
Starting script to run NetPyNE-based M1 model.

    python init.py # Run simulation, optionally plot a raster

MPI usage:
    mpiexec -n 4 nrniv -python -mpi init.py

Contributors: salvadordura@gmail.com

import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('Agg')  # to avoid graphics error in servers
from netpyne import sim

## Function to modify cell params during sim (e.g. modify PT ih)
def modifyMechsFunc(simTime):
    from netpyne import sim

    t = simTime

    cellType = cfg.modifyMechs['cellType']
    mech = cfg.modifyMechs['mech']
    prop = cfg.modifyMechs['property']
    newFactor = cfg.modifyMechs['newFactor']
    origFactor = cfg.modifyMechs['origFactor']
    factor = newFactor / origFactor
    change = False

    if cfg.modifyMechs['endTime']-1.0 <= t <= cfg.modifyMechs['endTime']+1.0:
        factor = origFactor / newFactor if abs(newFactor) > 0.0 else origFactor
        change = True

    elif t >= cfg.modifyMechs['startTime']-1.0 <= t <= cfg.modifyMechs['startTime']+1.0:
        factor = newFactor / origFactor if abs(origFactor) > 0.0 else newFactor
        change = True

    if change:
        print('   Modifying %s %s %s by a factor of %f' % (cellType, mech, prop, factor))
        for cell in sim.net.cells:
            if 'cellType' in cell.tags and cell.tags['cellType'] == cellType:
                for secName, sec in cell.secs.items():
                    if mech in sec['mechs'] and prop in sec['mechs'][mech]:
                        # modify python
                        sec['mechs'][mech][prop] = [g * factor for g in sec['mechs'][mech][prop]] if isinstance(sec['mechs'][mech][prop], list) else sec['mechs'][mech][prop] * factor

                        # modify neuron
                        for iseg, seg in enumerate(sec['hObj']):  # set mech params for each segment
                            if sim.cfg.verbose: print('   Modifying %s %s %s by a factor of %f' % (secName, mech, prop, factor))
                            setattr(getattr(seg, mech), prop, getattr(getattr(seg, mech), prop) * factor)

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Main code
cfg, netParams = sim.readCmdLineArgs()
    simConfig = cfg, 	
    netParams = netParams)  # create network object and set cfg and net params

sim.pc.timeout(300)                          # set nrn_timeout threshold to X sec (max time allowed without increasing simulation time, t; 0 = turn off)
sim.net.createPops()               			# instantiate network populations
sim.net.createCells()              			# instantiate network cells based on defined populations
sim.net.connectCells()            			# create connections between cells based on params
sim.net.addStims() 							# add network stimulation
sim.setupRecording()              			# setup variables to record for each cell (spikes, V traces, etc)

# Simulation option 1: standard
# sim.runSim()                              # run parallel Neuron simulation (calling func to modify mechs)

# Simulation option 2: interval function to modify mechanism params
sim.runSimWithIntervalFunc(1000.0, modifyMechsFunc)       # run parallel Neuron simulation (calling func to modify mechs)

# Gather/save data option 1: standard
# sim.gatherData()

# Gather/save data option 2: distributed saving across nodes 

sim.saveData()                    			# save params, cell info and sim output to file (pickle,mat,txt,etc)#
sim.analysis.plotData()         			# plot spike raster etc