General functions to analyse simulation data
Contributors: salvadordura@gmail.com
import json
import pickle
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
from itertools import product
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sb
from scipy import stats
from pprint import pprint
from collections import OrderedDict
except NameError:
basestring = str
from netpyne import specs
def toPandas(params, data):
if 'simData' in data[data.keys()[0]]:
rows = [list(d['paramValues'])+[s for s in d['simData'].values()] for d in data.values()]
cols = [str(d['label']) for d in params]+[s for s in data[data.keys()[0]]['simData'].keys()]
rows = [list(d['paramValues'])+[s for s in d.values()] for d in data.values()]
cols = [str(d['label']) for d in params]+[s for s in data[data.keys()[0]].keys()]
df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=cols)
df['simLabel'] = data.keys()
for col in list(df.columns):
if col.startswith("[u'"):
colName = col.replace(", u'","_'").replace("[u","").replace("'","").replace("]","").replace(", ","_")
df.columns = colRename
return df
def setPlotFormat(numColors=8):
# plt.style.use('ggplot')
#plt.style.use(['dark_background', 'presentation'])
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 12
plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 14
plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 12
plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 'large'
NUM_COLORS = numColors
colormap = plt.get_cmap('nipy_spectral')
colorlist = [colormap(1.*i/NUM_COLORS) for i in range(NUM_COLORS)]
# add red and blue at the beginning
# colorlist.insert(0, [1, 0, 0])
# colorlist.insert(0, [0, 0, 1])
plt.rc('axes', prop_cycle=(cycler('color', colorlist)))
def compare(source_file, target_file, source_key=None, target_key=None):
from deepdiff import DeepDiff
with open(source_file, 'r') as fileObj:
if source_file.endswith('.json'):
source = json.load(fileObj, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
elif source_file.endswith('.pkl'):
source = pickle.load(fileObj)
if source_key: source = source[source_key]
with open(target_file, 'r') as fileObj:
if target_file.endswith('.json'):
target = json.load(fileObj, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
elif source_file.endswith('.pkl'):
target = pickle.load(fileObj)
if target_key: target = target[target_key]
ddiff = DeepDiff(source, target)
return ddiff
def readBatchData(dataFolder, batchLabel, loadAll=False, saveAll=True, vars=None, maxCombs=None, listCombs=None):
# load from previously saved file with all data
if loadAll:
print('\nLoading single file with all data...')
filename = '%s/%s/%s_allData.json' % (dataFolder, batchLabel, batchLabel)
with open(filename, 'r') as fileObj:
dataLoad = json.load(fileObj, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
params = dataLoad['params']
data = dataLoad['data']
return params, data
if isinstance(listCombs, basestring):
filename = str(listCombs)
with open(filename, 'r') as fileObj:
dataLoad = json.load(fileObj)
listCombs = dataLoad['paramsMatch']
# read the batch file and cfg
batchFile = '%s/%s/%s_batch.json' % (dataFolder, batchLabel, batchLabel)
with open(batchFile, 'r') as fileObj:
b = json.load(fileObj)['batch']
# read params labels and ranges
params = b['params']
# reorder so grouped params come first
preorder = [p for p in params if 'group' in p and p['group']]
for p in params:
if p not in preorder: preorder.append(p)
params = preorder
# read vars from all files - store in dict
if b['method'] == 'grid':
labelList, valuesList = zip(*[(p['label'], p['values']) for p in params])
valueCombinations = product(*(valuesList))
indexCombinations = product(*[range(len(x)) for x in valuesList])
data = {}
print('Reading data...')
