High-level specifications for M1 network model using NetPyNE
Contributors: salvadordura@gmail.com
from netpyne import specs
import pickle, json
netParams = specs.NetParams() # object of class NetParams to store the network parameters
netParams.version = 56
from __main__ import cfg # import SimConfig object with params from parent module
from cfg import cfg
# General network parameters
netParams.scale = cfg.scale # Scale factor for number of cells
netParams.sizeX = cfg.sizeX # x-dimension (horizontal length) size in um
netParams.sizeY = cfg.sizeY # y-dimension (vertical height or cortical depth) size in um
netParams.sizeZ = cfg.sizeZ # z-dimension (horizontal depth) size in um
netParams.shape = 'cylinder' # cylindrical (column-like) volume
# General connectivity parameters
netParams.scaleConnWeight = 1.0 # Connection weight scale factor (default if no model specified)
netParams.scaleConnWeightModels = {'HH_simple': 1.0, 'HH_reduced': 1.0, 'HH_full': 1.0} #scale conn weight factor for each cell model
netParams.scaleConnWeightNetStims = 1.0 #0.5 # scale conn weight factor for NetStims
netParams.defaultThreshold = 0.0 # spike threshold, 10 mV is NetCon default, lower it for all cells
netParams.defaultDelay = 2.0 # default conn delay (ms)
netParams.propVelocity = 500.0 # propagation velocity (um/ms)
netParams.probLambda = 100.0 # length constant (lambda) for connection probability decay (um)
netParams.defineCellShapes = True # convert stylized geoms to 3d points
# special condition to change Kgbar together with ih when running batch
# note min Kgbar is assumed to be 0.5, so this is set here as an offset
if cfg.makeKgbarFactorEqualToNewFactor:
cfg.KgbarFactor = 0.5 + cfg.modifyMechs['newFactor']
# Cell parameters
cellModels = ['HH_simple', 'HH_reduced', 'HH_full']
layer = {'1':[0.0, 0.1], '2': [0.1,0.29], '4': [0.29,0.37], '5A': [0.37,0.47], '24':[0.1,0.37], '5B': [0.47,0.8], '6': [0.8,1.0],
'longTPO': [2.0,2.1], 'longTVL': [2.1,2.2], 'longS1': [2.2,2.3], 'longS2': [2.3,2.4], 'longcM1': [2.4,2.5], 'longM2': [2.5,2.6], 'longOC': [2.6,2.7]} # normalized layer boundaries
netParams.correctBorder = {'threshold': [cfg.correctBorderThreshold, cfg.correctBorderThreshold, cfg.correctBorderThreshold],
'yborders': [layer['2'][0], layer['5A'][0], layer['6'][0], layer['6'][1]]} # correct conn border effect
## Load cell rules previously saved using netpyne format
cellParamLabels = ['IT2_reduced', 'IT4_reduced', 'IT5A_reduced', 'IT5B_reduced', 'PT5B_reduced',
'IT6_reduced', 'CT6_reduced', 'PV_simple', 'SOM_simple', 'IT5A_full']# 'VIP_reduced', 'NGF_simple','PT5B_full'] # # list of cell rules to load from file
loadCellParams = cellParamLabels
saveCellParams = False #True
for ruleLabel in loadCellParams:
netParams.loadCellParamsRule(label=ruleLabel, fileName='cells/'+ruleLabel+'_cellParams.pkl')
# Adapt K gbar
if ruleLabel in ['IT2_reduced', 'IT4_reduced', 'IT5A_reduced', 'IT5B_reduced', 'IT6_reduced', 'CT6_reduced', 'IT5A_full']:
cellRule = netParams.cellParams[ruleLabel]
for secName in cellRule['secs']:
for kmech in [k for k in cellRule['secs'][secName]['mechs'].keys() if k.startswith('k') and k!='kBK']:
cellRule['secs'][secName]['mechs'][kmech]['gbar'] *= cfg.KgbarFactor
# Specification of cell rules not previously loaded
# Includes importing from hoc template or python class, and setting additional params
# Reduced cell model params (6-comp)
reducedCells = { # layer and cell type for reduced cell models
'IT2_reduced': {'layer': '2', 'cname': 'CSTR6', 'carg': 'BS1578'},
'IT4_reduced': {'layer': '4', 'cname': 'CSTR6', 'carg': 'BS1578'},
'IT5A_reduced': {'layer': '5A', 'cname': 'CSTR6', 'carg': 'BS1579'},
'IT5B_reduced': {'layer': '5B', 'cname': 'CSTR6', 'carg': 'BS1579'},
'PT5B_reduced': {'layer': '5B', 'cname': 'SPI6', 'carg': None},
'IT6_reduced': {'layer': '6', 'cname': 'CSTR6', 'carg': 'BS1579'},
'CT6_reduced': {'layer': '6', 'cname': 'CSTR6', 'carg': 'BS1578'}}
reducedSecList = { # section Lists for reduced cell model
