = (16,12),
rcParams = {'font.size': 20},
saveData = False,
saveFig = True,
fileName = filename[ :-4]+'_LFP_timeSeries_%s_%d_%d.png'%(pop, timeRange[0], timeRange[1]),
showFig = False)
out = sim.plotting.plotLFPPSD(
plots = ['PSD'],
electrodes = [6],
pop = pop,
timeRange = timeRange,
minFreq = 0.05,
maxFreq = 80,
stepFreq = 0.05,
orderInverse = False,
figSize = (8,6),
rcParams = {'font.size': 20},
saveData = False,
saveFig = True,
fileName = filename[:-4]+'_LFP_PSD_%s_%d_%d.png'%(pop, timeRange[0], timeRange[1]),
showFig = False)
if combinedPlots:
# Overall
dataLFP = sim.analysis.prepareLFP(
electrodes = [6], #['avg']+list(range(11)),
timeRange = timeRange,
filtFreq = 200,
figSize = (16,12),
rcParams = {'font.size': 20},
saveData = False,
saveFig = True,
fileName = filename[ :-4]+'_LFP_timeSeries_allpops_%d_%d.png'%(timeRange[0], timeRange[1]),
showFig = False)
dataPSD = sim.analysis.preparePSD(
electrodes = [6],
timeRange = timeRange,
minFreq = 0.05,
maxFreq = 80,
stepFreq = 0.05,
orderInverse = False,
figSize = (8,6),
rcParams = {'font.size': 20},
saveData = False,
saveFig = True,
fileName = filename[:-4]+'_LFP_PSD_allpops_%d_%d.png'%(timeRange[0], timeRange[1]),
showFig = False)
# By population
for pop in allpops:
dataLFP = sim.analysis.prepareLFP(
electrodes = [6], #['avg']+list(range(11)),
pop = pop,
timeRange = timeRange,
filtFreq = 200,
figSize = (16,12),
rcParams = {'font.size': 20},
saveData = False,
saveFig = True,
fileName = filename[ :-4]+'_LFP_timeSeries_%s_%d_%d.png'%(pop, timeRange[0], timeRange[1]),
showFig = False)
dataPSD = sim.analysis.preparePSD(
plots = ['PSD'],
electrodes = [6],
pop = pop,
timeRange = timeRange,
minFreq = 0.05,
maxFreq = 80,
stepFreq = 0.05,
orderInverse = False,
figSize = (8,6),
rcParams = {'font.size': 20},
saveData = False,
saveFig = True,
fileName = filename[:-4]+'_LFP_PSD_%s_%d_%d.png'%(pop, timeRange[0], timeRange[1]),
showFig = False)
# save processed data to file
with open(filename[ :-4]+'_processed_data.pkl', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump([allDataLFP, allDataPSD] ,f)
# load processed data from file
with open(filename[ :-4]+'_processed_data.pkl', 'rb') as f:
[allDataLFP, allDataPSD] = pickle.load(f)
# calculate pops contributing most to psd
freqScale = 20
freqPeaks = [np.sum(x['psdSignal'][0][freqRange[0]*freqScale:freqRange[1]*freqScale]) for x in allDataPSD]
topPopIndices = np.argsort(freqPeaks)[::-1]
topPopIndices = topPopIndices[:5]
# plotting
popLabels = ['All']+allpops #allpops
popColors['All'] = 'black'
fs = 1000/0.025
for i in topPopIndices:
# combined PSD
# using netpyne PSD
dataNorm = allDataPSD[i]['psdSignal'][0] #/ np.max(allDataPSD[0]['psdSignal'][0])
f = allDataPSD[i]['psdFreqs'][0]
plt.plot(f, dataNorm*1000, label=popLabels[i], color=popColors[popLabels[i]], linewidth=2)
# log x and log y (for wavelet/netpyne PSD)
ax = plt.gca()
xstep = 20
xrange = np.arange(xstep, np.max(f)+1, xstep)
xticks = [1, 4, 8, 12, 30, 80]# [3, 9, 28, 80]
ax.set_xticklabels(['%.0f' % x for x in xticks])
ax = plt.gca()
plt.xlabel('Frequency (Hz)', fontsize=fontsiz)
plt.ylabel('LFP power ($\mu$V$^2$/Hz)', fontsize=fontsiz) #'PSD [V**2/Hz]'
plt.legend(fontsize=fontsiz, loc='upper left', bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1))
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, top=0.95 , left=0.1, right=0.82 )
plt.savefig(filename[:-4]+'_LFP_PSD_%s_combined_Welch.png' % (periodLabel), dpi=300)
plotEachLFP = 0
if plotEachLFP:
for i in topPopIndices:
# individual LFP timeseries
t = allDataLFP[i]['t']
plt.plot(t, -allDataLFP[i]['electrodes']['lfps'][0], color=popColors[popLabels[i]], linewidth=lw)
ax = plt.gca()
plt.xlabel('time (ms)', fontsize=fontsiz)
meanSignal = np.mean(-allDataLFP[i]['electrodes']['lfps'][0])
plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.0, top=0.9, left=0.1, right=0.9)
# calculate scalebar size and add scalebar
scaley = 1000.0 # values in mV but want to convert to uV
sizey = 100/scaley
labely = '%.3g $\mu$V'%(sizey*scaley)#)[1:]
add_scalebar(ax, hidey=True, matchy=False, hidex=True, matchx=True, sizex=None, sizey=-sizey, labely=labely, unitsy='$\mu$V', scaley=scaley,
unitsx='ms', loc='upper right', pad=0.5, borderpad=0.5, sep=3, prop=None, barcolor="black", barwidth=2)
plt.title('LFP 0-200 Hz', fontsize=fontsiz, fontweight='bold')
plt.savefig(filename[:-4]+'_LFP_timeSignal_%s_%s.png' % (popLabels[i], periodLabel),dpi=300)