missing = 0
for i,(iComb, pComb) in enumerate(zip(indexCombinations, valueCombinations)):
if (not maxCombs or i<= maxCombs) and (not listCombs or list(pComb) in listCombs):
print(i, iComb)
# read output file
iCombStr = ''.join([''.join('_'+str(i)) for i in iComb])
simLabel = b['batchLabel']+iCombStr
outFile = b['saveFolder']+'/'+simLabel+'.json'
with open(outFile, 'r') as fileObj:
output = json.load(fileObj, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
# save output file in data dict
data[iCombStr] = {}
data[iCombStr]['paramValues'] = pComb # store param values
if not vars: vars = output.keys()
for key in vars:
if isinstance(key, tuple):
container = output
for ikey in range(len(key)-1):
container = container[key[ikey]]
data[iCombStr][key[1]] = container[key[-1]]
elif isinstance(key, basestring):
data[iCombStr][key] = output[key]
print('... file missing')
missing = missing + 1
output = {}
missing = missing + 1
print('%d files missing' % (missing))
# save
if saveAll:
print('Saving to single file with all data')
filename = '%s/%s/%s_allData.json' % (dataFolder, batchLabel, batchLabel)
dataSave = {'params': params, 'data': data}
with open(filename, 'w') as fileObj:
json.dump(dataSave, fileObj)
return params, data
def plotsFromFile(filename, raster=True, stats=True, rates=False, syncs=False, hist=True, psd=True, grang=True, traces=True, plotAll=False,
timeRange=None, textTop='', include={'raster':[]}, popColors=None, orderBy='gid'):
from netpyne import specs
from collections import OrderedDict
# try:
if filename.endswith('.json'):
with open(filename, 'rb') as fileObj:
data = json.load(fileObj, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
elif filename.endswith('.pkl'):
with open(filename, 'rb') as fileObj:
data = pickle.load(fileObj)
# except:
# print('Error opening file %s' % (filename))
# return 0
sim,data, out = plotsFromData(data, raster=raster, stats=stats, rates=rates, syncs=syncs, hist=hist, psd=psd, traces=traces, grang=grang,
plotAll=plotAll, timeRange=timeRange, textTop=textTop, include=include, popColors=popColors, orderBy=orderBy)
return sim,data, out
def plotsFromData(data, textTop = '', raster=True, stats=False, rates=False, syncs=False, hist=True, psd=True, traces=True, grang=True,
plotAll=0, timeRange=None, include=None, popColors=None, orderBy='gid'):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from netpyne import specs,sim
if 'simConfig' in data:
cfg = specs.SimConfig(data['simConfig'])
cfg = specs.SimConfig()
cfg.createNEURONObj = False
sim.initialize() # create network object and set cfg and net params
sim.loadAll('', data=data, instantiate=False)
import collections
temp = collections.OrderedDict()
if len(include['raster']) == 0:
include['raster'] = popColors.keys()
# order pops by keys in popColors
for k in include['raster']:
if k in sim.net.params.popParams:
temp[k] = sim.net.params.popParams.pop(k)
# add remaining pops at the end
for k in list(sim.net.params.popParams.keys()):
temp[k] = sim.net.params.popParams.pop(k)
sim.net.params.popParams = temp
print('Cells created: ',len(sim.net.allCells))
sim.cfg.createNEURONObj = False
sim.allSimData = data['simData']
out = None
if raster or plotAll:
fig1 = sim.analysis.plotRaster(include=include['raster'], timeRange=timeRange, labels='overlay', popRates=False, orderInverse=True, lw=0, markerSize=5,
marker='.', popColors=popColors, showFig=0, saveFig=0, figSize=(10,8), orderBy=orderBy)
ax = plt.gca()