'alldend': ['Adend1', 'Adend2', 'Adend3', 'Bdend'],
'spiny': ['Adend1', 'Adend2', 'Adend3', 'Bdend'],
'apicdend': ['Adend1', 'Adend2', 'Adend3'],
'perisom': ['soma']}
for label, p in reducedCells.items(): # create cell rules that were not loaded
if label not in loadCellParams:
cellRule = netParams.importCellParams(label=label, conds={'cellType': label[0:2], 'cellModel': 'HH_reduced', 'ynorm': layer[p['layer']]},
fileName='cells/'+p['cname']+'.py', cellName=p['cname'], cellArgs={'params': p['carg']} if p['carg'] else None)
dendL = (layer[p['layer']][0]+(layer[p['layer']][1]-layer[p['layer']][0])/2.0) * cfg.sizeY # adapt dend L based on layer
for secName in ['Adend1', 'Adend2', 'Adend3', 'Bdend']: cellRule['secs'][secName]['geom']['L'] = dendL / 3.0 # update dend L
for k,v in reducedSecList.items(): cellRule['secLists'][k] = v # add secLists
netParams.addCellParamsWeightNorm(label, 'conn/'+label+'_weightNorm.pkl', threshold=cfg.weightNormThreshold) # add weightNorm
# set 3d points
offset, prevL = 0, 0
somaL = netParams.cellParams[label]['secs']['soma']['geom']['L']
for secName, sec in netParams.cellParams[label]['secs'].items():
sec['geom']['pt3d'] = []
if secName in ['soma', 'Adend1', 'Adend2', 'Adend3']: # set 3d geom of soma and Adends
sec['geom']['pt3d'].append([offset+0, prevL, 0, sec['geom']['diam']])
prevL = float(prevL + sec['geom']['L'])
sec['geom']['pt3d'].append([offset+0, prevL, 0, sec['geom']['diam']])
if secName in ['Bdend']: # set 3d geom of Bdend
sec['geom']['pt3d'].append([offset+0, somaL, 0, sec['geom']['diam']])
sec['geom']['pt3d'].append([offset+sec['geom']['L'], somaL, 0, sec['geom']['diam']])
if secName in ['axon']: # set 3d geom of axon
sec['geom']['pt3d'].append([offset+0, 0, 0, sec['geom']['diam']])
sec['geom']['pt3d'].append([offset+0, -sec['geom']['L'], 0, sec['geom']['diam']])
if saveCellParams: netParams.saveCellParamsRule(label=label, fileName='cells/'+label+'_cellParams.pkl')
## PT5B full cell model params (700+ comps)
if 'PT5B_full' not in loadCellParams:
ihMod2str = {'harnett': 1, 'kole': 2, 'migliore': 3}
cellRule = netParams.importCellParams(label='PT5B_full', conds={'cellType': 'PT', 'cellModel': 'HH_full'},
fileName='cells/PTcell.hoc', cellName='PTcell', cellArgs=[ihMod2str[cfg.ihModel], cfg.ihSlope], somaAtOrigin=True)
nonSpiny = ['apic_0', 'apic_1']
netParams.addCellParamsSecList(label='PT5B_full', secListName='perisom', somaDist=[0, 50]) # sections within 50 um of soma
netParams.addCellParamsSecList(label='PT5B_full', secListName='below_soma', somaDistY=[-600, 0]) # sections within 0-300 um of soma
for sec in nonSpiny: cellRule['secLists']['perisom'].remove(sec)
cellRule['secLists']['alldend'] = [sec for sec in cellRule.secs if ('dend' in sec or 'apic' in sec)] # basal+apical
cellRule['secLists']['apicdend'] = [sec for sec in cellRule.secs if ('apic' in sec)] # apical
cellRule['secLists']['spiny'] = [sec for sec in cellRule['secLists']['alldend'] if sec not in nonSpiny]
# Adapt ih params based on cfg param
for secName in cellRule['secs']:
for mechName,mech in cellRule['secs'][secName]['mechs'].items():
if mechName in ['ih','h','h15', 'hd']:
mech['gbar'] = [g*cfg.ihGbar for g in mech['gbar']] if isinstance(mech['gbar'],list) else mech['gbar']*cfg.ihGbar
if cfg.ihModel == 'migliore':
mech['clk'] = cfg.ihlkc # migliore's shunt current factor
mech['elk'] = cfg.ihlke # migliore's shunt current reversal potential
if secName.startswith('dend'):
mech['gbar'] *= cfg.ihGbarBasal # modify ih conductance in soma+basal dendrites
mech['clk'] *= cfg.ihlkcBasal # modify ih conductance in soma+basal dendrites
if secName in cellRule['secLists']['below_soma']: #secName.startswith('dend'):
mech['clk'] *= cfg.ihlkcBelowSoma # modify ih conductance in soma+basal dendrites
# Adapt K gbar
for kmech in [k for k in cellRule['secs'][secName]['mechs'].keys() if k.startswith('k') and k!='kBK']:
cellRule['secs'][secName]['mechs'][kmech]['gbar'] *= cfg.KgbarFactor
