Fourier analysis module
import numpy as np
from collections import deque
class aswift():
Alpha sliding windowed infinite fourier transform (aSWIFT). The aSWIFT represents the fourier
transform at t=n as a function of the transform at t=n-1. The aSWIFT should be used
whenever the window overlap is large compared to the window length.
In order to normalize, the output should be divided by (taus-tauf).
tau_s : float (seconds)
Slow time constant
tau_f : float (seconds)
Fast time constant
f : float or array_like (Hz)
Center frequency(ies) of transform
fs : float (Hz)
Sampling frequency
See Also
def __init__(self, tau_s, tau_f, f, fs):
self.__tau_s = tau_s
self.__tau_f = tau_f
self.__f = f
self.__fs = fs
self.__slow = swift(self.tau_s,self.f,self.fs)
self.__fast = swift(self.tau_f,self.f,self.fs)
def slide(self, x):
Slide forward N samples, where N is the length of x.
x : float or array_like
Sample or array of samples
Xf : complex
Numpy.array of complex numbers at frequencies f
return self.slow.slide(x) - self.fast.slide(x)
def tau_s(self):
'''float : tau slow (s)'''
return self.__tau_s
def tau_f(self):
'''float : tau fast (s)'''
return self.__tau_f
def f(self):
float : center frequency (Hz)
return self.__f
def fs(self):
'''float : sampling frequency (Hz)'''
return self.__fs
def slow(self):
return self.__slow
def fast(self):
return self.__fast
class swift():
Sliding windowed infinite fourier transform (SWIFT). The SWIFT represents the fourier
transform at t=n as a function of the transform at t=n-1. The SWIFT should be used
whenever the window overlap is large compared to the window length.
In order to normalize, the output should be divided by tau.
tau : float or array_like (seconds)
Exponential window time constant(s)
f : float or array_like (Hz)
Center frequency(ies) of transform
fs : float (Hz)
Sampling frequency
See Also
def __init__(self,tau,f,fs):
tau,f,fs = self.__paramcheck(tau,f,fs)
self.__tau = tau
self.__f = f
self.__fs = fs
self.__ntau = self.tau*self.fs
self.Xf = np.zeros(len(self.f),dtype=complex)
self.e = np.exp(2j*np.pi*self.f/self.fs)*np.exp(-1./self.ntau)
def slide(self,x):
Slide forward N samples, where N is the length of x.
x : float or array_like
Sample or array of samples
Xf : complex
Numpy.array of complex numbers at frequencies f
x = np.asarray(x).reshape(-1)
for i in range(len(x)):
self.Xf = self.e*self.Xf + x[i]
return self.Xf
def __paramcheck(self,tau,f,fs):
Ensures all parameters are the correct type and in range.
try: tau = np.asarray(tau).reshape(-1)
except: raise TypeError('data type not understood. tau must be array_like')
try: f = np.asarray(f).reshape(-1)
except: raise TypeError('data type not understood. f must be array_like')
try: fs = float(fs)
except: raise TypeError('data type not understood. fs must be float')
if fs <= 0: raise ValueError('fs must be > 0')
if np.any(tau <= 0): raise ValueError('tau must be > 0')
if np.any(f <= 0): raise ValueError('f must be > 0')
return tau,f,fs
def tau(self):
return self.__tau
def ntau(self):
return self.__ntau
def f(self):
return self.__f
def fs(self):
return self.__fs