plt.text(0.05, 1.07, textTop, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=12, color='k')
plt.ylabel('Neuron number')
plt.savefig(cfg.filename+'_raster_%d_%d_%s.png'%(timeRange[0], timeRange[1], orderBy), dpi=600)
if stats or plotAll:
filename = cfg.filename+'_%d_%d'%(timeRange[0], timeRange[1])
fig1 = sim.analysis.plotSpikeStats(include=include['stats'], figSize=(4,8), timeRange=timeRange, stats = ['rate', 'isicv'], popColors=popColors, showFig=0, saveFig=filename)
if rates or plotAll:
midpoint = (timeRange[1]+timeRange[0]) / 2.0
timeRanges = [[timeRange[0], midpoint], [midpoint, timeRange[1]]]
colors = [popColors[inc] if inc in popColors else (0,0,0) for inc in include['rates']]
out = sim.analysis.plotRates(include=include['rates'], timeRanges=timeRanges, figSize=(4,2), timeRangeLabels=['Pre stim', 'Post stim'], colors=colors, showFig=0, saveFig=1)
if syncs or plotAll:
midpoint = (timeRange[1]+timeRange[0]) / 2.0
timeRanges = [[timeRange[0], midpoint], [midpoint, timeRange[1]]]
colors = [popColors[inc] if inc in popColors else (0,0,0) for inc in include['syncs']]
fig1 = sim.analysis.plotSyncs(include=include['syncs'], timeRanges=timeRanges, figSize=(5,4), timeRangeLabels=['Pre stim', 'Post stim'], colors=colors, showFig=0, saveFig=1)
if hist or plotAll:
fig2 = sim.analysis.plotSpikeHist(include=include['hist'], yaxis='rate', binSize=5, graphType='bar', timeRange=timeRange, popColors=popColors, showFig=False, saveFig=0, figSize=(12,8))
ax = plt.gca()
plt.text(0.05, 1.07, textTop, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=12, color='k')
plt.savefig(cfg.filename+'_spikeHist_replot_%d_%d.png'%(timeRange[0], timeRange[1]))
if psd or plotAll:
popColors['allCells'] = 'k'
fig3 = sim.analysis.plotRatePSD(include=include['psd'], timeRange=timeRange, Fs=160, smooth=16 , showFig=0, saveFig=0, popColors=popColors, figSize=(11,5))
# ylim=[-55, 0]
ax = plt.gca()
plt.text(0.05, 1.07, textTop, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=12, color='k')
plt.savefig(cfg.filename+'_spikePSD_%d_%d.png'%(timeRange[0], timeRange[1]), dpi=300)
if traces or plotAll:
colors = popColors; colors=['r','b']
fig4 = sim.analysis.plotTraces(include=include['traces'], timeRange=timeRange, overlay = True, oneFigPer = 'trace', rerun = False, ylim=[-90, 30], axis='on', figSize = (12,4), saveData = None, saveFig = 1, showFig = 0)
return sim, data, out
def getSpksPop(data, timeRange=None):
from netpyne import specs,sim
cfg = specs.SimConfig(data['simConfig'])
cfg.createNEURONObj = False
sim.initialize() # create network object and set cfg and net params
sim.loadAll('', data=data)
sim.allSimData = data['simData']
spkts = sim.allSimData['spkt']
spkids = sim.allSimData['spkid']
popLabels = sim.net.allPops.keys()
gidPops = [cell['tags']['pop'] for cell in sim.net.allCells]
popNumCells = [float(gidPops.count(pop)) for pop in popLabels]
numCellsPop = {pop:float(gidPops.count(pop)) for pop in popLabels}
spktPop = {}
for pop, popNum in zip(popLabels, popNumCells):
if timeRange:
spktPop[pop] = [spkt for spkt,spkid in zip(spkts,spkids) if sim.net.allCells[int(spkid)]['tags']['pop']==pop if timeRange[0]<=spkt<=timeRange[1]]
spktPop[pop] = [spkt for spkt,spkid in zip(spkts,spkids) if sim.net.allCells[int(spkid)]['tags']['pop']==pop]
return spktPop, numCellsPop
def readBatchUpdatePopRates(dataFolder, batchLabel, timeRange=None, saveAll=True, loadAll=False):
# load from previously saved file with all data
if loadAll:
from netpyne import specs
print('\nLoading single file with all data...')