# Reduce dend Na to avoid dend spikes (compensate properties by modifying axon params)
for secName in cellRule['secLists']['alldend']:
cellRule['secs'][secName]['mechs']['nax']['gbar'] = 0.0153130368342 * cfg.dendNa # 0.25
cellRule['secs']['soma']['mechs']['nax']['gbar'] = 0.0153130368342 * cfg.somaNa
cellRule['secs']['axon']['mechs']['nax']['gbar'] = 0.0153130368342 * cfg.axonNa # 11
cellRule['secs']['axon']['geom']['Ra'] = 137.494564931 * cfg.axonRa # 0.005
# Remove Na (TTX)
if cfg.removeNa:
for secName in cellRule['secs']: cellRule['secs'][secName]['mechs']['nax']['gbar'] = 0.0
netParams.addCellParamsWeightNorm('PT5B_full', 'conn/PT5B_full_weightNorm.pkl', threshold=cfg.weightNormThreshold) # load weight norm
if saveCellParams: netParams.saveCellParamsRule(label='PT5B_full', fileName='cells/PT5B_full_cellParams.pkl')
## IT5A full cell model params (700+ comps)
if 'IT5A_full' not in loadCellParams:
cellRule = netParams.importCellParams(label='IT5A_full', conds={'cellType': 'IT', 'cellModel': 'HH_full', 'ynorm': layer['5A']},
fileName='cells/ITcell.py', cellName='ITcell', cellArgs={'params': 'BS1579'}, somaAtOrigin=True)
netParams.renameCellParamsSec(label='IT5A_full', oldSec='soma_0', newSec='soma')
netParams.addCellParamsWeightNorm('IT5A_full', 'conn/IT_full_BS1579_weightNorm.pkl', threshold=cfg.weightNormThreshold) # add weightNorm before renaming soma_0
netParams.addCellParamsSecList(label='IT5A_full', secListName='perisom', somaDist=[0, 50]) # sections within 50 um of soma
cellRule['secLists']['alldend'] = [sec for sec in cellRule.secs if ('dend' in sec or 'apic' in sec)] # basal+apical
cellRule['secLists']['apicdend'] = [sec for sec in cellRule.secs if ('apic' in sec)] # basal+apical
cellRule['secLists']['spiny'] = [sec for sec in cellRule['secLists']['alldend'] if sec not in ['apic_0', 'apic_1']]
# Adapt K gbar
for secName in cellRule['secs']:
for kmech in [k for k in cellRule['secs'][secName]['mechs'].keys() if k.startswith('k') and k!='kBK']:
cellRule['secs'][secName]['mechs'][kmech]['gbar'] *= cfg.KgbarFactor
if saveCellParams: netParams.saveCellParamsRule(label='IT5A_full', fileName='cells/IT5A_full_cellParams.pkl')
## IT5B full cell model params (700+ comps) - not used
# if 'IT5B_full' not in loadCellParams:
# cellRule = netParams.importCellParams(label='IT5B_full', conds={'cellType': 'IT', 'cellModel': 'HH_full', 'ynorm': layer['5B']},
# fileName='cells/ITcell.py', cellName='ITcell', cellArgs={'params': 'BS1579'}, somaAtOrigin=True)
# netParams.addCellParamsSecList(label='IT5B_full', secListName='perisom', somaDist=[0, 50]) # sections within 50 um of soma
# cellRule['secLists']['alldend'] = [sec for sec in cellRule.secs if ('dend' in sec or 'apic' in sec)] # basal+apical
# cellRule['secLists']['apicdend'] = [sec for sec in cellRule.secs if ('apic' in sec)] # basal+apical
# cellRule['secLists']['spiny'] = [sec for sec in cellRule['secLists']['alldend'] if sec not in ['apic_0', 'apic_1']]
# netParams.addCellParamsWeightNorm('IT5B_full', 'conn/IT_full_BS1579_weightNorm.pkl')
# netParams.saveCellParamsRule(label='IT5B_full', fileName='cells/IT5B_full_cellParams.pkl')
## PV cell params (3-comp)
if 'PV_simple' not in loadCellParams:
cellRule = netParams.importCellParams(label='PV_simple', conds={'cellType':'PV', 'cellModel':'HH_simple'},
fileName='cells/FS3.hoc', cellName='FScell1', cellInstance = True)
cellRule['secLists']['spiny'] = ['soma', 'dend']
netParams.addCellParamsWeightNorm('PV_simple', 'conn/PV_simple_weightNorm.pkl', threshold=cfg.weightNormThreshold)
if saveCellParams: netParams.saveCellParamsRule(label='PV_simple', fileName='cells/PV_simple_cellParams.pkl')
## SOM cell params (3-comp)
if 'SOM_simple' not in loadCellParams:
cellRule = netParams.importCellParams(label='SOM_simple', conds={'cellType':'SOM', 'cellModel':'HH_simple'},
fileName='cells/LTS3.hoc', cellName='LTScell1', cellInstance = True)
cellRule['secLists']['spiny'] = ['soma', 'dend']
netParams.addCellParamsWeightNorm('SOM_simple', 'conn/SOM_simple_weightNorm.pkl', threshold=cfg.weightNormThreshold)