filename = '%s/%s/%s_allData_popRates.json' % (dataFolder, batchLabel, batchLabel)
with open(filename, 'r') as fileObj:
dataLoad = json.load(fileObj, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
params = dataLoad['params']
data = dataLoad['data']
return params, data
# load single sim to get netParams and simConfig
params, data = readBatchData(dataFolder, batchLabel, maxCombs=1)
# recreate net to get cell+pop params
from netpyne import specs,sim
cfg = specs.SimConfig(data.values()[0]['simConfig'])
cfg.createNEURONObj = False
sim.initialize() # create network object and set cfg and net params
sim.loadAll('', data=data.values()[0])
# caclulate pop stats
if not timeRange: timeRange = [0, cfg.duration]
tsecs = (timeRange[1]-timeRange[0])/1e3
popLabels = sim.net.allPops.keys()
gidPops = [cell['tags']['pop'] for cell in sim.net.allCells]
popNumCells = [float(gidPops.count(pop)) for pop in popLabels]
#numCellsPop = {pop:float(gidPops.count(pop)) for pop in popLabels}
popLabels = sim.net.allPops.keys()
# load spkt and spkid
params, data = readBatchData(dataFolder, batchLabel, vars=[('simData','spkt'),('simData','spkid'),('simData','popRates')], saveAll=False)
for d in data.values():
spkts = d['spkt']
spkids = d['spkid']
spktPop = {}
for pop, popNum in zip(popLabels, popNumCells):
spktPop[pop] = [spkt for spkt,spkid in zip(spkts,spkids) if sim.net.allCells[int(spkid)]['tags']['pop']==pop if timeRange[0]<=spkt<=timeRange[1]]
d['popRates'][pop] = len(spktPop[pop]) / popNum / tsecs # calcualte new popRate
d['spkt'] = None # remove to save space
d['spkid'] = None
# save
if saveAll:
print('Saving to single file with all data')
filename = '%s/%s/%s_allData_popRates.json' % (dataFolder, batchLabel, batchLabel)
dataSave = {'params': params, 'data': data}
with open(filename, 'w') as fileObj:
json.dump(dataSave, fileObj)
return params, data
# ---------
# Function to plot boxplot of model vs experiment
def stats_boxplot(dfStats, x, y, hue, color, overlayLine, quietExp, moveExp, quietModel, moveModel, figSize, fontsize, palette=None, order=None):
#my_pal = {'Model': color, 'Experiment': '#999999'}
if palette:
my_pal = palette
my_pal = {'Model': 'royalblue', 'Experiment': 'orange'}
ax = sb.boxplot(x=x, y=y, hue=hue, data=dfStats, palette=my_pal, showfliers=False, order=order)#, boxprops=dict(alpha=.75), linewidth=0.5, width=0.3) #
#plt.title (title, fontsize=fontsiz)
plt.ylabel('Firing Rate (Hz)', fontsize=fontsize)
ax = plt.gca()
for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
n = len(my_pal)
onlyStar = True
if overlayLine:
for i,(title,color) in enumerate(my_pal.items()):
if 'Experiment' in title:
data = [np.mean(quietExp), np.mean(moveExp)]
elif isinstance(quietModel, dict):
data = [np.mean(quietModel[title]), np.mean(moveModel[title])]
data = [np.mean(quietModel), np.mean(moveModel)]
if onlyStar:
plt.scatter(-0.4+(i*width)+width/2, data[0], marker='*', s=80, color='white', edgecolors='black')
plt.scatter(1-0.4+(i*width)+width/2, data[1], marker='*', s=80, color='white', edgecolors='black')
plt.plot([-0.4+(i*width)+width/2, 1-0.4+(i*width)+width/2], data, marker='*', markersize=10, linewidth=2, mec='black', mfc=color, color=color)
# fixed axis scale
maxRate = 30
plt.ylim(0, maxRate)
# ---------
# Function to plot lineplot with errorbar of model vs experiment
# Note: individual model line plots are taken from statDataAllQuiet and statDataAllMove, which contain all data points
# ie. filtering of >0.01 Hz has not been applied to these raw variables, so may not correspond to quietExp and moveExp
def stats_lineplot(title, quietExp, moveExp, quietModel, moveModel, statDataAllQuiet, statDataAllMove, modelInd, figSize, fontsize, printOutput=False, linestyle='-', colors={}):
avgFunc = np.mean
varFunc = np.std
capsize = 8 # set to 0 for legend
lw = 2
marker = 'o'
ms = 15 # set to 10 for legend
mec = 'black'
labelExp = 'Experiment'
# plot model
if not isinstance(quietModel, dict) and not isinstance(moveModel, dict) : # convert to common dict format
quietModel = {'Model': quietModel}
moveModel = {'Model': moveModel}
colors = {'Model': 'blue'}
for k in quietModel:
ax2 = plt.errorbar([0.2,0.8], [avgFunc(quietModel[k]), avgFunc(moveModel[k])], yerr=[varFunc(quietModel[k]), varFunc(moveModel[k])],
linewidth=lw, capsize=capsize, color=colors[k], marker=marker, markersize=ms, mec='black', elinewidth=elw,alpha=1.0) #mec='blue', mec='black')#, mfc='blue')
for cap in ax2[1]:
# plot experiment (move to top for legend)
if linestyle != '-': # either show exp data in lower alpha; or not include exp data at all
# ax1 = plt.errorbar([0.2,0.8], [avgFunc(quietExp), avgFunc(moveExp)], yerr=[varFunc(quietExp), varFunc(moveExp)],
# linewidth=lw, capsize=capsize, color='orange', alpha=0.5, marker=marker, markersize=ms, mec='black', linestyle=linestyle, elinewidth=elw) #mec='orange',)#, mfc='orange')
# ax1[-1][0].set_linestyle(linestyle)
ax1 = plt.errorbar([0.2,0.8], [avgFunc(quietExp), avgFunc(moveExp)], yerr=[varFunc(quietExp), varFunc(moveExp)],
linewidth=lw, capsize=capsize, color='orange', marker=marker, markersize=ms, mec='black', linestyle=linestyle, elinewidth=elw, alpha=1.0) #mec='orange',)#, mfc='orange')
for cap in ax1[1]:
ax = plt.gca()
trialsQuiet = []
trialsMove = []
for statTrialQuiet, statTrialMove in zip(statDataAllQuiet, statDataAllMove):
plt.plot([0.2,0.8], [avgFunc(statTrialQuiet[modelInd]), avgFunc(statTrialMove[modelInd])],
linewidth=0.25, color='royalblue', alpha=0.8)# capsize=capsize, elinewidth=0.25) #, capsize=capsize)
plt.xticks([0.2,0.8], ['Quiet', 'Movement'], fontsize=fontsize)
plt.ylabel('Firing Rate (Hz)', fontsize=fontsize)
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.18, bottom=0.1)
if printOutput:
for k in quietModel:
if len(k) > 0: print(k)
print('MODEL: %s +- %s (across cells): quiet=%.1f+-%.1f , move=%.1f+-%.1f'
% (avgFunc.__name__, varFunc.__name__, avgFunc(quietModel[k]), varFunc(quietModel[k]), avgFunc(moveModel[k]), varFunc(moveModel[k])))
print('EXP: %s +- %s (across cells): quiet=%.1f+-%.1f , move=%.1f+-%.1f'
% (avgFunc.__name__, varFunc.__name__, avgFunc(quietExp), varFunc(quietExp), avgFunc(moveExp), varFunc(moveExp)))
# -------------
# statistical tests
def stats_tests(title, quietExp, moveExp, quietModel, moveModel, sameLength=True):
import scipy
def pvalueStars(prob):
if prob <= 0.001:
probstar = '***'
elif prob <= 0.01:
probstar = '**'
elif prob <= 0.05:
probstar = '*'
probstar = 'ns'
return probstar
if sameLength:
if len(quietModel) > len(moveModel):
quietModel = quietModel[:len(moveModel)]
moveModel = moveModel[:len(quietModel)]
# Mann-Whitney U
dquiet_mw, probquiet_mw = scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu(quietExp, quietModel)
dmove_mw, probmove_mw = scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu(moveExp, moveModel)
probquietstar_mw = pvalueStars(probquiet_mw)
probmovestar_mw = pvalueStars(probmove_mw)
# confidence interval / significance level, alpha; typically 0.05
alpha = 0.05
c_alpha = {0.2: 1.07, 0.15: 1.14, 0.1: 1.22, 0.05: 1.36, 0.025: 1.48, 0.01: 1.63, 0.005: 1.73}
dstarquiet = c_alpha[alpha] * np.sqrt((len(quietExp)+len(quietModel) / len(quietExp)*len(quietModel)))
dstarmove = c_alpha[alpha] * np.sqrt((len(moveExp)+len(moveModel) / len(moveExp)*len(moveModel)))
# null hypothesis (same distribution) rejected if alpha >= prob
# i.e. same distribution NOT rejected if alpha < prob
print('\nMann-Whitney U:')
print('%s QUIET, N_exp=%d, N_model=%d, D=%f, D*=%f, alpha=%f, prob=%g %s' % (title, len(quietExp), len(quietModel), dquiet_mw, dstarquiet, alpha, probquiet_mw, probquietstar_mw))
print('%s MOVE, N_exp=%d, N_model=%d, D=%f, D*=%f, alpha=%f, prob=%g %s' % (title, len(moveExp), len(moveModel), dmove_mw, dstarmove, alpha, probmove_mw, probmovestar_mw))