if saveCellParams: netParams.saveCellParamsRule(label='SOM_simple', fileName='cells/SOM_simple_cellParams.pkl')
# Population parameters
## load densities
with open('cells/cellDensity.pkl', 'rb') as fileObj: density = pickle.load(fileObj)['density']
## Local populations
netParams.popParams['IT2'] = {'cellModel': cfg.cellmod['IT2'], 'cellType': 'IT', 'ynormRange': layer['2'], 'density': density[('M1','E')][0]}
netParams.popParams['SOM2'] = {'cellModel': 'HH_simple', 'cellType': 'SOM','ynormRange': layer['24'], 'density': density[('M1','SOM')][5]}
netParams.popParams['PV2'] = {'cellModel': 'HH_simple', 'cellType': 'PV', 'ynormRange': layer['24'], 'density': density[('M1','PV')][5]}
netParams.popParams['IT4'] = {'cellModel': cfg.cellmod['IT4'], 'cellType': 'IT', 'ynormRange': layer['4'], 'density': density[('M1','E')][1]}
netParams.popParams['IT5A'] = {'cellModel': cfg.cellmod['IT5A'], 'cellType': 'IT', 'ynormRange': layer['5A'], 'density': density[('M1','E')][2]}
netParams.popParams['SOM5A'] = {'cellModel': 'HH_simple', 'cellType': 'SOM','ynormRange': layer['5A'], 'density': density[('M1','SOM')][2]}
netParams.popParams['PV5A'] = {'cellModel': 'HH_simple', 'cellType': 'PV', 'ynormRange': layer['5A'], 'density': density[('M1','PV')][2]}
netParams.popParams['IT5B'] = {'cellModel': cfg.cellmod['IT5B'], 'cellType': 'IT', 'ynormRange': layer['5B'], 'density': 0.5*density[('M1','E')][3]}
netParams.popParams['PT5B'] = {'cellModel': cfg.cellmod['PT5B'], 'cellType': 'PT', 'ynormRange': layer['5B'], 'density': 0.5*density[('M1','E')][3]}
netParams.popParams['SOM5B'] = {'cellModel': 'HH_simple', 'cellType': 'SOM','ynormRange': layer['5B'], 'density': density[('M1','SOM')][3]}
netParams.popParams['PV5B'] = {'cellModel': 'HH_simple', 'cellType': 'PV', 'ynormRange': layer['5B'], 'density': density[('M1','PV')][3]}
netParams.popParams['IT6'] = {'cellModel': cfg.cellmod['IT6'], 'cellType': 'IT', 'ynormRange': layer['6'], 'density': 0.5*density[('M1','E')][4]}
netParams.popParams['CT6'] = {'cellModel': cfg.cellmod['CT6'], 'cellType': 'CT', 'ynormRange': layer['6'], 'density': 0.5*density[('M1','E')][4]}
netParams.popParams['SOM6'] = {'cellModel': 'HH_simple', 'cellType': 'SOM','ynormRange': layer['6'], 'density': density[('M1','SOM')][4]}
netParams.popParams['PV6'] = {'cellModel': 'HH_simple', 'cellType': 'PV', 'ynormRange': layer['6'], 'density': density[('M1','PV')][4]}
if cfg.singleCellPops:
for pop in netParams.popParams.values(): pop['numCells'] = 1
## Long-range input populations (VecStims)
if cfg.addLongConn:
## load experimentally based parameters for long range inputs
with open('conn/conn_long.pkl', 'rb') as fileObj: connLongData = pickle.load(fileObj)
#ratesLong = connLongData['rates']
numCells = cfg.numCellsLong
noise = cfg.noiseLong
start = cfg.startLong
longPops = ['TPO', 'TVL', 'S1', 'S2', 'cM1', 'M2', 'OC']
## create populations with fixed
for longPop in longPops:
netParams.popParams[longPop] = {'cellModel': 'VecStim', 'numCells': numCells, 'rate': cfg.ratesLong[longPop],
'noise': noise, 'start': start, 'pulses': [], 'ynormRange': layer['long'+longPop]}
if isinstance(cfg.ratesLong[longPop], str): # filename to load spikes from
spikesFile = cfg.ratesLong[longPop]
with open(spikesFile, 'r') as f: spks = json.load(f)
netParams.popParams[longPop]['spkTimes'] = spks
# Synaptic mechanism parameters
netParams.synMechParams['NMDA'] = {'mod': 'MyExp2SynNMDABB', 'tau1NMDA': 15, 'tau2NMDA': 150, 'e': 0}
netParams.synMechParams['AMPA'] = {'mod':'MyExp2SynBB', 'tau1': 0.05, 'tau2': 5.3*cfg.AMPATau2Factor, 'e': 0}
netParams.synMechParams['GABAB'] = {'mod':'MyExp2SynBB', 'tau1': 3.5, 'tau2': 260.9, 'e': -93}
netParams.synMechParams['GABAA'] = {'mod':'MyExp2SynBB', 'tau1': 0.07, 'tau2': 18.2, 'e': -80}
netParams.synMechParams['GABAASlow'] = {'mod': 'MyExp2SynBB','tau1': 2, 'tau2': 100, 'e': -80}
netParams.synMechParams['GABAASlowSlow'] = {'mod': 'MyExp2SynBB', 'tau1': 200, 'tau2': 400, 'e': -80}
ESynMech = ['AMPA', 'NMDA']
SOMESynMech = ['GABAASlow','GABAB']
SOMISynMech = ['GABAASlow']
PVSynMech = ['GABAA']
# Long range input pulses
if cfg.addPulses:
for key in [k for k in dir(cfg) if k.startswith('pulse')]:
params = getattr(cfg, key, None)
[pop, start, end, rate, noise] = [params[s] for s in ['pop', 'start', 'end', 'rate', 'noise']]
if 'duration' in params and params['duration'] is not None and params['duration'] > 0:
end = start + params['duration']
if pop in netParams.popParams:
if 'pulses' not in netParams.popParams[pop]: netParams.popParams[pop]['pulses'] = {}
netParams.popParams[pop]['pulses'].append({'start': start, 'end': end, 'rate': rate, 'noise': noise})
# Current inputs (IClamp)
if cfg.addIClamp:
for key in [k for k in dir(cfg) if k.startswith('IClamp')]:
params = getattr(cfg, key, None)
[pop,sec,loc,start,dur,amp] = [params[s] for s in ['pop','sec','loc','start','dur','amp']]
#cfg.analysis['plotTraces']['include'].append((pop,0)) # record that pop
# add stim source
netParams.stimSourceParams[key] = {'type': 'IClamp', 'delay': start, 'dur': dur, 'amp': amp}
# connect stim source to target
netParams.stimTargetParams[key+'_'+pop] = {
'source': key,
'conds': {'pop': pop},
'sec': sec,
'loc': loc}
# NetStim inputs
if cfg.addNetStim:
for key in [k for k in dir(cfg) if k.startswith('NetStim')]:
params = getattr(cfg, key, None)
[pop, ynorm, sec, loc, synMech, synMechWeightFactor, start, interval, noise, number, weight, delay] = \
[params[s] for s in ['pop', 'ynorm', 'sec', 'loc', 'synMech', 'synMechWeightFactor', 'start', 'interval', 'noise', 'number', 'weight', 'delay']]
# cfg.analysis['plotTraces']['include'] = [(pop,0)]
if synMech == ESynMech:
wfrac = cfg.synWeightFractionEE
elif synMech == SOMESynMech:
wfrac = cfg.synWeightFractionSOME
wfrac = [1.0]
# add stim source
netParams.stimSourceParams[key] = {'type': 'NetStim', 'start': start, 'interval': interval, 'noise': noise, 'number': number}
# connect stim source to target
# for i, syn in enumerate(synMech):
netParams.stimTargetParams[key+'_'+pop] = {
'source': key,
'conds': {'pop': pop, 'ynorm': ynorm},
'sec': sec,
'loc': loc,
'synMech': synMech,
'weight': weight,
'synMechWeightFactor': synMechWeightFactor,
'delay': delay}
# Local connectivity parameters
with open('conn/conn.pkl', 'rb') as fileObj: connData = pickle.load(fileObj)
pmat = connData['pmat']
wmat = connData['wmat']
bins = connData['bins']
#import conn_param
# pmat = conn_param.pmat
# wmat = conn_param.wmat
# bins = conn_param.bins
## E -> E
if cfg.addConn and cfg.EEGain > 0.0:
labelsConns = [('W+AS_norm', 'IT', 'L2/3,4'), ('W+AS_norm', 'IT', 'L5A,5B'),
('W+AS_norm', 'PT', 'L5B'), ('W+AS_norm', 'IT', 'L6'), ('W+AS_norm', 'CT', 'L6')]
labelPostBins = [('W+AS', 'IT', 'L2/3,4'), ('W+AS', 'IT', 'L5A,5B'), ('W+AS', 'PT', 'L5B'),
('W+AS', 'IT', 'L6'), ('W+AS', 'CT', 'L6')]
labelPreBins = ['W', 'AS', 'AS', 'W', 'W']
preTypes = [['IT'], ['IT'], ['IT', 'PT'], ['IT','CT'], ['IT','CT']]
postTypes = ['IT', 'IT', 'PT', 'IT','CT']
ESynMech = ['AMPA','NMDA']
for i,(label, preBinLabel, postBinLabel) in enumerate(zip(labelsConns,labelPreBins, labelPostBins)):
for ipre, preBin in enumerate(bins[preBinLabel]):
for ipost, postBin in enumerate(bins[postBinLabel]):
for cellModel in cellModels:
ruleLabel = 'EE_'+cellModel+'_'+str(i)+'_'+str(ipre)+'_'+str(ipost)
netParams.connParams[ruleLabel] = {
'preConds': {'cellType': preTypes[i], 'ynorm': list(preBin)},
'postConds': {'cellModel': cellModel, 'cellType': postTypes[i], 'ynorm': list(postBin)},
'synMech': ESynMech,
'probability': pmat[label][ipost,ipre],
'weight': wmat[label][ipost,ipre] * cfg.EEGain / cfg.synsperconn[cellModel],
'synMechWeightFactor': cfg.synWeightFractionEE,
'delay': 'defaultDelay+dist_3D/propVelocity',
'synsPerConn': cfg.synsperconn[cellModel],
'sec': 'spiny'}
## E -> I
if cfg.EIGain: # Use IEGain if value set
cfg.EPVGain = cfg.EIGain
cfg.ESOMGain = cfg.EIGain
cfg.EIGain = (cfg.EPVGain+cfg.ESOMGain)/2.0
if cfg.addConn and (cfg.EPVGain > 0.0 or cfg.ESOMGain > 0.0):
labelsConns = ['FS', 'LTS']
labelPostBins = ['FS/LTS', 'FS/LTS']
labelPreBins = ['FS/LTS', 'FS/LTS']
preTypes = ['IT', 'PT', 'CT']
postTypes = ['PV', 'SOM']
ESynMech = ['AMPA','NMDA']
lGain = [cfg.EPVGain, cfg.ESOMGain] # E -> PV or E -> SOM
for i,(label, preBinLabel, postBinLabel) in enumerate(zip(labelsConns,labelPreBins, labelPostBins)):
for ipre, preBin in enumerate(bins[preBinLabel]):
for ipost, postBin in enumerate(bins[postBinLabel]):
ruleLabel = 'EI_'+str(i)+'_'+str(ipre)+'_'+str(ipost)
netParams.connParams[ruleLabel] = {
'preConds': {'cellType': preTypes, 'ynorm': list(preBin)},
'postConds': {'cellType': postTypes[i], 'ynorm': list(postBin)},
'synMech': ESynMech,
'probability': pmat[label][ipost,ipre],
'weight': wmat[label][ipost,ipre] * lGain[i],
'synMechWeightFactor': cfg.synWeightFractionEI,
'delay': 'defaultDelay+dist_3D/propVelocity',
'sec': 'soma'} # simple I cells used right now only have soma
## I -> all
if cfg.IEGain: # Use IEGain if value set
cfg.PVEGain = cfg.IEGain
cfg.SOMEGain = cfg.IEGain
cfg.IEGain = (cfg.PVEGain+cfg.SOMEGain)/2.0
if cfg.IIGain: # Use IIGain if value set
cfg.SOMPVGain = cfg.IIGain
cfg.PVSOMGain = cfg.IIGain
cfg.SOMSOMGain = cfg.IIGain
cfg.PVPVGain = cfg.IIGain
cfg.IIGain = (cfg.PVSOMGain+cfg.SOMPVGain+cfg.SOMSOMGain+cfg.PVPVGain)/4.0
if cfg.addConn and (cfg.IEGain > 0.0 or cfg.IIGain > 0.0):
# Local, intralaminar only; all-to-all but distance-based; high weights; L5A/B->L5A/B
preCellTypes = ['SOM', 'SOM', 'SOM', 'PV', 'PV', 'PV']
ynorms = [(layer['2'][0],layer['4'][1]), (layer['5A'][0],layer['5B'][1]), (layer['6'][0],layer['6'][1])]*2
IEweights = cfg.IEweights * 2 # [I->E2/3+4, I->E5, I->E6] weights (Note * 2 is repeat list operator)
IIweights = cfg.IIweights * 2 # [I->I2/3+4, I->I5, I->I6] weights (Note * 2 is repeat list operator)
postCellTypes = ['PT', ['IT','CT'], 'PV', 'SOM']
IEdisynBiases = [None, cfg.IEdisynapticBias, cfg.IEdisynapticBias, None, cfg.IEdisynapticBias, cfg.IEdisynapticBias]
disynapticBias = None # default, used for I->I
# preCellTypes = ['SOM', 'PV']
# ynorms = [[0,1]]*2
# IEweights = cfg.IEweights * 2 # [I->E2/3+4, I->E5, I->E6] weights (Note * 2 is repeat list operator)
# IIweights = cfg.IIweights * 2 # [I->I2/3+4, I->I5, I->I6] weights (Note * 2 is repeat list operator)
# postCellTypes = ['PT', ['IT','CT'], 'PV', 'SOM']
# IEdisynBiases = [cfg.IEdisynapticBias, cfg.IEdisynapticBias]
# disynapticBias = None # default, used for I->I
for i,(preCellType, ynorm, IEweight, IIweight, IEdisynBias) in enumerate(zip(preCellTypes, ynorms, IEweights, IIweights, IEdisynBiases)):
for ipost, postCellType in enumerate(postCellTypes):
for cellModel in cellModels:
if postCellType == 'PV': # postsynaptic I cell
sec = 'soma'
synWeightFraction = [1]
if preCellType == 'PV': # PV->PV
weight = IIweight * cfg.PVPVGain
synMech = PVSynMech
else: # SOM->PV
weight = IIweight * cfg.SOMPVGain
synMech = SOMISynMech
elif postCellType == 'SOM': # postsynaptic I cell
sec = 'soma'
synWeightFraction = [1]
if preCellType == 'PV': # PV->SOM
weight = IIweight * cfg.PVSOMGain
synMech = PVSynMech
else: # SOM->SOM
weight = IIweight * cfg.SOMSOMGain
synMech = SOMISynMech
elif postCellType == ['IT','CT']: # postsynaptic IT,CT cell
disynapticBias = IEdisynBias
if preCellType == 'PV': # PV->E
weight = IEweight * cfg.PVEGain
synMech = PVSynMech
sec = 'perisom'
else: # SOM->E
weight = IEweight * cfg.SOMEGain
synMech = SOMESynMech
sec = 'spiny'
synWeightFraction = cfg.synWeightFractionSOME
elif postCellType == 'PT': # postsynaptic PT cell
disynapticBias = IEdisynBias
if preCellType == 'PV': # PV->E
weight = IEweight * cfg.IPTGain * cfg.PVEGain
synMech = PVSynMech
sec = 'perisom'
else: # SOM->E
weight = IEweight * cfg.IPTGain * cfg.SOMEGain
synMech = SOMESynMech
sec = 'spiny'
synWeightFraction = cfg.synWeightFractionSOME
if cellModel == 'HH_full':
weight = weight * cfg.IFullGain
ruleLabel = 'I_'+cellModel+'_'+str(i)+'_'+str(ipost)
netParams.connParams[ruleLabel] = {
'preConds': {'cellType': preCellType, 'ynorm': ynorm},
'postConds': {'cellModel': cellModel, 'cellType': postCellType, 'ynorm': ynorm},
'synMech': synMech,
'probability': '1.0 * exp(-dist_3D_border/probLambda)',
'weight': weight / cfg.synsperconn[cellModel],
'delay': 'defaultDelay+dist_3D_border/propVelocity',
'synsPerConn': cfg.synsperconn[cellModel],
'synMechWeightFactor': synWeightFraction,
'sec': sec,
'disynapticBias': disynapticBias}
# Long-range connectivity parameters
if cfg.addLongConn:
# load load experimentally based parameters for long range inputs
cmatLong = connLongData['cmat']
binsLong = connLongData['bins']
longPops = ['TPO', 'TVL', 'S1', 'S2', 'cM1', 'M2', 'OC']
cellTypes = ['IT', 'PT', 'CT', 'PV', 'SOM']
EorI = ['exc', 'inh']
syns = {'exc': ESynMech, 'inh': 'GABAA'}
synFracs = {'exc': cfg.synWeightFractionEE, 'inh': [1.0]}
for longPop in longPops:
for ct in cellTypes:
for EorI in ['exc', 'inh']:
for i, (binRange, convergence) in enumerate(zip(binsLong[(longPop, ct)], cmatLong[(longPop, ct, EorI)])):
for cellModel in cellModels:
ruleLabel = longPop+'_'+ct+'_'+EorI+'_'+cellModel+'_'+str(i)
netParams.connParams[ruleLabel] = {
'preConds': {'pop': longPop},
'postConds': {'cellModel': cellModel, 'cellType': ct, 'ynorm': list(binRange)},
'synMech': syns[EorI],
'convergence': convergence,
'weight': cfg.weightLong / cfg.synsperconn[cellModel],
'synMechWeightFactor': cfg.synWeightFractionEE,
'delay': 'defaultDelay+dist_3D/propVelocity',
'synsPerConn': cfg.synsperconn[cellModel],
'sec': 'spiny'}
# Subcellular connectivity (synaptic distributions)
if cfg.addSubConn:
with open('conn/conn_dend_PT.json', 'r') as fileObj: connDendPTData = json.load(fileObj)
with open('conn/conn_dend_IT.json', 'r') as fileObj: connDendITData = json.load(fileObj)
# L2/3,TVL,S2,cM1,M2 -> PT (Suter, 2015)
lenY = 30
spacing = 50
gridY = range(0, -spacing*lenY, -spacing)
synDens, _, fixedSomaY = connDendPTData['synDens'], connDendPTData['gridY'], connDendPTData['fixedSomaY']
for k in synDens.keys():
prePop,postType = k.split('_') # eg. split 'M2_PT'
if prePop == 'L2': prePop = 'IT2' # include conns from layer 2/3 and 4
netParams.subConnParams[k] = {
'preConds': {'pop': prePop},
'postConds': {'cellType': postType},
'sec': 'spiny',
'groupSynMechs': ESynMech,
'density': {'type': '1Dmap', 'gridX': None, 'gridY': gridY, 'gridValues': synDens[k], 'fixedSomaY': fixedSomaY}}
# TPO, TVL, M2, OC -> E (L2/3, L5A, L5B, L6) (Hooks 2013)
lenY = 26
spacing = 50
gridY = range(0, -spacing*lenY, -spacing)
synDens, _, fixedSomaY = connDendITData['synDens'], connDendITData['gridY'], connDendITData['fixedSomaY']
for k in synDens.keys():
prePop,post = k.split('_') # eg. split 'M2_L2'
postCellTypes = ['IT','PT','CT'] if prePop in ['OC','TPO'] else ['IT','CT'] # only OC,TPO include PT cells
postyRange = list(layer[post.split('L')[1]]) # get layer yfrac range
if post == 'L2': postyRange[1] = layer['4'][1] # apply L2 rule also to L4
netParams.subConnParams[k] = {
'preConds': {'pop': prePop},
'postConds': {'ynorm': postyRange , 'cellType': postCellTypes},
'sec': 'spiny',
'groupSynMechs': ESynMech,
'density': {'type': '1Dmap', 'gridX': None, 'gridY': gridY, 'gridValues': synDens[k], 'fixedSomaY': fixedSomaY}}
# S1, S2, cM1 -> E IT/CT; no data, assume uniform over spiny
netParams.subConnParams['S1,S2,cM1->IT,CT'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': ['S1','S2','cM1']},
'postConds': {'cellType': ['IT','CT']},
'sec': 'spiny',
'groupSynMechs': ESynMech,
'density': 'uniform'}
# rest of local E->E (exclude IT2->PT); uniform distribution over spiny
netParams.subConnParams['IT2->non-PT'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': ['IT2']},
'postConds': {'cellType': ['IT','CT']},
'sec': 'spiny',
'groupSynMechs': ESynMech,
'density': 'uniform'}
netParams.subConnParams['non-IT2->E'] = {
'preConds': {'pop': ['IT4','IT5A','IT5B','PT5B','IT6','CT6']},
'postConds': {'cellType': ['IT','PT','CT']},
'sec': 'spiny',
'groupSynMechs': ESynMech,
'density': 'uniform'}
# PV->E; perisomatic (no sCRACM)
netParams.subConnParams['PV->E'] = {
'preConds': {'cellType': 'PV'},
'postConds': {'cellType': ['IT', 'CT', 'PT']},
'sec': 'perisom',
'density': 'uniform'}
# SOM->E; apical dendrites (no sCRACM)
netParams.subConnParams['SOM->E'] = {
'preConds': {'cellType': 'SOM'},
'postConds': {'cellType': ['IT', 'CT', 'PT']},
'sec': 'apicdend',
'groupSynMechs': SOMESynMech,
'density': 'uniform'}
# All->I; apical dendrites (no sCRACM)
netParams.subConnParams['All->I'] = {
'preConds': {'cellType': ['IT', 'CT', 'PT', 'SOM', 'PV']+longPops},
'postConds': {'cellType': ['SOM', 'PV']},
'sec': 'spiny',
'groupSynMechs': ESynMech,
'density': 'uniform'}
# Description
netParams.description = """
- M1 net, 6 layers, 7 cell types
- NCD-based connectivity from Weiler et al. 2008; Anderson et al. 2010; Kiritani et al. 2012;
Yamawaki & Shepherd 2015; Apicella et al. 2012
- Parametrized version based on Sam's code
- Updated cell models and mod files
- Added parametrized current inputs
- Fixed bug: prev was using cell models in /usr/site/nrniv/local/python/ instead of cells
- Use 5 synsperconn for 5-comp cells (HH_reduced); and 1 for 1-comp cells (HH_simple)
- Fixed bug: made global h params separate for each cell model
- Fixed v_init for different cell models
- New IT cell with same geom as PT
- Cleaned cfg and moved background inputs here
- Set EIGain and IEGain for each inh cell type
- Added secLists for PT full
- Fixed reduced CT (wrong vinit and file)
- Added subcellular conn rules to distribute synapses
- PT full model soma centered at 0,0,0
- Set cfg seeds here to ensure they get updated
- Added PVSOMGain and SOMPVGain
- PT subcellular distribution as a cfg param
- Cylindrical volume
- DefaultDelay (for local conns) = 2ms
- Added long range connections based on Yamawaki 2015a,b; Suter 2015; Hooks 2013; Meyer 2011
- Updated cell densities based on Tsai 2009; Lefort 2009; Katz 2011; Wall 2016;
- Separated PV and SOM of L5A vs L5B
- Fixed bugs in local conn (PT, PV5, SOM5, L6)
- Added perisom secList including all sections 50um from soma
- Added subcellular conn rules (for both full and reduced models)
- Improved cell models, including PV and SOM fI curves
- Improved subcell conn rules based on data from Suter15, Hooks13 and others
- Adapted Bdend L of reduced cell models
- Made long pop rates a cfg param
- Set threshold to 0.0 mV
- Parametrized I->E/I layer weights
- Added missing subconn rules (IT6->PT; S1,S2,cM1->IT/CT; long->SOM/PV)
- Added threshold to weightNorm (PT threshold=10x)
- weightNorm threshold as a cfg parameter
- Separate PV->SOM, SOM->PV, SOM->SOM, PV->PV gains
- Conn changes: reduced IT2->IT4, IT5B->CT6, IT5B,6->IT2,4,5A, IT2,4,5A,6->IT5B; increased CT->PV6+SOM6
- Parametrized PT ih gbar
- Added IFullGain parameter: I->E gain for full detailed cell models
- Replace PT ih with Migliore 2012
- Parametrized ihGbar, ihGbarBasal, dendNa, axonNa, axonRa, removeNa
- Replaced cfg list params with dicts
- Parametrized ihLkcBasal and AMPATau2Factor
- Fixed synMechWeightFactor
- Parametrized PT ih slope
- Added disynapticBias to I->E (Yamawaki&Shepherd,2015)
- Fixed E->CT bin 0.9-1.0
- Replaced GABAB with exp2syn and adapted synMech ratios
- Parametrized somaNa
- Added ynorm condition to NetStims
- Added option to play back recorded spikes into long-range inputs
- Fixed Bdend pt3d y location
- Added netParams.convertCellShapes = True to convert stylized geoms to 3d points
- New layer boundaries, cell densities, conn, FS+SOM L4 grouped with L2/3, low cortical input to L4
- Increased exc->L4 based on Yamawaki 2015 fig 5
- v54: Moved from NetPyNE v0.7.9 to v0.9.1 (v54_batch1-6)
- v54: Moved to NetPyNE v0.9.1 and py3 (v54_batch7 onwards)
- v56: Reduced dt from 0.05 to 0.025 (note this version follows from v54, i.e. without new cell types; branch 'paper2019_py3')
- v56: (included in prev version): Added cfg.KgbarFactor